PBS has aired a damning report on Watchtower's mishandling of child abuse
PBS has aired a damning report on Watchtower’s mishandling of child abuse

Yesterday, February 16, 2015, at 6pm EST, PBS Newshour aired a stunning 9-minute expose of Watchtower’s policy of secrecy regarding pedophiles. Anyone who watched it will have been given a shocking glimpse of the magnitude of the problem of child sex abuse among Jehovah’s Witnesses.

As we reported on Saturday, investigative reporter Trey Bundy of The Center for Investigative Reporting has been working for many months interviewing various sources both inside and outside the organization.

Trey has looked over thousands of documents, including letters to elders (“memos” as he calls them), verifying that this is not simply a case of a few predators infiltrating an otherwise safe and responsible organization. There IS a systemic, firmly entrenched policy of silence and secrecy mandated by the Governing Body, inspired by their “two witness rule,” prohibiting elders from going straight to the police when accusations of child molestation arise.

Now, after many months of hard work on Trey’s part, we can now see the fruits of his meticulous investigation in this stunning, no-holds-barred report.

The above video is a remarkable piece of investigative journalism, and I for one haven’t seen anything like it before.

In my opinion, this even surpasses the Dateline and BBC reports on child abuse of 2002. Why? Because Trey Bundy, with his measured, non-sensationalist tone, calmly sets about presenting unequivocal evidence of the scandal without relying on hysteria, menacing music or people weeping in front of the camera.

Trey Bundy has been investigating Jehovah's Witnesses for more than nine months
Trey Bundy has been investigating Jehovah’s Witnesses for more than nine months


Damning letters and court depositions are shown, victims and former elders are interviewed, and we even get a glimpse of Watchtower arrogantly defending itself in court during the final oral arguments for the Candace Conti appeal by quoting scripture at the judge.

“Religious beliefs and standards of Jehovah’s Witnesses were at play in this case from start to to finish,” protests Jim McCabe on behalf of Watchtower at the Supreme Court of California. This statement alone should help convince Jehovah’s Witnesses that this is not a case of one or two bad apples. This is a problem that goes all the way to the top.










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160 thoughts on “PBS airs Trey Bundy’s must-see documentary on child sex abuse among Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • February 17, 2015 at 3:51 am

    Excellent video Lloyd and indeed the elders letter shows very clearly, how Watchtower have no interest in secular authorities getting information about child abuse in their organisation.This letter really is a must for all JWs to read.

  • February 17, 2015 at 4:18 am

    Well…it’s a start!
    I think this short news program will at least show active Jehovah’s Witnesses and people interested in becoming a JW that not everything is perfect in Watchtower land.
    I know that it will be a shock for brainwashed Kingdom Hall goers that they are getting some mud thrown back at them (after decades of flinging mud onto other religions).
    There is so much more to this story, a story that includes being lied to, being brainwashed, having your family and friends held hostage because everyone is afraid of being shunned, and having important decisions made for you as a young child (no sports, no celebrations and no ‘higher education’)
    So funny how the Jehovah’s Witnesses hid behind the Constitution and all the rights and freedoms provided by the government. But there are no rights or freedoms offered to you by their policies! Once you are a baptized JW then you have willingly given up every freedom that you should have. Can you imagine if this group could take over the world, like they dream of?!? The first thing they would do is bring back the death penalty and it would be applied for Apostasty, Blasphamy, Disobediance, Bad Attitude and whatever else they would want. Strangely enough, Child Molestation would be one of the misdemeanours and you would get some “strong Scriptural counsel”.
    It’s funny how the Jehovah’s Witness leadership COMMANDS all of the rank-and-file to do endless preaching and witnessing but when they are repeatedly asked to tell their side of the story in front of a camera it’s “no thanks”!

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:06 am

    So here I am. I’m a lifeguard at Amity beach. It’s thanksgiving, there are thousands of families and children on the beach and playing in the sea , problem is, I know something these families don’t. I know that in the water there is a man eating great white shark. Do YOU think I have a moral responsibility to warn those people of the danger?
    If a child dies because I failed to warn them would you believe I was partly guilty?
    What would YOU think of me if I failed and refused to assist the authorities in the subsequent investigation?
    Welcome to the child abuse policys of the Watchtower organization:-(

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:15 am

    Terrific video. May there be many more. I like how it was short and to the point. It said everything concisely — ANY thinking person would be horrified at the implications.

    Nearly fell off my chair listening to Richard Ashe explain that the congregation was responsible for “spiritual protection” and that physical protection was the remit of the secular authorities. How on earth are they supposed to find out if everything is kept secret?! Does he hear what comes out of his mouth? “It’s not our fault if the police aren’t doing their job.”

    My heart breaks for Candace Conti and her “guilt” at not coming forward sooner. What a burden has been placed upon her by this evil, twisted group of men.

    Better stop now before my head pops off.

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:15 am

    Thank you Cedars for this share. What a powerful piece of journalism this is. During my time with the JWs I always assumed that reporting child abuse fell under the scriptural admonition to render Caeser’s things to Caesar, because child abuse is a felony. It is ridiculous that the WTBTS thinks it can allow such behavior under the protection of the First Amendment. The people bringing this to light aren’t just holding a religion justly accountable for its irresponsible policies, they are making an important defense of civil liberties in America. I hope they continue their good work!

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:38 am

    I have a two word phrase for the Watchtowers abuse policies. . .begins with F and ends with two:-)

  • February 17, 2015 at 6:36 am

    I just viewed the PBS video on the child abuse case. Even though this is a good thing to bring this despicable organization to light, I just wanted to throw up listening to these ‘elders’ and ‘lawyers’. THIS IS AN EVIL AND FILTHY ORGANIZATION BY ALL STANDARDS!!!! (I don’t usually write in caps, but this deserves a shout.) I’m just seeing red.

  • February 17, 2015 at 6:40 am

    So the ultimate simplified version is pretty much: Watchtower says the physical protection of it’s members is the responsibility of the ‘secular authorities’. The Watchtower tells elders and members not to inform the ‘secular authorities about that abuse.

  • February 17, 2015 at 6:45 am

    I kind of felt a little bit sorry for the elders that were interviewed. Congregation elders are just regular guys that usually have full time jobs and families and tons of other responsibilities. They work a crazy amount of hours for zero pay organizing the congregations for The Watchtower and they just don’t have the time or the power to track and monitor pedophiles. Their hands are also tied by the orders from The Watchtower.
    It’s the Watchtower Society and their disgusting defense lawyers that are firmly to blame here.
    It’s their policy and their iron fist that keeps it being followed to the letter.

  • February 17, 2015 at 6:48 am

    @JJ: Yes, could you imagine a world ran by such evil people as the GB and WTS leadership? If it weren’t for the law, they would be stoning people at the entrance of every kingdom hall out there. Maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas, because I’m sure they would say this is religious freedom too. It would be a very Orwellian world with these {insert your expletive for illegitimate child} in charge. If that is ‘paradise earth’ then give me HELL any day of the week!

  • February 17, 2015 at 6:53 am

    @Gemma Sterling. I respectfully disagree. These guys that are elders know right from wrong in a very human and basic sense. Anyone that would cover such a filthy and heinous act as child abuse is just a guilty by accessory. If they have families then surely they should know better, because their children could be next victim!

  • February 17, 2015 at 7:17 am


  • February 17, 2015 at 7:23 am

    Isn’t it mind boggling that the victim here, Candace Conti, felt guilty that she hadn’t done more to stop the abuser, yet the JW organization – drowning in their own blood guilt, doesn’t seem to care at all. They make it a practice of silencing and expelling victims while keeping the sexual offenders hidden, protected and knocking on doors. Such a despicable organization – not from God!

  • February 17, 2015 at 7:32 am

    defence clergy privilege, well how many elders know of the crime, not one but a few, then you have bethel they contact, so how many know, its not confidential a one on one like with a priest, and as if the elders with kids that know of a ped in their cong are not going to tell their wives to keep the kids away from the creep. How can they plead confidentiality?
    They play spiritual warfare on their own sheep, “we don’t give information to those we deem not worthy” right so all the other b/s and the kids are not worthy of knowing that a ped is among them.

    Its trying to keep the information not only out of the media but away from most JW the donators, and shame on the elders where is their moral obligation to protect ALL the sheep not just their own.

  • February 17, 2015 at 7:40 am

    @gary, nice illustration that makes the point at a very visceral level.

    Also, I was thinking about how in the 70’s my mother was required to write a letter to the Catholic Church prior to becoming a JW so as not to “share in its sins”. I believe it was called the “shared sin” doctrine. Perhaps someone can correct me on whether this is required anymore or not.

    If you are a JW, and you are learning about these crimes, isn’t there a part of you that may want to say and/or write a letter? By keeping quiet, are you not “sharing” in the sins of the “Organization”? Besides, there are Biblical precedents to do something about it.

    The Bible is full of examples of prophets who came from within “Jehovah’s people” at various times. These prophets called out the hypocrisy of the people. If you are a JW is there any part of you that wants to call this out rather than excuse/justify it or keep silent? Something to think about.

    On a side note, if you are a JW and we were talking about the Catholic Church would you be so quick to use the same excuses/justifications you are using for the “Organization”? When the criticism is leveled at the “Organization” there is a part of your brain that knows that what they are doing is wrong but needs to be loyal to “Organization” at the same time. This discomfort creates “cognitive dissonance” (e.g. trying to reconcile two contradictory ideas in your head). Try to pay attention to that feeling. It is trying to tell you something…

  • February 17, 2015 at 7:51 am

    This is a start and a welcome one.

    Gemma Stirling,

    I understand your point. The elders should not be even attempting to police these disgusting paedophiles! That is the job for……the police and the courts! To even contemplate such an action is pure stupidity and arrogance.

    The ” just following orders” defence is as sterile and unworthy today as it was back in the days of the Nuremburg Trials. As citizens, we should be cooperating with the authorities in criminal cases such as paedophilia. If these gentlemen are Christians, then they are obliged to cooperate with the authorities (Romans 13)

    The elders suffer from the same delusions of grandeur as the governing body. They think themselves immune to prosecution or any obligation to report crimes to the authorities. That is not the case.

    The disgusting child protection policy of the WTBTS, which offers NO protection to children, can only operate with the active involvement and cooperation of the bodies of elders worldwide. If these fine, outstanding Christians would have the courage of their convictions, then the WTBTS would be unable to cover up child abuse any more.

    That being said, we must also recognise that many elders are heavily indoctrinated in this disgusting cult. Their consciences have been burnt out by the WTBTS to such an extent that they will willingly do the most appalling things.

    We need to have laws in place that deny the WTBTS any hiding place. These laws must then be vigorously enforced.

    A few prosecutions of elders may see the rest of that august body more willing to report crimes in the future!

    Peace be with you, Excelsior!

  • February 17, 2015 at 9:19 am

    John, I agree with everything you say here about the excellence of investigative reporting, except for one little thing you mentioned about people “weeping in front of the camera”. If you play the video of Candace Conti again, you will see that she does weep a little.

    • February 17, 2015 at 9:23 am

      Yes, I’m aware of that and thank you for highlighting this point. I just think the showing of emotion by victims, while not a bad thing by any means, is not a feature of this documentary to the same extent as its predecessors.

  • February 17, 2015 at 10:16 am

    Je suis d’accord

  • February 17, 2015 at 12:14 pm

    I certainly hope and pray that the watchtower loses its appeal in the Conti case, but I believe that no matter the outcome, anyone that knew about the abuser, including elders and GB, and did nothing to protect these children, will be held accountable. I truly believe that these men will answer for their action or inaction.

    I believe that justice will be done in some manner and that these people within the watchtower, who are trying to deflect and not take the blame for what has happened to innocent children, will be served with justice at some point.

  • February 17, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    It would have been nice if the piece was longer and more involved but there was enough information to get across to the public that the Watchtower clearly does not have any protection policies in place to protect children. I liked it that it was on PBS too so there was no denying it so people can’t come back and claim it was on an “apostate” website.

    When it was the Catholic Church that was in the news for it’s child sex abuse crimes, my husband was always saying something like “I don’t know why any Catholic would want to be in that religion after they found out what the priests did to those kids”, but when it comes to that show on PBS last night, all he cared about was the “ambulance chasing” lawyers and how greedy they are.

    He didn’t care at all about the abuse victims when it comes to his religion that he is so proud of belonging to. He kept saying “the Watchtower cooperates with the law and report the abuse” and I kept asking him how would he know they actually cooperate with the authorities and he kept saying “because they said they do” and I kept saying and how do you know they cooperate with the authorities just because they said they do because it’s really easy to say something but quite another thing to actually do what they say.

    What it boils down to, is if the Witnesses take the side against the victims and for the Society, they don’t care about the kids.

    I hope that those who were like Candice Conti and didn’t report the abuse will see how callous the Watchtower is in that piece on PBS last night and come forward. I think there are thousands of people just like her and never reported it and should have, against the advice of the elders.

  • February 17, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    In her opening comments she makes mention to “New light on the revelations”.

    “New Light…” perfectly and possibly inspired reference opening up this case of an old issue being given new attention.

    I can tell you as one who has seen much, this is an answer to the prayers of the victimized.

  • February 17, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    How can a person sit there and say nothing when there is a wolf in sheeps clothing? The Watchtower claims its up to the secular authorities to physically protect children and themselves. Not true Watchtower, not true. YOU are commanded to give your life for the protection of others. . . .Hypocrities!

  • February 17, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    “The elders suffer from the same delusions of grandeur as the governing body. They think themselves immune to prosecution or any obligation to report crimes to the authorities.”

    Quite right, Excelsior!. The delusions of grandeur are because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking they’ve been appointed by the Holy Spirit. You get the occasional nice one whose conscience bothers them when they’re confronted with this situation, but they’re too afraid to buck the system for fear of being disfellowshipped themselves. And then ‘where would they go’?

  • February 17, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    @anonymous. I was told by a wise man one time, “Where a person stands on an issue largely depends on where that person sits.” It is a shame that the WTS can blind good people from taking a stand that seems so obvious to everyone else. Now as far as the elders just obeying the WTS leadership; I have to agree with Excelsior in saying that is just as bad as the ‘I was just following orders’ defense the Nazi war criminals used.

    I wish you well and hope that this at least planted a seed of doubt in your husband, cracking that ivory tower image the WTS puts itself upon.

  • February 17, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    I wish that CBS’s “60 Minutes” would do a piece on this. They could blow the lid off of this despicable organization and it’s despot GB hiding behind (abusing) the constitution as a defense. Unfortunately, words cannot describe how evil and contaminated the leadership is in this ‘organization’.

  • February 17, 2015 at 3:18 pm

    So, let me get this straight in my mind.
    The Watchtower is seen quoting the scriptures at the Judges iin some sort of superstitious supercillious defence?
    How stupid do you consider these people (Judges) to be, are not many of the laws of the land based on the scriptures?
    The Watchtower has failed to protect and defend the innocent for their own selfish advantage and is now seen counter arguing against the victims with the Bible! And you represent YHWH???!
    I give you the men of Gibeah!!! (Judges 19)

  • February 17, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    @kat. Good thinking. You’ve exposed their hypocrisy in employing
    the first amendment to defend themselves, and avoid revealing the
    extent of paedophile activity in their org.

    While the law in the USA cannot force a minister of religion to divulge
    details of a penitents confession. The WTS, can and does require
    even “Demands” that they “Immediately” receive notification of any
    confession made to an elder.

    They have their own laws , and impose them on their followers, just
    like any sovereign state.

    So while leaning on penitent privilege to avoid the consequences of
    of their actions, they will not tolerate it in their own org.

  • February 17, 2015 at 3:57 pm

    The argument that “its someone else’s responsability” is not christian. It only took one Achan to condemn an entire nation (Israel) to destruction by association. Haphazardly allowing things like this to go on is against what the original apostles would have done. Pretending to be the body of Christ is a deadly game when everyone becomes guilty through association.

    I noticed the child molester had a mustache. It occurred to me he probably became Satan’s when he grew facial hair, which is in spirit against the organization’s direction. Sadly there is more policing of trivial things like this, but when a giant wormood-eaten rafter starts sinking in to destroy the house, nobody takes notice.

  • February 17, 2015 at 4:11 pm

    Love is above the law.
    Watchtower, you will lose the case. You have no moral justification to offer.

  • February 17, 2015 at 4:23 pm

    @Leo. A GOOD ANALOGY you have given in regard to Achan had to be stoned to Death because he bought BLOODGUILT on the Whole Organisation of Israel & Jehovah removed his blessing from the WHOLE ORGANISATION of ISRAEL resulting in the Deaths of 1000s of Israelites until they REMOVED the Guilty Man Achan from their midst.ALL the Millions of people of that Organisation of Israel KNEW WHAT the SIN was!!! So WHY NOT FOLLOW JEHOVAHS EXAMPLE & NAME the GOAT SHAPED PEDOPHILES & PROTECT the CHILDREN!!!

  • February 17, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    I couldn’t believe Richard Ashe,I’ve spent my entire life in the org under the impression that they were as concerned about my physical welfare as much as my spiritual welfare,I mean really how can one be seperate from the other,doesn’t it say in the book of James that when you see a brother in need physically that you have a scriptural responsibility to help,how could Richard Ashe say such a twisted thing,seems I’ve been lied to ! Again.
    I think it’s also noteworthy how much WT defense relies on the 1st amendment,I wonder how things would have gone without it?they should be thankful that the evil American Government that’s controlled by Satan has got them off the hook with their laws.

  • February 17, 2015 at 4:43 pm

    Does Anyone think STONING to DEATH ANTHONY MORRIS is TOO QUICK for such a BLOODGUILTY MAN!! I THINK as TONY me old mate likes quoting his Experiences in VIETNAM how about DEATH by HARD LABOUR Washing & Ironing 6000 Bethelites Sheets & Underwear non stop for 2520 DAYS Fed only on Bread & Fish!! HARSH???? Noooo!!! This Man? Along with 6 others DESTROYS FAMILIES,LIVES & STUNTS People’s CAREERS,Education,PROTECTS PEDOPHILES, Divides Mothers & Fathers from their Children.If JEHOVAH can KILL Ananias & Saphira for A HALF TRUTH!! Then Am I being Too Harsh???

  • February 17, 2015 at 4:57 pm

    How much longer can we /them all live in denial?

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:18 pm

    The problem is not necessarily the leaders, but the root that made the plant. The leaders are as confused as the followers. Attempting to tie bible prophesy with measurements in the Giza pyramid set the stage for the outlandish religion it would become. Child molestation and the way it is dealt with is just a symptom of an organization that does not originate with God. But the usual rules do apply – anyone who says takes a position as a doorway to God (something Jesus, the Truth, is) has to deliver or take the position of a harlot who destroys those who are linked to her. http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/6-16.htm

    It is my hope and prayer that this is a definitive case in either:

    A: They learn and turn back from presuming against the Christ, and correct their many issues.

    B: This is the end of their wandering leading the blind with their blind works.

    The government they have antagonized to this point might unwittingly put an end to them through endless stripping of money and wealth through these expensive problems they must face legally.

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:51 pm

    I can just see what jw defenders would say if they watched the coverage. “Oh look, they’re lying about us…we don’t even use a cross for worship” or “look she (Candace) wears a cross, she can’t have been a true witness”. When your brain goes into defence mode you will find whatever you need to protect your belief.

    Also, I wonder if that recent 9 page memo or elders letter would have gone over the heads of some of the elders, if they even read the whole thing. I wonder if they truly comprehend that eventually they (the elders) are ultimately the patsy for the org. The JWHQ have a clever way of speaking in riddles & using emotional words to sway thinking.

    This organisation that claims to be the happiest, loving organisation in the world reminds me of the Brady bunch. What a false representation of a family that was!

  • February 17, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    I remember in the early 1970s in the congregation I attended in Santa Clara County the reason for a person’s disfellowshipping was announced from the platform. I remember the elders in our congregation and the society was sued several times for defamation of character. Afterwards the reason could no longer be announced. I think that’s why known sex offenders aren’t announced to the congregation. I hope this lawsuit changes that.

  • February 17, 2015 at 6:19 pm

    I am thinking of the first girl Kendrick confessed to abusing and that was his step daughter. Kendrick and that wife divorced and he moved to another congregation and takes up with another Witness woman there and marries that woman.

    How did he get away with that without getting disfellowshipped? In the video, that one elder said that the elders were called to Kendrick’s house where he confessed to the crime to them and the elders wrote to the Society on what to do and the Society said not to investigate it further but to give Kendrick counsel and he was told to not be around children, but as it was, he was allowed to be around children anyway. So, obviously, he wasn’t even publicly reproved for his crime.

    So, why weren’t the elders supposed to investigate what he did from what the Society told those elders? How did his wife and step-daughter deal with the fact that Kendrick wasn’t disfellowshipped or even publicly reproved? Why was he allowed to get a divorce and not be disfellowshipped and allowed to move away and marry another woman during all of this? The letter to the new congregation from his old congregation seemed to imply he had a “rocky” marriage but why didn’t they question why was it rocky and why was he divorced?

    Why wouldn’t these elders in that new congregation find out about his divorce? Obviously his first wife got a divorce because of what he did but would that have been considered adultery and why would he have been free to remarry if it wasn’t considered adultery? If not, why not, since they got a divorce and he got remarried?

    Obviously it must have been considered adultery because of the reason he got remarried and it was okay in that new congregation. None of what those two congregations did made any sense at all. Even when the guy confessed to the 2nd molestation of that other little girl and he went to prison for it, the guy still didn’t get disfellowshipped. And then his 2nd wife is still with him and Kendrick is in good standing.

    I can’t imagine how angry the first wife has to be at the Society as well, with how badly those elders handled what happened to her daughter and how easy the elders and the Society let him off after what he did to his step daughter and then let the guy remarry with no problems involved in the remarriage.

    It would be different if it was just one girl’s word against his, but he confessed to both his step daughter and I think it was his 2nd wife’s granddaughter (the one he went to prison for).

    How could anybody stick up for an organization that would treat it’s children and wives with such little regard????

  • February 17, 2015 at 7:16 pm

    They say they keep the congregation clean but they don’t. I’m in good standing but I visit this website every day because I see how two faced they are. My niece confessed to committing adultery with two separate men two separate times. Nothing happened to her. She was put on private reproof. My brother used to be an elder so he coached her on the right words to say to stay out of trouble. If you have sex once it’s a weakness but if you have sex a second time it’s willful. She says she only had sex once so she remained out of trouble. Now she is married to the other man and they have a baby. She was put on private reproof. My brother, his wife and I lived with her ex husband. He is a nice man. His sons (my great nephews) love him and adore him. He remarried last year. We are friends with them. They say the elders are like shepherds. and they only shepherd the flock. What I see is two faced rules. Don’t go to the elders for help, they won’t get involved. Say the wrong thing, (use the wrong words) and you’ll get disfellowshipped. As long as you say the right things you won’t get into trouble. Tell the truth and you’ll get punished. I’m disgusted because I see how stupid and two faced it is. I’m not complaining they divorced and moved on with their lives. My complaint is the lieing and hypocrisy.

  • February 17, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    Something that struck me is that Candace Conti expressed guilt when her abuser went on to abuse another young girl. She was a victim herself, yet her sense of right and wrong motivated her to take a brave stand. I can’t help but wonder if the leaders of the witnesses ever question themselves? Do they ever feel guilty? I am guessing not. They can not ever admit to a mistake, or question themselves in any way. That would be tantamount to a crack in the dam. If any witness thinks they matter or their children matter, this should be a wake up call. Only JW.org matters, its reputation, its assets, its image, and its future endeavors. What type of upside down thinking is this when so called spiritual leaders are so transparently unconcerned with their followers.

  • February 17, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    If I hear the statement “Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse” one more time, I’m gonna hurl.
    I have an idea I will.

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