The Governing Body now claims that they as a group now occupy the role of the “faithful and discreet slave”, but this new teaching will be hard to explain

Reports are emerging of an announcement at the 128th Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses now considers itself to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class of Matthew 24:45 in its entirety.

Previously it was understood that the Governing Body were merely humble “representatives” of the “Slave Class”, which comprised the 12,000 or more anointed remnant of Christians with a heavenly calling still on earth. Despite claiming to be “representatives” of this group of people, suspicions were raised in the minds of many thinking Witnesses after reading articles such as the Questions From Readers of the August 15th 2011 Watchtower, where it was admitted that the Governing Body has no actual communication with memorial partakers (the “anointed”) and even feels that some of these ones may be mentally imbalanced. (see w11 8/15 p. 22)

Many have predicted that, at some point in the future, the Governing Body would end this confusion by claiming that they themselves are the Faithful and Discreet Slave, with the anointed remnant playing no special role. According to numerous reports this has finally happened. However, this remarkable claim opens a labyrinth of fresh doctrinal puzzles that future publications must now attempt to explain.

Crowds filing in to the Jersey Assembly Hall just prior to the meeting

The Annual Meeting at which this “new light” was revealed was held at Jersey Assembly Hall (The Stanley Theater), New Jersey on October 6th – the same day that a sensitive Watchtower letter was leaked on the internet.

Although I previously reported in this article that the meeting was NOT broadcast to other locations, this appears to be untrue. The meeting had a total audience of 15,514 including those watching via video link from Brooklyn, Patterson, Walkill and Canada. Some in attendance took notes of what was said during the meeting, and have leaked this extaordinary new information online, so the news is gradually spreading around the world even though this “new light” has not yet been presented officially in the publications as it normally would be. (Update: to read about the printed explanation of the “new light” in the July 15 2013 Watchtower, please click here)

Anointed demoted – Governing Body promoted

The new understanding was explained over a series of six talks delivered by various Governing Body members over a two-hour period. The purpose of the talks was to impart the following adjustments:

  • The Faithful and Discreet Slave was NOT appointed at Pentecost 33CE, meaning that there has not been a continuous line of members of the Slave Class on the earth down through the ages. The Slave Class was only appointed for the first time by Christ in 1919.
  • The Faithful and Discreet Slave is a small group of anointed brothers during Jesus’ presence serving at Watchtower Headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food. The individual members of the Governing Body are not the Faithful and Discreet Slave. They only act as the Faithful and Discreet Slave when they are working as a collective body in making decisions regarding the dispensing of spiritual food.
  • The “domestics” of Matthew 24:45 are all those who are fed spiritually by the Governing Body, whether of the anointed or “other sheep”. This includes individual members of the Governing Body when they partake of spiritual food.
  • The events described in Matthew 24:46,47 now refer to Jesus coming during the Great Tribulation and giving the Governing Body their reward in heaven along with the rest of the anointed.
  • The “belongings” of Matthew 24:47 refer to all of Christ’s heavenly and earthly interests.
  • Despite founding the Watch Tower Society, Charles Taze Russell was not part of the Slave Class because he was not alive and serving at Headquarters when Christ made his selection in 1919. The work of Russell and his associates was like that of the “messenger” in Malachi 3:1.
  • The cleansing of God’s people is ongoing because, apparently, the bible gives two accounts of Christ doing a “cleansing” work, once at the start and once at the end of his ministry

In addition to the doctrinal changes, it was also explained that:

  • The Governing Body members now make decisions based on a total majority, meaning that if a doctrinal understanding does not have full agreement by all Governing Body members, it is “shelved” until a future date.
  • The lecture for Gilead and Branch Schools about the Faithful and Discreet Slave being 1,900 years old has now been deleted.
Many will wonder why such a profound new understanding of scripture was disseminated during a corporate meeting, and not through Watchtower publications

It is understood that the above doctrinal changes will be explained in further detail in future Watchtower articles. However, it could potentially be months before these articles are published and then studied at congregation meetings. Reports on Annual Meetings are not normally published until the August 15th Watchtower is released in April of each year. In the meantime, many brothers will likely be confused and bewildered that the Governing Body has made such a radical departure from their previous understanding of Matthew 24:45. Still more will wonder why these dramatic adjustments were not first published in a Watchtower article so that they could be simultaneously disseminated throughout the entire organization rather than announced to a select few at a New York corporate meeting.

Anointed Christians who entertain a heavenly hope will feel particularly aggrieved at this latest humiliation. As memorial partakers they had already suffered the indignity of being labelled as potentially “mentally or emotionally imbalanced” in the aforementioned Questions From Readers article of the August 15th, 2011 Watchtower. In the same article, the Governing Body bluntly dismissed the suggestion that there was any requirement on their part to contact such ones when deciding over doctrinal matters.

Now the 12,000+ crowd of anointed spread throughout the earth has suffered the final insult of being demoted as members of the Faithful and Discreet Slave in favor of eight men in New York who have deemed themselves the only ones worthy of this title. When it comes to teaching Christ’s followers, the anointed must now share equal standing with the millions of the Great Crowd as Christ’s “domestics”, even though they are supposed to rule over such ones as kings and priests with Christ at some future date.

A subtle use of words

It is noteworthy that this “new light” stops short of expressly naming “the Governing Body” as the Faithful Slave – rather a “group” of anointed brothers serving at Watchtower headquarters, which can only be applied to the Governing Body in our present day. This distinction is significant, because it acknowledges that there was no Governing Body as we know it prior to 1971 – only the Watch Tower Society Board of Directors who, as I have explained in a previous article, were informally described as a “governing body” (lower case) only from 1944 onwards.

There was no Governing Body in 1919 when Christ supposedly came to make his inspection – only Rutherford and the Society’s directors

The significance of this is that, if Christ had come to inspect the organization and appoint the Governing Body as his Faithful Slave in 1919 he would have been disappointed, because this entity would not exist as a collective decision-making body for another 52 years! However, if Christ was less specific and instead chose “a group of anointed men at Headquarters” at that time, then Rutherford as Watch Tower President and his board of subordinate directors were available to be chosen collectively as the Faithful Slave. Even if you are prepared to accept this rather bewildering explanation of Matthew 24:45 (a scripture that most people regard as a mere parable), there is one particularly problematic doctrinal flaw that the Society will need to address.

No scriptural precedent for apostolic succession

If Rutherford and his anointed associates were selected in 1919, then on what scriptural basis can it be automatically assumed that their roles as the Faithful and Discreet Slave were transferable, or could be “inherited”, by successive generations of the Board of Directors of the Watch Tower Society – which, after all, is merely a legal entity?

As Christ’s chosen apostles gradually died off they were not replaced, therefore how can a group of men chosen in 1919 still be leading God’s people today?

Part of the basis of this new understanding appears to be that Jehovah has always used a small group of people to teach and dispense spiritual food to the many, and that in the First Century it was the apostles and older men who were given this role by Christ. However, the bible provides no example of how those appointed by God to be his representatives may pass their duties on to someone else in the event of their death without God’s clear and unambiguous approval. (Numbers 27:18-20) The idea of someone inheriting someone else’s position because they have died is clearly a fleshly concept rather than a spiritual one.

True, the Kings of Israel and Judea were succeeded by their male offspring, but they played no distinct role in instructing the people. Most importantly, the arrangement of kings in Israel was not favored by God, but rather instituted to placate the Israelites who demanded a king to serve under in the same way as the nations around them. (1 Samuel 8:5-8, 19) It’s therefore inconceivable that a monarchic arrangement in which those appointed by God may choose their own successors would be a feature of “Spiritual Israel” – an institution that is not subject to the whims of humans but is of purely divine origin.

In the case of the twelve apostles appointed by Christ, once these died off they were not replaced by successors. Matthias was the only apostle “of the twelve” who wasn’t appointed directly by Jesus, but he was only appointed as a replacement of unfaithful Judas by the casting of lots. (Acts 1:23-26) The Society themselves admit that the reason for the appointment of Matthias in this manner was due to the unfaithfulness of Judas, rather than as a response to Judas’ death. As further evidence, when faithful apostle James died (as with the rest of the apostles) there is no record of any concern over whether a replacement should be appointed. Consider the following quote from the Insight book…

“Sometime during the ten days between Jesus’ ascension and the day of Pentecost it was viewed as necessary that another be selected to fill the vacancy left by Judas, not simply on the basis of his death but, rather, on the basis of his wicked defection, as the Scriptures quoted by Peter indicate. (Ac 1:15-22; Ps 69:25; 109:8; compare Re 3:11.) Thus, by contrast, when the faithful apostle James was put to death, there is no record of any concern to appoint anyone to succeed him in his position of apostle.—Ac 12:2.” – Insight On The Scriptures, Volume 1, Page 129

The Governing Body has long pointed to Christ’s apostles as a divinely approved model for their collective authority, but they have never once explained how Christ has any involvement in their individual appointment. They are now asking us to believe that Christ directly chose Joseph Rutherford and his anointed associates as his modern-day “apostles”, or Faithful and Discreet Slave, in 1919 – but they will never be able to satisfactorily explain how, once Rutherford and his associates died, the divinely appointed authority of these ones was conferred to successive generations of Watchtower leaders.

In the past, the Society was able to evade this issue with comparative ease, because they could point to the Faithful and Discreet Slave CLASS as being ever-present throughout history from Pentecost 33CE onwards (i.e. individual anointed ones were not “succeeded” by anyone on their death), with the Governing Body assuming an albeit self-appointed and symbolic role as representatives of these ones in recent times.

In the bible, God directly chose faithful men to lead his people. Once these men died, their God-given authority died with them.

Now, the Society has effectively scrapped the idea of the Faithful and Discreet Slave as a “class”, and now insists that the office of the Faithful Slave was bestowed by Christ on the shoulders of Rutherford and his associates in 1919, and this office was somehow passed down to successive members of the Watch Tower Society Board of Directors until the Governing Body arrangement was introduced in 1971. Thereafter, they insist that this “succession” continued as Governing Body members died and were replaced until we arrive today at a situation where eight individuals, none of whom had even been born in 1919, are now Christ’s “Faithful and Discreet Slave”. Not only does this sound incredibly implausible – most significantly there is absolutely no scriptural precedent for things to be done by God in this manner whatsoever.

In the bible, God’s favored way of doing things has always been to appoint either an individual or group of individuals to lead his people, and once these ones died their office (or position) died with them – unless God made clear that he was handing it to somebody else. In other words, God appoints people according to their individual merits, not based on who has gone before them. There is no reason to believe that God or Christ would do a complete U-turn and now do things entirely differently, especially during times such as these when the Earth is supposed to be on the brink of falling under Christ’s millennial rule, and divinely appointed direction is said to be needed more than ever by God’s people deep in these “last days”.

Why does Jesus need 93 years and counting to cleanse his organization?

It is also interesting to note that, according to reports, the Governing Body is now insisting that the organization has been in an ongoing period of “cleansing” since 1919. Whether this will be somehow used to explain the idea of succession remains to be seen. The Governing Body may try to claim that part of this ongoing “cleansing” involves Christ appointing new members of the Faithful Slave. Regardless of how they try to explain it, thinking Witnesses will wonder why Jesus Christ needs 93 years and counting, not to mention successive generations of Watchtower leaders, to cleanse his organization and impart divine truth.

A talk by Samuel Herd apparently attempted to reinforce the link between the Apostles and the Governing Body, but admitted that once these Apostles died the “restraint” was removed allowing apostasy to set in. As I have already asked in this article, how can the Governing Body justify likening themselves to every feature of the First Century apostles apart from the key characteristic whereby no apostles were replaced once they had died?

A poor choice of slave

Not only is the “successor” element of the Governing Body’s new teaching highly suspect, but prior to this new teaching questions were already being raised as to how Christ could possibly have chosen Joseph Rutherford and his associates as his approved earthly organization in 1919. There are two main reasons for this…

Spiritual Food – I have already published an article detailing how the publications of the Bible Students in circulation between 1918 and 1919 were not just partially inaccurate – they were shockingly misleading and downright fanciful in their application of scripture. There are few more obvious examples of this than the Finished Mystery, which spoke of the distance between the place where it was written and the place where it was printed as having prophetic significance, and described Charles Taze Russell as speaking from beyond the grave through its pages and supervising the “harvest work” even after his death!

Few Witnesses have read the Finished Mystery, so they are oblivious to the ridiculous and fanciful nature of its contents

In another of my articles, on, I have presented evidence of racist bigotry in the pages of early Watchtower publications both before, during and after Christ’s supposed inspection. Rutherford in particular described black men and women as a cursed “race of servants” in a Golden Age article ten years after Christ’s inspection was supposed to have taken place (see The Golden Age, July 24th 1929, page 702). Bear in mind that the Golden Age, the forerunner of today’s Awake! magazine, is still considered a vehicle of spiritual food just like any other Watchtower publication.

In summarizing the publications of the Bible Students that were in circulation during the period of Christ’s inspection in 1919, nobody put it better than former Governing Body member Raymond Franz when he said…

“A direct investigation of the publications of the Watch Tower organization in the years from 1914 to 1919 reveals none of the prudent discretion that causes a man to ‘keep his lips in check’. It would be an insult to Christ Jesus to say that he selected this organization on the basis of what it was teaching, uniquely and distinctively, as of 1919.” (Raymond Franz, In Search of Christian Freedom, page 145)

The personal character of Rutherford – I am still relatively recent in my “awakening” from the indoctrination of my upbringing as a Witness. Throughout my young life “Judge” Joseph Rutherford was frequently held aloft as a shining example of a humble servant of God, and to this day he is lauded by the Watch Tower Society as a man of great wisdom and courage. Such a depiction of him features prominently in the recent Faith In Action DVD series. Even so, the more I read about “Judge” Joseph Rutherford, the more I realize what a monstrous and vile man he truly was.

Rutherford was a bigoted bully who lived in luxury while his workers endured squalor. He allowed alcoholism to flourish at Bethel.

The Society’s problem with Rutherford is that, try as they may, they cannot prevent documented evidence of his questionable character from surfacing – especially since the internet has made it easier than ever before to share such information that would otherwise be hard to obtain. For example, I will shortly be publishing an article that will attempt to pull together some of the documented evidence of Rutherford’s temperament – in particular that which came to light during the libel lawsuit with Watchtower lawyer Olin Moyle between 1939 and 1940.

I will go into these matters in greater detail in my future article. However, suffice to say there is documented evidence connected with the lawsuit to suggest that:

  • Rutherford allowed an atmosphere of alcoholism to prevail at Brooklyn Bethel, to the point where Bethel family members who decided to abstain from alcohol were ostracized and ridiculed.
  • Rutherford was a bully, and used rude, abusive and patronizing words to humiliate Bethel workers that he disapproved of.
  • Rutherford afforded himself a life of luxury with multiple residences across the United States while ordinary Bethel workers lived in cramped and squalid conditions.
  • Rutherford was discriminatory in allowing one sister to get married and live in Bethel with her husband even though he had forced another brother to leave Bethel in disgrace because he chose to marry.

Added to what I have already mentioned about the racist material that was printed in Watchtower publications under Rutherford’s presidency, it seems inconceivable that Christ, who favored no race above another and encouraged his followers to be meek and humble, would choose a man of Rutherford’s bigoted and contemptible character to form part of his “original” Faithful and Discreet Slave. (Mark 9:35; 19:14) Even so, with this latest change of understanding, we are now being asked to believe that Christ not only approved Rutherford’s character, but found him and his associates the only worthy candidates out of all the humans on Earth at that time to form part of his “faithful and discreet slave”.

Fast forward to the 21st Century, and similarly we have a group of men who, despite having nowhere near as bad a reputation as Rutherford, still leave much to be desired in both humility and intelligence. As I have explained in another article, I recently started uploading videos to YouTube that focus on the words spoken from the platform by various Governing Body members.

One such Governing Body member, Anthony Morris III, boasts of disobeying orders from a superior during the Vietnam War, and even routinely calls himself “the Shoemaker” – insinuating that the guidance in his talks originates from his own wisdom rather than God’s. Anthony also uses a “monarchical ordinal” (a roman numeral) after his name to distinguish himself and honor his ancestors. Is this really one of the eight most humble men available on the Earth today for Jesus to appoint as part of his Faithful Slave?

Our current Governing Body members, supposedly chosen by Christ, are hardly shining examples of knowledge or humility

Outstanding intelligence has never been a prerequisite for those who are used by Jehovah. Moses was not a fluent speaker, being “slow of mouth and slow of tongue”. (Exodus 4:10) Jesus’ followers were said to be unlettered and ordinary. (Acts 4:13) Even so, in an era where the ability to communicate effectively is so important, it is surprising to observe the lack of basic knowledge in certain Governing Body members.

In one talk, Anthony Morris III coined the term “thinkingest” to describe Jehovah’s people, and in another talk Stephen Lett felt compelled to explain to his audience that God’s “express will” has nothing to do with express trains, or “expresso” coffee, but simply means God’s clearly stated will. The fact that Stephen saw the need to explain this simple term, or research it for his talk, raises serious questions as to his intellectual credentials as one who is called upon to teach millions of God’s people around the world. Again, would Jesus select men who fall so desperately short with even their basic knowledge of words to communicate globally with his people (or “domestics”) out of the billions of potential candidates at his disposal?

A Predictable Change

I’ve already mentioned that some have long predicted this new change in understanding. I myself considered the possibility a few times, but I felt it would be some time before I would see the teaching actually introduced.

Interestingly, some time ago we ran a mini-survey on this website asking “Who is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?”, and 15% of the 530 who voted said they thought the term referred to the Governing Body. This well-illustrates that a good number of Witnesses are already oblivious to the matter. It also gives evidence of the cunning way in which the Society has incrementally slipped suggestions of this teaching into its publications over some time in readiness for the change.

As an example, at the 2012 Safeguard Your Heart District Convention a new brochure was released entitled Who Are Doing Jehovah’s Will Today? Page 22 of this brochure carried the heading “Who Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class?”, and answered the question (in part) as follows…

“They are genuine, spirit-anointed followers of Jesus. The ‘slave’ dispenses timely spiritual food to fellow worshippers of Jehovah. We are dependant upon this faithful slave class to keep giving us our ‘measure of food supplies at the proper time.'” – Luke 12:42 (Who Are Doing Jehovah’s Will Today?, p. 22)

Most people reading this paragraph before being told of the new “understanding” would fail to spot that the word “all” is crucially missing after “they are” and before “spirit-anointed followers of Jesus” in the first sentence in bold. Whether the omission of this word was deliberate is, I suppose, a matter of conjecture – but it seems more than a coincidence that, just a few months after printing this brochure, it was announced that NOT “all” spirit-anointed followers of Jesus are to be considered part of the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Supposedly, only eight individuals in Brooklyn now have this special role in God’s purpose.

What this change means

All of this is first-and-foremost about increasing power and control. By claiming that they are now the Faithful and Discreet Slave in its entirety, the Governing Body reinforces their authority over the organization and their influence over millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. Rather than, in the minds of many Witnesses, being theoretically answerable to a larger group of thousands of anointed fellow worshippers who they claim to serve as “representatives”, they are now answerable to nobody but Christ. Nobody can question their position because, just as with the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, they can now claim their authority has been granted to them directly by God through Jesus.

By dispensing with the rest of anointed as part of the Slave Class, the Governing Body has more blatantly assumed Pope-like authority

Even though I understand their reasons for making this change, I believe it will cause more problems for the Governing Body than it will solve. Not only have they opened up an entirely new Pandora’s Box of doctrinal issues in their need to explain plausibly how the 1919 Faithful and Discreet Slave has magically become the Governing Body of today – there is something even more troubling that they should concern themselves with.

Many Witnesses were already baffled by the total authority assumed by the Governing Body, and how they have wielded this authority as representatives of the Slave Class without any communication with their anointed fellow christians. This was indeed a major source of doubt for me, and one of the many things that led to my eventually “awakening” from my indoctrination. The obvious disparity gave me the courage I needed to research my beliefs more objectively.

Now that the Governing Body has so brazenly swept aside their anointed colleagues and stripped them of any significance whatsoever in the dissemination of truth to God’s people, I feel there may be a backlash from thinking Jehovah’s Witnesses who were already harboring serious doubts but who will now feel “enough is enough”.

There are only so many lies and deceptions that you can load up on an intelligent human being and ask them to take seriously and base their entire life upon before something snaps. Eventually these falsehoods become too numerous and too hard to believe, and (as happened in my case) an individual will finally decide they have had enough. I believe this may happen on a considerable scale with Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world once this new teaching becomes widely known.

More Witnesses may leave the organization as they realize that the Society’s teachings are becoming increasingly ludicrous

Added to the already considerable downsizing in the organization caused by a slowdown in global growth, it may be that before long we will start to see the number of publishers enter negative growth as those who are already mentally on the fringes start to leave the organization in droves. Only time will tell whether the new teaching will play a significant role in this likely exodus, but the downsizing of the organization has already begun, and I certainly don’t believe this new teaching will improve matters for the Society.

Over the years the Governing Body has grown increasingly arrogant and out-of-touch. You can only hide those sorts of attributes for so long before they become plain for all to see. For a while I entertained thoughts of new brothers being gradually added to the Governing Body who would see through the lies and do the honest and humble thing by admitting that they do not enjoy God’s blessing and eventually dissolving the organization – thereby setting millions of misguided worshippers mentally free. However, the more I observe the frequency with which the Governing Body is making mistakes both doctrinally and procedurally (particularly in relation to handling child abuse), the more I feel that the future of the organization will be irretrievably jeopardized far more quickly and effectively if the existing members are allowed to continue undisturbed in their obvious self-importance and ineptitude.






Summaries of this article are available in the following languages: Hungarian | German.

A PDF of notes taken at the Annual Meeting is now available, and can be downloaded by clicking here.

Please read my follow-up article by clicking here.

440 thoughts on “Governing Body says: “We are the Faithful and Discreet Slave!”

  • November 24, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    Respectfully, I recognize that many people have much pent up for a long time and have never had an avenue or others with which to express a lot of very serious and legitimate issues as did I. I also appreciate that it takes time for people to reach their own therapeutic point where they can decide that enough has been expressed but let me please say these few things. Either Dan 2:44 is true or it isn’t and there will be a Kingdom restored or not. The Bible says clearly that WHEN Jesus returned he would deal with the Evil Slave so it is not in “1919” or some past time as the WT Society conveniently likes to apply. Some things are obvious at this point. If people really benefit from spending their time and vital energy bashing and trashing on here then by all means. I am uncomfortable with words like “untruth” since we owe so much but I’m becoming ever more confident that nothing is happening that isn’t meant to. That’s all I wanted to say…Bye!

  • November 24, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    The society has alluded to the fact that when Christ does return to settle accounts with any FDS, this is also a period of judgment for his house, that mean the evil slave will be kicked to the curb, and that is where their weeping and gnashing occurs.

    The GB fail to take into account that the evil slave also resides with the FDS, and the judgment starts with Gods house first.

    there false teaching that Christ came in 1919 and disiplined a few rewarded as the FDS and those other bible students that left back then were the evil slave.

    So if as they say that the slave has not been rewarded and it future also says that the evil slave is still in the same house.

    I personally believe that the evil slave is the GB of JW.

  • November 25, 2012 at 12:08 am

    Anoymous: “For example, the Watch Tower Society has “updated” or changed its web site from watchtowerdotorg to JWdotorg. I believe this is a move to distance itself legally from court cases coming upon it and change the name of the organization to what most of the world has been calling it already: Jehovah’s Witnesses. This way, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the members, will now be responsible legally and the Witnesses will better accept the fact that their donations will be used for legal judgements.”

    Thanks, Anonymous. I have been having similar thoughts. You point out the likely sinister motive of making others accept the sharing of the financial burden of all JWs with up-coming court case involving child abuse etc. Of course, Jehovah’s Witnesses have ALWAYS footed the bill for such GB errors; the difference now is that by changing the website name etc, the ‘rank-and-file’ members will be persuaded by propaganda to accept that so much more of their hard-earned and innocently-given cash will be used illegitimately for these ‘Catholic Church’-type cock-ups.

    Could it be however, that the Governing Body have all-along being paying for their own legal errors out of their own personal fortunes? Hmm.

    At one time things in my mind were always simple as an ignorant and hazy-eyed worker-bee. The Internet has changed all that. Now we can get documented evidence of the matters we all at one-time suspected weren’t right.

    When it comes to organised religion – are any of us really that surprised?

    Frank 2

  • November 25, 2012 at 12:14 am

    William Enoch Sr: “The stage is set for a mutiny. But Jehovah’s Witnesses would have to give up fear of being disfellowshipped to pull this off.”

    Don’t worry, this is not a totally fantastic notion. Remember why the Berlin Wall fell. And don’t forget that such a ‘mutiny’ may already be in the offing with ones like JimmyG who are wising-up. The more the GB punish the innocent for wanting to look behind the curtain, the more the ‘rank-and-file’ will become suspicious.

    If huge crowds leave, they might even find some humility bouncing around the empty caverns of their sleeping consciences.

    Frank 2

  • November 25, 2012 at 12:27 am

    Konrad: “Some things are obvious at this point. If people really benefit from spending their time and vital energy bashing and trashing on here then by all means. I am uncomfortable with words like “untruth” since we owe so much but I’m becoming ever more confident that nothing is happening that isn’t meant to.”

    I’m interested, Konrad, why you pop up every now and then. If you think this is not a good idea, why not just delete the site from your search-engine?

    People come here because it is therapeutic for them. It is like a support-group of like-minded individuals. Did you notice, for instance, that the only one who used insulting language was someone claiming to be a ‘loyal’ servant of the Governing Body!

    By-and-large, people here are respectful of what they believe to be truth and are sharing their hurt with others. What makes me uncomfortable is when anyone refers to the full teachings of the WTBTS as ‘the Truth,’ ‘the truth,’ or whatever derivatives are chosen. Truth is not something that changes, it remains constant and inviolable. What the WTS teaches is ‘revealed’ truth. It cannot be the truth (small ‘t’) at any one time as it is ALWAYS subject to change.

    Some people have made life-changing decisions based on ‘truth’ and found some these teachings have been reversed or ‘tacked,’ which means that have gone backwards and forwards depending on what individual members of the Governing Body have personally (evidently) believed. How, then do we mentally, spiritually and emotionally process that these men are the spokesmen for Almighty God?

    Can you help us with that, Konrad?

    Frank 2

  • November 25, 2012 at 2:34 am

    Hi MsD, You are right it is not easy to give up what you were so sure was the truth just a little while ago. It’s really good that you are doing your own research into the org. Nobody on this blog wants anybody to leave just because we say you should. You will find no end of hidden secrets the Watchtower has and does not want its members to know about. Great that you have your husband for support, If you have not already, I strongly urge you to get the book ‘Crisis of conscience’ by Ray Franz, a former goverrning body member. You will be in no doubt at all after reading it. Everything he says can be verified and the Watchtower is powerless to sue him, as all he says is correct.
    Enjoy your new life, I know I enjoy mine now.

  • November 25, 2012 at 2:46 am

    Hi Konrad, you use the expression bashing and trashing. Actually want is on this blog in the main is quite simply an expose of the organisation. All JWs ever say about ex witnesses is that they lie and deceive people. However whenever I or others ask them what lies and deception we have spread they are not able normally to show anything. In contrast if you ask ex witnesses what the society have lied about or deceived it’s members about, we can give you a very long list, which you will be able to check yourself.
    I used to think it was the love they showed that proved they were the true religion. However that love is totally conditional on you agreeing with everything the gov body tell you. Once you show you do not agree with certain doctrines, your so called friends will drop you like a hot brick. I strongly urge you to do your own research on the org, rather than just accepting their one sided view.

  • November 25, 2012 at 6:36 am

    So true DB. Just check out twitter bios of JWs. Many will claim to be “proud Jehovah’s Witness” or “proud JW” or “proud worshipper of the only true God Jehovah. Psalms 83:18”. These bios seem to reflect an attempt to convince the bio owners themselves they’re content. Based upon my nearly 40 years within the “organization”, I personally don’t believe many are indeed content within the WTS.

  • November 25, 2012 at 6:50 am

    Hi William. Yes agree with you. Most witnesses try very hard to convince everybody that they are 100% behind the org. Most though have doubts, and often the reason they stay is because they think there is nothing better out there.
    The old misquote comes up of ‘where else can we go’. Because the org has exposed certain wrong doctrines of the other religions, the witnesses think they are better off staying where they are. Of course in many ways their own religion is much worse for them than any new religion they may adopt.
    Thankfully these days many are seeing the light and leaving the organistion in droves. But there will always be vulnerable people I guess who will get sucked in to it as many of us were.

  • November 25, 2012 at 7:46 am

    We all can see directly on the JWdotorg site how the Watch Tower Society arrived at their “conclusion”, “hypothesis”, “scientific analysis” or “allusion” of the GB as being the FDS:

    “It is reasonable to conclude, then, that Jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” over “his domestics” during his presence, “the conclusion of the system of things.”

    And continuing:

    “‘The evidence points to the following conclusion: “The faithful and discreet slave” was appointed over Jesus’ domestics in 1919.”‘

    And the conclusion:

    “When this group work together as the Governing Body, they act as “the faithful and discreet slave.”

    Why was this “New Light” arrived at by a concluded by humans in deducing this doctrinal matter and stop short to reveal it came from Holy Spirit? I believe even this group of men know that blaspheming the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this life or that which is to come.

  • November 25, 2012 at 8:53 am

    Please don’t give me a hard time. I don’t think I “pop up” on here at all. And even if I did, Who cares? I’m only concerned. I was merely stating the obvious in case it wasn’t to some. “When…The Son of man arrives…” and “He will start beating his fellow workers” so we are talking about a current end time event. It’s not necessary to get all worked up. I finally got it. I said that therapy for some takes longer. Go reread my post and lose the hostility …Good Bye!

  • November 25, 2012 at 9:59 am

    You are right Alan about the misquote of “where else will we go” when referring to Peter’s words to Jesus. Some of the ones just barely hanging in “the organization” could benefit from realizing Peter didn’t want to leave Jesus Christ. Not wanting to leave Jesus Christ isn’t the same as not wanting to leave an organization.

    The WTS appears to have clandestinely kept members apart from Jesus from the start. Some members possibly may misquote the John 6:68 Bible verse and insert “the organization” into the verse, within their own minds, because its very likely “the organization” is all some earnestly know. Now, the Governing Body, in masquerading as Faithful and Discreet Slave, use intimidation and peer pressure to keep members trapped.

    Since 2004, I’ve began a slow process of shaking off the idea of where else can I go other than the WTS. My answer is to allow myself to believe Jesus is my Mediator to Father and Father’s Grace is sufficient for me. I’ve accepted Jesus’ Blood for the forgivness of my sins. I’ve accepted that only Father can draw me to Jesus. I’ve realized that Father and Jesus are my life and my wife is second to Them. I now have a whole new outlook on life that I’ve found to best for me.

    • November 25, 2012 at 11:14 am

      “about the misquote of “where else will we go” when referring to Peter’s words to Jesus.”

      A classic example is from the Watchtower Sept 15, 2010 page 18 para 7. Speaking about the FDS :-

      ” Jehovah’s spirit and blessing are linked to the ONE association of brothers that God is using. Even if someone in the congregation upsets us, where else can we turn? Nowhere else can we hear the sayings of everlasting life. John 6:68.”

      The quote speaks volumes with regard to substituting Jesus with the GB . See

  • November 25, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    Konrad: ‘“When…The Son of man arrives…” and “He will start beating his fellow workers” so we are talking about a current end time event…”

    Here’s something to allay your concern, Konrad. Try not to get anxious about how some clever people ‘tweak the inkblot.’ Try living in the moment, not a future with any number of possibilities.

    You give me the impression that you are very worried about future events. This tells me how deeply-taught your beliefs are. I was born into this organisation but have had doubts and questions for many many years. It is my experience that humans will ALWAYS disappoint in the end. There is no reason why the Governing Body of the Watchtower should be any different. Part of the answer is just to expect disappointment and when something actually works out – it’s a bonus!

    The fact is, Konrad, that should you choose to accept this present piece of ‘revealed truth,’ you will find in five years you may have to believe something contradictory, or at least ‘tweaked.’

    Enjoy the moment, Konrad, smell the flowers and take an evening walk just to enjoy nature, and try not to dwell too deeply on inkblots.

    Frank 2

  • November 25, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    JimmyG: “William, the WT writers are ‘wordsmiths’ and they are very good at it. It appears now, in my opinion, that the word ‘organisation’ will be gradually replaced with ‘association’ and the expression ‘Governing Body’ will soon be gone, its replacement being ‘F&DS’.”

    I would say the WTS employ spin-doctors, actually. Wordsmiths merely construct well-written paragraphs; spin-doctors have motivation to manipulate. The word, ‘association’ is to give a better ‘first-century’ feeling the organisation. Perhaps this is because the word (and ‘Governing Body’) doesn’t appear in the Bible. Clever, eh?

    Frank 2

  • November 25, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    Frank, I’m trying my best to stay off here and do just that so I can stop saying “Good Bye” but let me say this, That was my point! I believe Jehovah has got it all in hand and there is nothing that is happening that isn’t supposed to soooo you can go smell some flowers yourself! I said, If any of you benefit from being on here? I’m not gonna tell you what to do and it may very well prove cathartic but don’t think it’s gonna pragmatically change much. I doubt that too many have lost as much as I have to these people. Some maybe but not likely and every contact I have they still beat, Rape and rob me so if I can feel this way? I know anyone can!

  • November 25, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    Hi Konrad. I’m not sure I understand what you mean when you say it won’t change much. Unburdening oneself is exactly what helps people to move on. The pragmatics will come later. I would encourage you to tell this blog what you have lost, if you have a mind to. You say, ‘goodbye’ but it seems you are having trouble moving on.

    What have you to lose if you unburden yourself here?

    Frank 2

  • November 25, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    Well, I assure you it was not for my benefit that I even posted today but with the the contempt that you clearly have I will say Good Bye then…and a very, very small notion of 30 years you can gather from my previous posts. Anything else you would want to know from me or I would be foolish enough to give you would only be for a ignoble and self serving motive…I’m sure I would get it right back in the face! Anyone else who who appreciates what I had to say, I wish you all the best!

  • November 25, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    the point is when one of GB dies, is usualy substitute by some other ‘anoited’….does he become ‘genuin anoited’ only once is part off the GB? Genuin ‘anoited’, as for the 1st century, they were the ones bringing attention to specific topics to the GB, the GB they issued decisions as a groupe of ‘anoited’ and elders. To pretend today only GB “anoited’ arre genuine anoited is against the history of true christiandom where, as well teached by JW, anoited though isolated individualy yet they were a body with those before and after them. Mattew 25: 37 sais clear ‘what you do to one of the Christ brothes….you did to Jesus Himself…’ so the role of ‘anoited’ is not only to give food at its time, spiritualy ffeeding is a part off it…yet is clear on the Bible (Mat.25) not to do good to some in the need could be to do it at Jesus Himself It could be hard to identify a true (genuin christian) yet the judgement of God depends on how we deel with such ‘doutble’ anoited. To be part of GB is too easy identify them eventualy but the whole class off Faithull Slave is also made by those we dont see in view since many do or do not reconize.
    Does today GB alineate himself to reconize Mat.25:37-45? Then, spiritualy speacking they are also in danger by Jesus judgement.

  • November 25, 2012 at 11:22 pm

    I agree it is all in Gods hands.

  • November 26, 2012 at 12:49 am

    Konrad, peace be to you.

    Frank 2

  • November 26, 2012 at 8:25 am

    Hi JimmyG,

    I am not sure that the 2nd baptism question is being replaced again, changing from ‘organization’ to ‘association’. I just went to the one day assembly last Saturday and I paid particular attention to the questions remembering that you had posted something about a change. And this speaker still used the word ‘organization’ not ‘association’. So either he was not up on the latest change … or the speaker at the assembly you went to misspoke.

    Either way I agree that the WT writers are ‘wordsmiths’ and I would not be surprise to see the term ‘Governing Body’ gradually replaced with ‘F&DS’

  • November 26, 2012 at 9:00 am

    My condolancies to you for having to sit through a circuit assembly, hope you have recovered ok.
    I think that once the new change is explained to all the rank and file through the study Watchtower, the gov body will gradually drop that title and just talk about the FADS.
    From their point of view that is the perfect senario. They get rid of the secular sounding governing body title and replace it with something that is at least in the bible, even if it has been misapplied. You got to hand it to them, they generally find a way to get out of the mess they get themselves in.

  • November 26, 2012 at 9:18 am

    Good work cedars. We appreciate it.

  • November 26, 2012 at 9:43 am

    A couple of folk asked for a straight and simple statement of the new understanding published at the AGM.
    1) New: The Faithful and Discreet Slave is the Governing Body
    Previous – all the anointed as a body
    2) New: The “domestics” include the prospective members of the great crowd
    Previous – all the anointed as individuals
    3) New: The ‘first’ appointment of a “Faithful slave took place in 1919
    Previous – it was in the 1st century (apostles etc),
    4) New: The ‘slave’ has not yet been ‘appointed over all of the master’s belongings’
    Previous – Rutherford and company were appointed over all the belongings in 1919

    Points 3) and especially 4) have far-reaching implications. The WTS has built its end-time interpretation based on the PREVIOUS understandings –

    The identity of the Faithful Slave was already settled (in 1919)
    The Evil Slave was identified, (in 1919)
    The events of Revelation 11 – the 42 month work of the Two Witnesses and their death by the Beast from the Abyss had already occurred during the period 1916 – 1919

    Bottom line – the entire 1919 ‘explanation’ taught over the past 90 or more years was nothing but an artfully contrived false story, to quote the apostle.
    And it still leaves the key question unanswered: in view of everything that took place in the period 1916 to 1942 (the Rutherford era) what basis is there to believe that he, or those who followed him, were worthy of being chosen as ‘faithful’?
    Settling that aside, it leave the WTS with the task of rewriting the past 93 years – and trying to keep it all consistent.

    • November 26, 2012 at 12:26 pm

      “in view of everything that took place in the period 1916 to 1942 (the Rutherford era) what basis is there to believe that he, or those who followed him, were worthy of being chosen as ‘faithful’?”

      There is no basis, indeed there is no basis upon which to claim any kind of appointment in 1919. See Don Cameron’s Captives of a Concept see
      As there is no proveable evidence it is not surprising that the 1919 claim did not feature in WTBS historical video Faith in Action part 1. Also the 1919 claim does not feature in the material JW’s use in their bible studies with prospective converts.

  • November 26, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    Can anyone explain to me that if the ‘Faithful and Discreet Slave’ have not, to date, been ‘appointed over ALL the belongings,’ why this doesn’t in effect free all who have been disfellowshipped under the old system? The explanation being that if there is no authority from heaven, then how is any judicial decision valid?

    Beenmislead: The WTBTS have had decades of experience with drip-feeding ‘new light.’ The new ‘revelations’ are obviously being tried in certain areas of the empire, and if successful, will become holy writ. I’m sure JimmyG didn’t mishear.

  • November 26, 2012 at 4:46 pm

    Beenmislead: I have the words spoken by the baptism speaker on a recording device and I have listened to it several times. He definitely said ‘association’. Can you confirm whether, at your assembly, the words ‘spirit anointed’ was used in place of ‘spirit directed’? Also. like alan, my sympathies are with you for having to endure a whole day of indoctrination.

  • November 26, 2012 at 5:53 pm

    JimmyG, this has come up in conversation with one of my contacts, and I too was wondering exactly what the latest changes are, last I heard it was “spirit directed”. If anyone knows I’d appreciate the info.

  • November 27, 2012 at 12:04 am

    JimmyG: “Also. like alan, my sympathies are with you for having to endure a whole day of indoctrination.”

    How small do they make ipods nowadays?

    Frank 2

  • November 27, 2012 at 12:07 am

    Stormy: “…last I heard it was “spirit directed”.’

    Is there any fundamental difference between, ‘spirit-anointed,’ ‘spirit-directed,’ or ‘spirit-inspired’? They all involve the spirit so isn’t this merely semantic?

    Frank 2

  • November 27, 2012 at 1:45 am

    Hi Pearl I enjoy your blog, its refreshing to see you use the scriptures in all you post, I do agree that the GB are the evil slave within, as recorded in Matt 24:18-51 shows that the evil slave is thrown out when Christ comes to pay reward to the FDS as well as the evil slave, so for the GB to say that they alone are the FDS then the evil slave must be among them, but they never address that.

  • November 27, 2012 at 1:55 am

    11/27/12 When I first came to know Jehovah I bemoaned the fact that he has never really been able to demonstrate what life would be like under his rule. Adam and Eve rejected it, and so have the vast majority of their offspring. And although for about sixteen centuries God had a people for his name—the nation of Israel—yet, Jehovah was unable to point to them as a living example of the superiority of living under his rule, because as a whole and throughout their existence they were no better than the nations who did not know Jehovah. In fact, they often became worse than the nations. And yet, God has been blamed throughout history for the suffering that has come from rejecting his rule and his guidance. How unfair is that?!! Still, he has patiently endured the reproach that has been heaped upon his name! (Isaiah 48:11; Ezek. 39:7; Acts 17:30,31)

    Sad to say, the situation is no different today with his people who are bearing his name, for they too have become guilty of bringing reproach on the name Jehovah. Can we honestly point to ourselves, our congregations, and the organization as a whole, as proof that Jehovah’s rule is to be preferred? Do we attract others to the worship of the true God by our conduct? Are we blessed more than the people of the world; or are we not suffering from the same problems as everyone else? The few among God’s people who are truly doing their utmost in listening and obeying Jehovah are persecuted in their own congregations, by their fellow brothers, even by the shepherds who are supposed to protect them. And what accounts for this situation? Because it is man’s rule that is being imposed on them, and that right inside God’s temple; and of course, with the same consequences that we observe in the world which lies “in the power of the wicked one.” (Psalms 146:3,5; John 16:1-4; 1 Cor. 4:8; 1 John 5:19; 2 Thess. 2:3,4, 9)

    But, thankfully, we know that this is about to change. Rule by man is about to come to a sudden end! First, Jehovah will remove the self-exalted rulers within his own household; then closely followed by the destruction of the rulers of the entire earth. (Rev. 19:11-14, 19) God’s kingdom is about to be established—the kingdom that Jesus preached and taught us to pray for, of which he is the King. (Matt. 6:10; Luke 4:43,44; 21:29-31) Then, finally, after all these six thousand years of oppressive human rule under the influence of the Devil, mankind will at last experience for their first time the wonderful blessings that come from living under God’s rule. (Rev. 19:6) Our loving heavenly Father will at last be able to demonstrate unhindered his great love for his people, for he promises: “And [I] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” We can have absolute confidence in this promise, for it comes from Jehovah himself, and not from any man or group of men, such as a governing body. “And the One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all things new.’ Also, he says: ‘Write, because these words are faithful and true.” (Rev. 20:6; 21:3-5; Isaiah 65:17-25)

  • November 27, 2012 at 2:01 am


    It is the claim of the WT Organization that the Account of Acts 15 establishes that a) there was a governing body, located in Jerusalem; b) that they were appointed to make decisions; c) that James was ‘presiding’ over the proceedings.

    However, if we consider Paul’s letters, especially the account in Galatians chapters 1 and 2, there is an entirely alternative reading:

    1) There was serious jealousy over Paul’s ministry, and opposition to his ‘freedom’. (to coin a phrase, doubtless some called it a ‘spirit of independence’) Paul refers to the interference of ‘the men from James’, and also to the ‘superfine apostles’. Diagnosis: people seeking prominence, and wanting to control the disciples.

    2) It’s interesting that apart from James, none of Jesus’ other ‘fleshly’ family receive any form of recognition. Was James falling prey to the age-old human ‘love of prominence’? I believe that Paul’s words (Galatians 2:4-6) indicate that this was the case.

    3) Is Acts 15:19 proof that James had authority to act as chairman? No. On the contrary, this can be read as James’ personal statement that he now accepts the evidence presented by Peter, Paul and Barnabas, and his undertaking to abide by it. (I think he also realizes that he has met his match in Paul, a man who was not to be cowed, not even for a moment.)

    4) Did they reach a decision? No. The actual ‘decision’ had been made long before, by God. Read Acts 10. What Acts 15 actually establishes is that certain men right there in the Jerusalem congregation were blocking God’s Will. And it records the failure of the apostles to fully understand what God wanted, or to take decisive action to control people seeking prominence.

    Returning to Paul’s account in Galatians, he next writes:
    ‘However, when Cephas comes to Antioch, I resisted him face to face (for playing the hypocrite). For, before the arrival of CERTAIN MEN FROM JAMES, he used to eat with people of the nations, but, then they arrived, he went separating himself’. (Galatians 2:11)

    5) If the account in Galatians is chronological, then the problem with James (and the Judaizers) was NOT over. The effect was so negative that Paul felt compelled to resort to direct confrontation.

    6) The rest of the Book of Galatians then becomes very illuminating. On the one hand, there is the freedom that comes through Jesus Christ. On the other hand, they can again become enslaved into following humans, via an organizational structure.

    Conclusion: Just as one cannot slave for God AND for riches, one cannot follow Jesus AND a human organization. Paul knew this. That’s why he wrote: ‘the Jerusalem ABOVE is our mother, and we are free.’

    Interestingly, CT Russell also understood this. Is this an additional reason for wanting to relegate his activity into obscurity?

  • November 27, 2012 at 3:13 am

    Was there a Governing Body in Jerusalem?

    The Society claims that there existed a governing body in Jerusalem, made up of the apostles and older men who exercised authority over all the congregations throughout the Roman Empire. As evidence they like to refer to what happened when the matter of circumcision became an issue for the Gentile Christians and the apostles and older men ruled on the matter with the help of the holy spirit. This is what Insight on the Scriptures says on this:

    “Organization of the Christian Congregation. While Christian congregations of God were established in various places, they did not function independently of one another. Instead, they all recognized the authority of the Christian governing body at Jerusalem. This governing body was comprised of the apostles and older men of the Jerusalem congregation, there being no rival bodies elsewhere seeking to supervise the congregation. It was to the faithful Christian governing body of the first century C.E. that the issue of circumcision was submitted for consideration. When the governing body made its decision, as directed by the holy spirit, that decision was accepted and became binding upon all Christian congregations, these willingly submitting to it.—Ac 15:22-31.” —it-1 pp. 498-499 Congregation

    Was the matter of circumcision taken to Jerusalem because there was a “governing body” there? The apostle Paul and Barnabas had been appointed to preach to the nations, not by any governing body in Jerusalem, but directly by holy spirit. (Acts 13:2-4) Jehovah had been blessing their preaching work among the Gentiles so that many congregations were being formed. Now a problem arose. What does the account in Acts tell us?

    1 And certain men came down from Judea and began to teach the brothers: “Unless YOU get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, YOU cannot be saved.” 2 But when there had occurred no little dissension and disputing by Paul and Barnabas with them, they arranged for Paul and Barnabas and some others of them to go up to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem regarding this dispute.
    3 Accordingly, after being conducted partway by the congregation, these men continued on their way through both Phoenicia and Samaria, relating in detail the conversion of people of the nations, and they were causing great joy to all the brothers. 4 On arriving in Jerusalem they were kindly received by the congregation and the apostles and the older men, and they recounted the many things God had done by means of them. 5 Yet, some of those of the sect of the Pharisees that had believed rose up from their seats and said: “It is necessary to circumcise them and charge them to observe the law of Moses.” —Acts 15:1-5.

    Notice where the problem originated! Certain men from Judea, the Jerusalem congregation, were visiting the Gentile brothers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia, causing them and the apostle Paul and Barnabas much trouble by insisting that they, people of the nations, needed to be circumcised and observe the law of Moses. As the apostles and older men acknowledged, “some from among us have caused you trouble with speeches, trying to subvert your souls, although we did not give them any instructions.” (Acts 15:23,24) The problem needed to be dealt with at the source. If there was a governing body in Jerusalem then they were part of the problem.

    Jehovah had provided clear evidence by “the many signs and portents” that he did through Paul and Barnabas among people of the nations, that he was accepting them with no need for circumcision or observing the law of Moses. Because of relating their experiences, and the testimony of Peter and James, the holy spirit enabled them to come to a unanimous decision. This decision was then sent to all the congregations that had been affected by the trouble makers. There is no evidence here of a governing body that supervised all the congregations. The account in Acts simply states that a problem arose in Jerusalem that was exported to the brothers in other areas and it was handled by those where the problem originated, as it should be.

    It is noteworthy that the apostle Peter (Cephas) and James (Jesus’ half brother) were instrumental in being used to settle the circumcision issue. Perhaps the holy spirit chose those two men because it seems that they may well have been part of the problem. This is evident in what Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians.

    11 However, when Cephas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class. 13 The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Barnabas was led along with them in their pretense.” —Galatians 2:11-14.

    Paul had to severely criticize Peter before all the brothers “because he stood condemned” for his hypocritical attitude toward the uncircumcised people of the nations, which was affecting the other brothers in Antioch, including Paul’s companion Barnabas. Peter himself was influenced in this by the men from James. And this even after the circumcision issue had been settled. Yes, even after Jehovah had sent Peter to the uncircumcised army officer of the Italian band, Cornelius years earlier, and he saw the holy spirit fall upon him and those with him, he still had a problem in having God’s view on matters. (Acts chapter 10) Because of Peter’s influence “[the brothers] were not walking straight according to the truth of the good news.” He had become a danger of corrupting the brothers and was causing division. To Peter’s credit, he allowed himself to be corrected.

    There is no evidence at all to suggest that any of the apostles or older men in the Jerusalem congregation, as a governing body, supervised any other congregations outside their district. If anything, they sometimes contributed to the problems of the brothers in other areas when they meddled in their affairs. And there certainly is no evidence that Jesus ever acknowledged a governing body. He himself appointed Saul to become the apostle Paul, and he dealt with each individual congregation also personally, such as when he wrote his letters to the seven congregations in Asia Minor. (Acts 9:3-19; Rev. 1:10,11; 2:1-3:22)

  • November 27, 2012 at 3:41 am

    A technical point regarding the WT’s ‘new light’- if the F&DS were appointed over the ‘belongings’ only since 1919,then there was no F&DS in the 1st century. Correct? Also now we are being told that the Governing Body IS the F&DS. Therefore, how could there have been a GB in existence in the 1st century (as the F&DS didn’t exist then), using that logic?

    • November 27, 2012 at 3:46 am

      I think you are right Jimmy. I had thought of that myself the other day. We will have to see what they say about it when it eventually comes out in the Watchtower. As has been said, they sort one problem out and it then gives them other problems to deal with. It’s like they are in quicksand. They start to get out of it, then get sucked down further, they try again, but again they sink. Hopefully it wont be too long before they go completely under.

  • November 27, 2012 at 3:45 am

    Sorry, getting mixed up with the terms- substitute ‘belongings’ in my previous post with ‘domestics’.

  • November 27, 2012 at 10:54 am

    Beenmislead: I have the words spoken by the baptism speaker on a recording device and I have listened to it several times. He definitely said ‘association’. Can you confirm whether, at your assembly, the words ‘spirit anointed’ was used in place of ‘spirit directed’? Also. like alan, my sympathies are with you for having to endure a whole day of indoctrination.

    I did not record it … but I did pay particular attention to the questions. He definitely said ‘spirit directed organization’. But like I said He was probably informed yet of the newest questions. And thanks for the sympathy!! Like you my wife is a devout JW so I only went to support Her. I am currently in stealth mode.

  • November 27, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    Beenmislead: I have just listened to the recording again and the words ‘spirit anointed association’ are spoken clearly. Frank 2 makes mention of semantics. There may well be no real difference between ‘anointed’ and ‘directed’, but the use of ‘anointed’, I believe, gives the IMPRESSION to devout JWs of the GB being ‘inspired’. If questioned, the GB would deny it of course, but don’t mind the indoctrinated majority believing it, as it gives them POWER over them. Many actually believe that WT literature is written by Jehovah!

    Later on at that same assembly day, there was a talk that included the praising of the GB- how they feed us, we need them to explain the bible for us, we don’t know who they are yet they are working on our behalf……… Listening to it made me feel like puking.

    Whenever I am at meetings, assemblies etc, I am ‘wired’ for all eventualities. That’s how I got the recording in the first place.

  • November 27, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    And as their interpretation of prophecies, which at first brought excitement and motivated zeal, went unfulfilled and turned to disappointment, God’s people would start to wonder and question the authority of those who had assumed it. In turn, those being challenged would find it necessary to become ever more authoritarian, “subduing according to their powers.” (Jer. 5:31) Yes, Jehovah foreknew all this. Wickedness within the congregations would take a back seat to the importance of being loyal to the self-appointed “faithful and discreet slave.” In other words, as long as a person loyally supported the arrangements, as put in place by this slave, he would prosper within the congregation, even though he might be given to a lot of wine, a slanderer, disorderly, unsociable, haughty, not qualified to teach, a smiter, unreasonable, belligerent, a lover of money, greedy for dishonest gain, poor example in presiding over his own family, etc. etc. (1 Tim. 3:2-10)

    Some congregations may have more than their share of these types of individuals who are taking the lead among them. They would not hesitate to beat their fellow slaves, even expelling anyone who would dare question the arrangement and the teachings of the “faithful and discreet slave.” But the master will settle accounts with them, upon his sudden and unexpected arrival, while finding them in the act of beating his slaves, precious members of his household. (Matt. 24:44,48-51)

  • November 27, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    It never fails to amaze, how in print, the Watchtower can go out on a limb regarding what they have called important dates. 1874
    the second coming of Jesus. 1914 the end, backed up with evidence inside the Great Pyramid. For 40 years preaching to the world using these dates in books like Studies in the Scriptures.

    When these dates failed to be realized. Setting the “new light” date of 1925, still preaching Jesus second coming in 1874 with the end now 1925. This date preached to the world, also failed to come true.

    1975, 1994 …… After all these failures, now the Watchtower rewrites history about 1919….. How many lives have been lost spiritually?….. As they go back and rewrite history, how many lives were lost spiritually at 1914…. with failed expectations?…. Also 1925,….. how many lives lost spiritually?…. Then 1975… and 1994 when these dates failed to realize their expectations,… how many lives were lost spiritually? …………………………….

    To walk back to 1919 and rewrite history is no happy journey,… a great crowd,…. fed misleading and wrong information,… stumbled by what was printed by the Watchtower. How can they say,… they are the “Faithful and Discreet Slave”. Hollow words when lined up with their history. A faithful,.. slave is careful not to run ahead of his Master!

  • November 28, 2012 at 12:14 am

    JimmyG, yes, you hit the nail here. This means an obvious contradiction with the WTS’s claim that they are not infallible. This is the ‘get out of jail free card’ they use when things go awry. The FACT is that if one claims to have the TRUTH, then one must be ready to answer some pretty difficult questions. “What is truth?” as Pilate put it.

    Which Old Testament prophet ever made a prophecy that never came true? When the first century congregation was anointed at Pentacost, what uninspired Scripture did they write?

    To make the claim of being spirit-anointed in 1919 is an extraordinary claim. Can anyone please tell me if they have ever read about the miracle that accompanied that claim?

    As to inspiration, who inspired the 9 previous years of Watchtowers and Awakes that focused on the “End” coming in 1975? And that’s 9 whole years!

    What are we to make out of the account of Fred Franz pointing a bony finger at a convention crowd and telling them: “The reason why the end didn’t come was that YOU expected it!”?

    It was Franz’s chronology and writings that caused the expectation in the first place!

    Perhaps we should all take his advice and have zero expectations of the latest revelations.

    Frank 2

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