All for three extra spaces: Brain injured man’s family says Witnesses broke their promise

Brain injured Jim Mura and his family say his Witness neighbors are going back on their promise
Brain injured Jim Mura and his family say his Witness neighbors are going back on their promise

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses genuinely care about the general well-being of ordinary people beyond the confines of their religion? Such a question might sound strange to some, but after taking a closer look into their interaction with the public it becomes not only reasonable, but necessary.

If you posed the question to a Jehovah’s Witness at your doorstep you’d likely get a lengthy monologue describing his or her organization as the most “loving” on the earth.

But do Witnesses really care about people outside of their bubble? A recent troubling development in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, brings that question into sharp focus.

Jim Mura’s life plans were tragically altered when he suffered a traumatic brain injury in a freak ocean swimming accident. Suddenly, his lifestyle was one where simple communication and movement was extremely difficult. His wife, Janet, became his caretaker.

The two of them had reason for concern when their local congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses decided to build a kingdom hall next door.

You see, one of the few joys in Jim’s life is gazing at the Sandia Mountains, a view of which is afforded to him by his dining room window. But having learned that the new kingdom hall would obstruct this view, the couple decided to confront the Jehovah’s Witnesses with their concerns.

They received verbal assurance that the hall would be built so that Jim’s view would not be blocked.

Once the concrete was poured, Jim and Janet were shocked to find out that the kingdom hall was being situated in a position that would indeed block his view of the mountains.

Again they confronted the Witnesses and discovered that the decision had been made in spite of their agreement.

If the Witnesses had upheld their agreement with the Mura’s and complied with their wishes, the parking lot for the kingdom hall would lose the space for three vehicles. These few parking spaces were thus deemed more important than the needs of a severely disabled neighbor.

As a group that professes to be the only true Christians, shouldn’t Watchtower’s love for their literal neighbors be of paramount concern? Should it not supersede any material or strategic gain?

I was a member for over two decades, and will always remember a common mantra: “let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no.” (James 5:12) I recall this concept being drilled into my mind from a young age. So, it’s astonishing for me to witness an entire congregation’s refusal to uphold such a simple agreement with a person in need, namely that he could continue to have access to an attribute that directly influenced the purchase of his property.

Tragically, the law sits on the sidelines on this one. Morally, what’s happening is loathsome, but the Watchtower is breaking no actual laws. All that can be done is to protest peacefully against this moral travesty as it unfolds, and raise awareness.

If you would care to show your support for Jim and his wife, please visit their official Facebook page: Save Jim’s View.

Even with the concrete poured, I imagine there are still creative ways to grant Mr Mura his wishes. Hopefully, Watchtower will have a change of heart and allow his current quality of life to be uninterrupted. Only time will tell.








Further reading…

190 thoughts on “All for three extra spaces: Brain injured man’s family says Witnesses broke their promise

  • May 29, 2014 at 10:00 am

    Had they decided to grant the man’s wishes, we would not be reading about it here. This website would not be telling us how the watchtower society, under the guidance of the Governing Body in New York sacrificed 6 parking spaces (or the equivalent of anyway) for this man.

    Tell me your honest opinion: if the Jehovah’s witnesses would grant the man’s wishes, would this appear in this website? Because all I can see is that this site never highlight the positive in JWs, just the negative side. That doesn’t show is a serious website. It just show that they, including Cedars are obsessed with the watchtower society. Just because they made mistakes and perhaps were disfellowshipped, now they’re against a society they agreed being part of it, even knowing the rules. That’s the way it work. Everything has it’s own rules. Just take an example here in the comment section, if you don’t follow the guidelines to comment, your comment is “disfellowshipped” of this section. And for me that’s fair.

    Get a life Cedars and everyone in

    • May 29, 2014 at 10:39 am

      Norman, if you want my honest opinion :

      If they granted this person’s wishes, this article wouldn’t appear on this site. You’re 100% correct about this.

      I like the way you countered with this particular point. If you or any other JW had the ability to counter any arguments published on this site the same way, this site would cease to exist. Practically there would be no problems to write about. But as I said, I haven’t seen that happen.

  • May 29, 2014 at 10:11 am

    Sorry to tell you, but YOU are wrong. Mike & Kim will soon be sharing my story on their youtube channel, per my request, for 2 reasons: I am from New Mexico–I used to live there–and I also suffered a life threatening brain injury. Your words tell me personally how little you understand, unless you’ve had it happen personally. I HAVE….and while a I made a full recovery this man didn’t. I look at him and I’m looking at myself of what could have been. And I know PERFECTLY well why this man needs his view of the Sandias. I can tell you from PERSONAL experience, those bros DO NOT know the difference between right from wrong. Mike and Kim will be publishing my story on their youtube channel soon…so watch for it. Hopefully it will give you something to think about.

  • May 29, 2014 at 10:26 am

    Norman Bateman: John Cedars is simply sharing with you and all plain and simple truth, so don’t be here telling him to “get a life”. As I mentioned in one response to a previous comment, my story is going to appear on Mark and Kim’s youtube channel soon for 2 reasons: I am from NM and I myself suffered a life-threatening brain injury. So this story is particularly sensitive to me. I don’t care what you think, the truth of the matter is that Elders DO NOT help victims; they SUPPRESS them, lie about them and slander them and will do so to make themselves appear to be in the right. I experienced it and saw it with my own 2 eyes. Your comment shows how little you understand, but I don’t hold that against you because you can only go by the things that the Society WANTS you to hear v.s. what is really true. You say if the bro/sis had done something good that it wouldn’t be published here. In turn, I have a question for you: If the Society had done something bad, such as the cover up of child molestation, their joining the UN for 10 years, their not willing to remove appointed bros who have admitted to commiting gross sins in the past and never confess them while at the same time willing to disfellowship hundreds of bros/sis that came to them for help and went off afterwards and committed suicide because of the feeling of rejection of hopelessness and having to 1 THING they need the most cut off from the, THEIR FAMILIES, to make a full recovery, or children who died because of their refusal to give them Organ transplants (I’m not talking about blood), do you think it would be published in the WT, KM, etc.? I will tell you like many folks I tell who like drinking coffee: WAKE UP and smell it. Watch for my REAL-LIFE story to be published on Mark and Kim’s channel soon.

  • May 29, 2014 at 10:31 am

    The above comment was published in response to “Eric’s” post.

  • May 29, 2014 at 10:53 am

    Imacountrygirl : you are tough! And preachy. And, in my opinion, completely out of line. I don’t think you have understood the real issue behind all of this, nor the spirit in which James Strait writes this article..
    Resorting to innuendos regarding his character is not becoming. Hope your anger subsides.
    I’m sure that deep inside your are a very nice person
    Who has had her share of suffering.
    The brothers are going to have a hard time preaching in that territory. Even when the law is on our side as many of you have said, common sense should prevail.
    And then there is the law of love……

  • May 29, 2014 at 10:56 am

    Norman, Norman, Norman,

    I would like to address a portion of your comment.

    “Just because they made mistakes and perhaps were disfellowshipped, now they’re against a society they agreed being part of it, even knowing the rules.”

    I don’t think the majority of us on here are against a society just because we made a mistake and perhaps are disfellowshipped.

    I can only speak for myself, but I am on here and support this site because of wanting to be part of exposing the Watchtower for what it really is. Greedy, fleecing people of their hard earned money. The recent takeover of KH and all cash above $5,00.00 and operating expenses, the ruthless lengths they will go to in order to obtain more wealth and control over every congregation.

    They are a cult and exercise mind control over it’s members. The instill fear, even in little children, about Armageddon and control it’s members from leaving. They hold shunning over every member’s head, as velvet handcuffs, because everyone knows that if you express any different view from the Watchtower, or if you commit a wrong-doing and they don’t think you are sorry enough, these 7 men have the power to take away your entire network of family and friends, to rip them right out of your life as if they never even existed, leaving you in an exposed, vulnerable position with no support.

    How would we and the world have known about the massive cover-up of sexual child abuse taking place within the congregation….if it were not exposed. Each of us victims not even being aware that it is going on everywhere around us, no congregation is safe.

    It also gives us an opportunity to learn about past indiscretions we may not have been aware of. It also keeps us informed about the gradual decay that is going on inside the Watchtower organization.

    One of the things I don’t hear much about is the opportunity it gives us to show unconditional love, acceptance and encouragement to each other. It gives us a sense of belonging and stability in our lives, we can always count on each other. We all share a common bond of pain and therefore know the importance of comforting each other, because we all know something about a background in common that no one else in the world understands. It gives us (virtual) association when we are feeling alone. There is something special here that draws us together.

    Why don’t you highlight some positive things about the Watchtower? Do they show unconditional love among themselves? Do they show love to ANYBODY? How about their charitable deeds? Have they ever helped one of their own members who falls on hard times? During a natural disaster, how many have they helped besides their own members? If you find any positive things out, be sure and let us know. I am sure you can find something positive. Even the Devil is a hard worker.

    We do have lives, each and every one of us. But we make time in our happy, full, busy lives to pause here, for a moment, to remind ourselves of what we have been through, lest we ever forget the damage wrought to the human soul by The Governing Body and the Watchtower organization.

  • May 29, 2014 at 11:12 am


    “Imacountrygirl : you are tough! And preachy. And, in my opinion, completely out of line.”

    You are absolutely right! I agree with you. Does anybody know where I can get one of those “Preacher” certificates I
    can hang on my wall??

    ” Hope your anger subsides.” Thank you for your concern, I am feeling ever so much better now.

    “The brothers are going to have a hard time preaching in that territory.”

    C’mom….is that REALLY such a bad thing???

    Zipppinnnnggg up my mouth

  • May 29, 2014 at 11:58 am

    I sympathize with many of those expressing degrees of skepticism as to whether this is a worthwhile story. I actually think it’s great that visitors to this website can be so open and honest with their opinions, in marked contrast with what goes on in kingdom hall meetings when information is conveyed.

    My own opinion is that, though this is nowhere near on the same scale of importance as stories surrounding child abuse and shunning, James is right to point out the Witness “yes mean yes” mantra.

    If no promises were made, then there is little to discuss with this story. It’s a simple altercation between neighbor A and neighbor B.

    But if a verbal agreement was indeed reached, then it should have been honored. And for this congregation to go back on their promise for the sake of three parking spaces says a lot about the moral fortitude of the Witnesses involved.

    The elders in this congregation, if the build goes ahead and blocks the view, no longer have “freeness of speech” when it comes to honoring agreements or showing concern for neighbors, and that’s a huge shame for them.

  • May 29, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    John Cedars, you are exactly 100% correct. And it goes beyond even that. What would Jesus have done? We know he would have cured this man, but we can plainly see in the Bible his love and consideration in his dealings with people. To those who have never been in the shoes that this gentleman is in–I HAVE BEEN THERE, and you can’t even begin to imagine what he’s dealing with; believe me when I tell you that. I have suffered a life-threatening brain injury. I lost 2 years of my memory. I was recently asked by a C.O. to relate my experience at the past assembly and I said no to him, because one of his questions was how did the Congregation Elders help us as a family. I told him my response was that they didn’t. To the contrary, they knowingly and willfully lied and slandered myself, my wife and us as a family who have a special needs’ child just to make themselves look good. No sense of right and wrong at all. I told the C.O. that the Elders do not help victims, they suppress them; that is the simple and plain truth. As mentioned earlier, my TRUE story in more detail will soon be published on Mark’s and Kim’s youtube channel. So yes, James is 100% correct in publishing this article.

  • May 29, 2014 at 12:45 pm

    Sorry, I meant to say it will be on Mike’s and Kim’s youtube channel.

  • May 29, 2014 at 1:39 pm

    Great comments.

  • May 29, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    Is that as far as your charity goes, ‘get a life’? Such concern for lost sheep. I can hear Jesus now ‘get a life sinners’.
    Maybe the news article is not worthy news maybe it is. What is news though is that you perfectly present the Watchtowers attitude toward others. Cheers for that Norman.

  • May 29, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    Interesting. Cedars, please answer me this with honesty: if the Jehovah’s witnesses would had granted the man’s wishes, would this appear in this website or even in your blog aka cedars’ blog section? And I’m talking about what would have happened if Janet would have called you before and told you: “you know what cedars, I really love your posts, it’s really shows how the WT society, but mainly the governing body is. But after all they are a lovely people. I asked them not to interfere with the view of the mountains, because my husband really love that view. And even though I know they have the owners right to build whatever they want according to local laws, they agreed not to build in a way that would interfere with the mountains view. I am thankful to these JW, and Jim too.”

    Would you post something about it in this website? And would you even dare to comment about it?
    What about you, James Strait. I would like to know your opinion too.

    Thanks in advance.

    • May 30, 2014 at 9:51 am

      If it came to my attention that the congregation elders had finally honored their word I would of course publish an “update” at the foot of the article on James’ behalf to keep our readers informed. I hope that answers your question!

    • May 30, 2014 at 4:18 pm

      The Watchtower claims to have a monopoly on Christianity. If the Watchtower toned down it’s grandiosity and started granting ALL their members human rights this site would have a lot less relevance. Until then, I devote myself to exposing the Watchtower for what it is. The moment they get their act together I will simply quit. This movement is not about reporting on the Watchtower’s acts of benevolence (we can be sure anything good will be plastered on, but an exposition of the Watchtower’s malevolence. Which they deny exists at all.

  • May 29, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    There is no evidence the Witnesses did what they could. The fact is, that this was a golden opportunity for JWs to “let their reasonableness become manifest.” If they had done so, I’m sure the ‘kind act’ would have been emblazoned as a ‘good work’ on JW. org.

    Simply saying, ‘I’m sure they tried to honour the agreement’ isn’t good enough. Christians are a spectacle to the world. This should not only be in growling over perceived persecution, but also to show their Christ-like attitude.

  • May 29, 2014 at 4:06 pm

    In fairness, Norman, your question is a bit like asking why an angling magazine doesn’t write about owning tropical fish. They’re both broadly related yet have nothing to do with each other on a deeper level.

    Or perhaps a better example: should a Republican Party newsletter write about something great done by Democrats?

    Let’s be realists here.

    If you want a pro-JW blog, start one. If you want a completely neutral JW news blog, start one. If you don’t want to read an anti-JW site, maybe don’t come here? Whatever the case is, don’t derail the comments on a post by badgering about this.

  • May 29, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    This is a clear and cut case of where the organization will steamroller over one person to achieve their object.

    Now they maybe are completely in their rights to build where they want to build, unless there is an actual written legal agreement to the contrary.

    This is all about righteousness which in this particular case the organization is pushing aside to achieve their object.

    As the Apostle Paul once said that it maybe lawful, but is it advantageous?

    In this particular case the organization has made a smell for themselves that involves deceit and a lack of respect for their fellow human being.

  • May 29, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    Many religions have a positive side to them, but unfortunately as shown over the thousands of years, more often than not, organized religion only serves to dominate those who are under their control and they even try to dominate and manipulate those who are not even affiliated with it.

    Look at the history and track record of organized religion.

    The organized religions who are Judeo-Christians are certainly no exception.

    Once you let man tell you what to do in any religion, that is the end of any spiritual light that it may posses.

  • May 29, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    Of course they dont keep they’re promises. The elders and governing boby are modern day Pharisees. They have allowed Satan to influence them and are now like Satan who (was) once with God. Does Satan care? Well no neither do Satan like people/governing body and elders care . Ive learned to say oh well to the human demonds/ jws… remember they were once with Jehovah but now have turned to darkness and thats what hurts onlookers.

  • May 29, 2014 at 6:22 pm

    Perhaps the almighty organization could have provided this man with some form of compensation for his loss. Property rights aside, this is no everyday land owner, the watchtower society has means and opportunity afforded to it that average homeowners do not.

  • May 29, 2014 at 6:35 pm

    @ James

    Rather than offer pity for what happened to you in the past, I want to offer a Hearty Congratulations for rising above it and choosing to make a difference for anyone who is considering joining JW mind control that often leads to self destruction. That to me is a true sacrifice and I applaud you! I also wanted you to know that I was certain your motives were good, however my comment was directed at the lack of evidence to draw any concrete conclusions. However in my mind, I am like you I would do whatever I could to accomodate Mr. Mura if at all possible. I am just not sure that the WT knew about this before the news broke. Whatever the case may be, I truly wish you the best as you continue to undertake this endeavor.

    @ Cedars

    You are right about the freedom to comment and even disagree here, it is a rare but good thing to be able to hold different viewpoints on things and be able to express them with civility and genuine concern for other peoples viewpoint. That is something that is lacking at World Headquarters all the way down to the local congregation Elder Bodies, those who disagree are viewed as trouble makers no matter how right or selfless their cause.


    1. I left by my own choice, I stopped being an elder and was forced to send in 3 letters before they would accept. I also sent back my last 2 assembly speaking assignments at the District and Circuit level. I was begged 3 months before I stopped attending to participate in a demonstration for the Circuit Assembly even though I resigned as an elder 5 months prior. I reluctantly accepted as I got to act out the part of a salesman and got to do it with my closest friend who is now also an “apostate” (BTW) we rocked it because I didn’t care what people thought, also I demonstrated great emotional tactics to trap my fictional customer into buying even though they were reluctant. It made many of the friends upset as they felt they could not get out of buying what I was selling without lying. When we walked off you could have heard a pin drop, even the speaker forgot to start speaking again when he was done. The D.O. said on Sunday that was the best demo he had seen in a very long time. So much for holy spirit as I was reading a ton of “apostate literature” at the time and the D.O. could not stop commenting to the “friends” how good it was in his closing talk. I was FREE! No shackles on me, ohh yeah and no holy spirit! Lol I did sneak out and have Popeyes chicken for lunch, maybe it was the chicken that did it. Love that chicken from Popeyes.

    2. As for us being sinners, H*** yes I am a sinner. Sin is a made up word anyhow and doesn’t mean a thing, only to those in the club of WT. You are just like a Treky (Star Trek fanatic) You use words from your religion that have no meaning in the real world to label others. Take a look around Spock, what you say is not logical. “Sin” is a word used to make others feel small by people who are more guilty of “sin” piety, which is clearly denounced by Jesus. You need a pointy hat, not because you Klingon to these ridiculous views, but like a pharisee you want to be recognized for your piety and that according to Jesus is despicable. ‘go learn what this means I want mercy not sacrifice’

    3. We all do have lives, just another ridiculous statement with no meaning from a JW apologist. It is you that does not have a life, you are a Watchtower Zombie walking around parroting Watchtower’s glib view of an amazing world and really smart and enjoyable people. I am sure you are done because you have to go read your WT for Sunday and try to memorize that parts you have not already memorized so you can sound like their ideas are yours and your an original. Wow am I glad I don’t have to do that any more!

  • May 30, 2014 at 12:20 am

    We should be talking of different stories to tell the world that they should learn from what is happening around the world that Jehovah Witnesses are no different from all people guided by medieval thoughts.

    The stories of family members who killed a woman in Pakistan and the story of a Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy = marrying a catholic man should inspire us and give a picture of WHO JWs are in reality!!!

  • May 30, 2014 at 12:59 am

    Gary..lets say you are a lost sheep and I am concern about you. If I could tell you the right words, would I make you to come back to the watchtower society again? Be honest, please.

    I don’t consider you a lost sheep, just because I know you don’t consider yourself a lost sheep. Why would I worry for you anyways? I believe that nothing I could tell you would make you to come back to the organization.

  • May 30, 2014 at 2:39 am

    Norman, an honest response.
    I am still officially a member of the Watchtower Organisation. Would I go back? I haven’t left. Occasionally I attend the meetings. You see, to me, the most important thing above all else is, ‘what is truth’?
    I know that the Watchtower has taught and still teaches what is false & I understand the reasons for this. However it is not possible for me to compromise what I know to be truthful.
    The issue is, the Society force’s it’s adherents to accept all and everything it teaches without question, above that of the inspired counsel to ‘test’ the expression, if I compromise what I knew to be truthful then i would placing the organisation above God & conscience. It would become a god just as Paul said and indeed is. To put it another way:- the three Hebrews would not pollute themselves with unclean food and neither will i. No compromise.
    I enjoy this website and those who comment (occasionally:-). I find it informative and it’s great that people feel free to comment without having to worry, they can say how they feel, that’s positive:-)
    If God has not appointed the slave yet then we all stand equal. Many people have been bullied into submission by the Watchtower and yet it did not have the authority to do so. There is only one religion who teaches a false parousia 2thess2 1&2. The lie is 1914.

  • May 30, 2014 at 2:41 am

    Norman Bateman,

    There are no words that you could say to bring anyone back to a religion that has failed to uphold Christian principles in so many horrific ways.

    My life is full and good and I wake up every day grateful for another one. I am a moral and kind person and I do not need or want any religion.

    What is your obsession with returning to an organisation? Listen to yourself, Norman! An organisation is not synonimous with Christianity and you know it.

    Now, why don’t you tell me what you think is the best aspect of the WTBTS’ child protection policy? Do you think it adequately protects children?

    You need to wake up and research your religion, Norman. It has serious and long standing problems that prove to me that God is not blessing it and does not recognise it as anything more than another sect of Christendom.

    Peace be with you


  • May 30, 2014 at 3:10 am

    Norman, do something honest for me.
    Put your head through the temple wall & what do you see?

  • May 30, 2014 at 10:30 am

    Norman Bateman: Note carefully what is published in the 1950 Awake; May 22 issue Article entitled “A Private Wire to God?”. Read the last paragraph of the article. It says “Jesus Christ is our mediator, and he does not need men or organizations , and certainly not when such ones are corrupt.” Eat your heart out ;)

  • May 30, 2014 at 3:08 pm

    better to be a Jw witness than a Baptist or other religion’s that does not have the truth or teach it. you know what there are false Satan’s tool’s

    • May 30, 2014 at 4:04 pm

      To Cowboy,
      Funny, about that word “truth”.

      What is truth one day, is not the truth the next day and this particularly seems to be so in regards to the JW organization, who in their own literature have declared themselves to be a prophet organization speaking in behalf of the Almighty God.

      Only one problem there, and that is that God “does not change beyond the variation of a shadow” and niether does “real truth”.

      When it comes to this organization, a “False prophet” comes to my mind as interpretation after interpretation of prophecy fails to be realized.

      They have indeed ignored Daniels statement where he had indicated that true interpretations of prophecies given to the prophets via the angels and the Holy Spirit, belong to God.

  • May 30, 2014 at 5:36 pm

    James – we are all entitled to our opinions. But there is a statement about winning a war and not the battle. First of all maybe a promise was made and could not be kept do to ordinance reasons. When one buy a piece of property their are no guarantees. Heck even the government can claim your land under some circumstances(and government is supposed to be for the people by the people if it is a democracy) to build roads ways and etc. Second of all this is an issue which effects only one person. It is like a loving parent saying something that hurts their children’s feelings, does this mean all of a sudden they or a bad parent? Or lets say the article said “JW Honors man’s wishes and builds KH so he can still see the mountains”…does this mean all of a sudden all of the other wrongs by the organization should be over looked. Sometimes when trying to win a battle bringing out everything something or someone does wrong, makes people began to lose the bigger picture of things that are really important and wrong. Because this only affected one person and not millions of lives. Everyone\thing has flaws even sometimes the most well intention corporations and peoples have flaws and do things wrong. Therefore in my opinion this is really a very small thing in comparison to life’s that have been lost or dramatically affected because of things that have change in the organization…to name a few can’t take organ transplants, now can take transplants, certain things done in the bedroom meant a person could get divorce and remarried now that was change and a person could not get divorce and remarried over these same things , no blood to now blood fractions, constant changing of “truth” and so on. These are real and life changing issues and those to me truly worth highlighting. Again that is just my opinion.

  • May 30, 2014 at 11:43 pm

    Taken at face value, if a watchtower representative had said that they would not block Jim,s view, technically they have broken their word, even if it was a verbal agreement.
    Psalm 15:4 . Clearly it was a very important issue to Jim so even if it subsequently became unavoidable that his view had to be blocked due to some planning requirement or something, the loving thing would have been to have an ongoing dialogue with him so that he knew what was happening and why, and not have to find out and be disappointed when the building was actually built blocking his view.

    As far as JW’s loving their neighbour, I have always wondered how it can be loving to pray constantly that Armageddon come soon,and with it the destruction of the entire population of the earth who are not Jehova’s Witnesses.

  • May 31, 2014 at 12:58 am

    I cannot believe the coldness of some of these comments. Yes it is a building issue. No mcdonalds etc probably would not give it a second thought, but this is an organisation looking for people to serve a “great and loving God.” This man will not listen to the message now. He could lose his life for three parking places. Three places that might well be taken up by the very cold hearted persons who agreed to let him keep his view. It is wrong. It is not Christian and Jesus would not do it. That is the whole point isn’t it?

    • May 31, 2014 at 4:20 am

      Patrice – you know something I was not even going to bring Christ into it. Because yes he did offend people and they were even stumbled. When he stated in scripture unless you “eat my flesh and drink my blood” and many became stumble and left off following him, they even called the speech shocking. He even had to turn to the Apostles and ask them if they wanted to leave. Therefore because of a misunderstanding in the words Jesus spoke some stop following him. Again what was the full story behind what happened with the KH building? Who made the promise. (I can say something to some one were I work, but my chief operating office has final say and can over rule what I say and this has happen in some cases.) Have ALL of the facts come out? So if a perfect man could say something or do something that would stumble(shock) people because of a misunderstanding…I dare say a person or organization can and will make missteps(so it is no need to point out minor things). By the way as I said before. To put it another way most people from my perspective I would say are good and kind people, if I offend some one does that all of a sudden mean I am a bad person(should a big deal be made out of it)? Or lets say I am a person know for doing bad, just because all of a sudden I do something good for some one, does this mean I am a good person(should this mean a big deal should be made out of it and I have change and wipe away the bad I have done)? This property thing is just not a big deal.

  • May 31, 2014 at 3:21 am

    Patrice – yes, I must admit I feel the same way as you. I don’t know all the details, of course, but I would suggest that the Society did not do their homework before embarking on this project; if they had of done all of this unfortunate business could have been avoided. As a Christian, before we do anything, we should consider how our actions might affect others.

  • May 31, 2014 at 8:37 am

    Pickie, pickie, pickie,

    • May 31, 2014 at 8:50 am

      Cowboy unfortunately with JW there is no two sides. Being part of their religion mean their way or the high way when it comes to religious teaching if you go the meeting you know this to be true. I made a mistake one time and mis-spoke about the GB saying they could not always be correct…the looks I got…I thought I was going to be kicked out right there and then.

  • May 31, 2014 at 11:17 am

    I hope the WTS does not grab this article and use it for its benefits. It is a loophole the WTS can use against us “APOSTATE”!!

    Let us think of other developments like a Sudanese woman who has recently CONVICTED OF APOSTASY and condemned to die by hanging for marrying a catholic man (

    Is that different from waht the Watchtower teaches: APOSTATES MUST BE KILLED. (See New World in KINYARWANDA page 287, heading)

  • May 31, 2014 at 11:36 am

    Scrubmaster: It may not be a big deal for you, but it is for the gentleman concerned. His view is being obscurred. His lifeline perhaps. There are three parking spaces that are the cause. It doesn’t matter that one person maybe spoke out of turn. What matters is that the building commitee of that hall ARE NOW AWARE and are choosing to carry on regardless. Many think the WTBTS are being got at. Well quite rightly. So they should be, because they profess to be, Gods Spokesman on earth. Their actions could stop many people from listening to the message they want to declare. FOR THREE PARKING PLACES. They do not need those last three parking places. But the gentleman needs his view. Jesus taught empathy.

    • May 31, 2014 at 12:17 pm

      Patrice – really. I was waiting for your response. I had a view obstructed from my balcony in my house. I just moved on. Again we do not ALWAYS get what we want in life. That is called being spoiled. Heck my kids do not always get what they want. Again this is not big deal.

      • May 31, 2014 at 12:30 pm

        Ah so you are heckling me.

  • May 31, 2014 at 11:49 am

    @ imacountrygirl

    You’re missing the point. The JWs gave their word that they would accommodate the needs of a disabled band vulnerable adult. They went back on their word. How very Christian of them.

    In most civilised countries you can not just buy some land and do as you see fit with it. If you wish to undertake a major construction project, say a kingdom hall, you have to apply to the local authorities and submit detailed plans. This way objections and problems can be heard and delt with. Here in Britain the Watchtower Corporation would not be allowed to spoil a disabled person’s quality of life just for the sake of three parking spots.

    And to answer your question, as a decent human being I would certainly be saddened by this story even if the Watchtower Corporation wasn’t involved.

  • May 31, 2014 at 12:19 pm

    Patrice– you also did not comment on the part where Jesus did stumble people….do not be selective.

  • May 31, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    Oops I thought I was posting the above comment on another discussion Cowboy had posted on.

  • May 31, 2014 at 12:33 pm

    Well I did start to comment with this question, do you think Jesus deliberately stumbled people, and if so why would he do that.

  • May 31, 2014 at 12:51 pm

    Scrubmaster – apologies if I have misunderstood you. If something unfortunate happens to us and we have the ability to deal with it successfully – well and good. However, not everyone is able to deal with problems in the same way. Each person is an individual and should be treated as such that is with kindness and understanding. May I just say that the last thing a person with brain damage needs is stress and the bottom line is that this is what is happening to him in this situation.

  • May 31, 2014 at 1:26 pm

    Yes I agree it is nice to by sympathetic to peoples needs. But is this really something that should be made a big deal out of because it was JW. Even I have walk by homeless ones on the street asking for money and do not always give money to them. Does this make me unsympathetic to there needs. No. I am trying to say everyone\organization has faults and does things wrong sometimes even the most kindest person in the world would offend some one someway. Some of them big which need to be brought to light and some of them small which need to be overlooked. But again that is my opinion.

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