My opinion of Anthony Morris III has changed following his recent zone visit to Italy
My opinion of Anthony Morris III has changed following his recent zone visit to Italy

Those who follow my YouTube channel will be familiar with my “Getting To Know You” series of videos, which I’ve been producing for some time.

These short films use selected clips from Governing Body talks to reveal the character and intellect of Governing Body members, who now consider themselves collectively to be the “faithful and discreet slave.”

By far the stand-out performer from this series has been Anthony Morris III (or “Tony” Morris as his friends call him). While other Governing Body members tend to be quite guarded and diplomatic when it comes to voicing their personal opinions, Tony has a seemingly insatiable appetite for offloading his private ponderings on bewildered audiences as though these are part of some divine revelation.

As Tony himself is so fond of putting it, “I’m just a shoemaker. If the shoe fits, well you have to wear it. Don’t get mad at me. This is Jehovah’s Word, this is what’s been outlined by the Governing Body. Just take a look at yourself.”

Tony Morris gives a talk with the aid of an interpreter
Tony Morris gives a talk with the aid of an interpreter

Until now I have contentedly followed Tony’s advice and refused to get “mad” at him. It is clear from listening to his talks (as I have done for many hours over the past two years) that he is a deluded crackpot who loves the limelight and thinks very highly of himself. The “shoe” always seems to fit anyone but him. Even so, I have been willing to give him the benefit of the doubt regarding his character. I have assumed that he is essentially a kind-hearted soul suffering from serious delusional issues.

But then I listened to the recording from his recent zone visit to the Italian Branch Office in Rome, and my opinion quickly changed.

If you would like to listen to the talk yourself, you will find a recording at the foot of this article, or on this link. But make yourself comfortable! It is over an hour-and-a-half long, and half in Italian.

From what I can gather, the talk was given on January 5th in Rome as part of a Zone Visit, and was broadcast live to another audience in Israel. The discourse was translated into Italian with the aid of an interpreter.

For those who don’t have 90 minutes to spare on listening to the entire talk, here are my notes of what was discussed (timings are approximate)…

  • 01:40 – Tony toys with his audience about the new revised English New World Translation, and tells them they should have “pazienza” because he won’t be releasing a new Bible in Italian on this visit. (One brother later commented by email that this did NOT go down well with everyone, since Italians are more interested in whether their Branch Office will stay open than whether they are getting a new Bible.)
  • 16:00 – Tony asks how many families in the audience have visited the local amusement park, Gardaland, but never the local Branch Office in Rome. To such ones he says, “Explain that to Jehovah. That’s a problem.”
  • 22:00 – “When your family gets together to eat a meal, shut that thing off,” barks Tony when expressing himself regarding the television.
  • 26:00 – Tony says to families who don’t eat together on a daily basis, “Guess what, the devil has attacked you in your family.”
  • 30:00 – “Family worship needs to be more important than what we eat,” declares Tony, after a rather patronizing analogy involving pasta.
  • 35:35 – Tony tells parents who aren’t prepared to “strengthen the spirituality” of their children ahead of Armageddon that they might as well “Sit ’em down and say goodbye. Jehovah is never sentimental.”
  • 39:00 – Tony begins a rant against “extremely tight pants,” and goes on to suggest that these are an elaborate conspiracy on the part of homosexual fashion designers, who “just love it” when they see men wearing tight pants. Clearly rattled by the audience’s bemused response, Tony presses the issue and explains how when given similar “discipline” in America, Witnesses “threw those pants away, even though they spent considerable money on them.”
  • 44:00 – Tony remarks that there are a few ties in the audience that there is “no way” he would wear, even though deciding on which tie to wear is a “personal choice” and Witnesses do not need to dress “prudishly.”
  • 46:00 – Witnesses should not wear clothing that “enters the room before they do” in the style of Lady Gaga.
  • 48:30 – Tony says of King David, “When he’s resurrected, you tell him I spoke fondly of him!” The way the talk is going, I’m not sure he would welcome that endorsement.
  • 49:20 – “She doesn’t like it when she gets into my talks,” Tony says of Mrs Morris, with whom it’s easy to sympathize.
  • 53:50 – Tony bemoans films featuring vampires. “Are they dead or are they alive?” he muses.
  • 55:00 to 56:19 – The feed goes silent, presumably due to a technical problem. Audience members have opportunity to conduct a quick visual audit of tight pants and flamboyant ties.
  • 01:00:00 – Tony relates the story of a father who would pray each night for his children to “never have to be dealt with by a judicial committee.”
  • 01:01:00 – Tony quips that Italians can be “excitable sometimes.”
  • 01:04:00 – A strange bike story is related in which a dog ends up being “the only one in the whole house that behaved like a Christian.” You can’t help but wonder whether it was wearing appropriate legwear.
  • 01:07:00 – Those who aren’t preaching the “good news of the kingdom” have blood on their hands, which God can see.
  • 01:14:00 – “When I finally get to heaven I hope he says ‘what a reward’,” Tony says of the mentor who took his Bible study – also of the professed anointed.
  • 01:14:50 – Tony begins a discussion on shunning, using misapplied scripture and a dubious second-hand experience to reinforce the idea that the practice should be enforced within the family. Any who speak to disfellowshipped loved ones must repent.
  • 01:25:00 – Tony concludes by relating the story of a Witness who impressed police with her “unbreakable faith” following the death of her daughter, who was murdered by another Witness.
  • 01:31:30 – Tony indulges himself and his audience in a make-believe conversation between two mothers from “five hundred years after the thousand-year reign has finished,” or “fifteen hundred years into the future.” I guess that means Armageddon IS coming this year then.

Of all the examples of delusion and eccentricity in Tony’s talk, arguably his homophobic rant against tight pants was the most jaw-dropping. Rarely has a Governing Body member been known to disgorge such an opinionated torrent of bigotry and small-mindedness quite so publicly and all at once.

On hearing the tight pants tirade I set about making the above video, along with another longer version featuring a humorous Will Ferrell skit at the end. It demonstrated perfectly, in my mind, how outrageous this man is. Anyone listening to Tony’s pant-related musings would struggle to associate them with a man professing to be one eighth of Christ’s “faithful and discreet slave.”

The question must surely be asked by any reasonable person, “If someone as nutty and narrow-minded as Tony Morris can be a member of the Governing Body, surely can’t anyone?”

A glimpse of true evil

It was only later, once I’d listened to the Rome talk in its entirety and fallen upon the part on shunning that my blood really began to boil and the dying embers of any respect I might have once held for Tony were finally snuffed out.

The gloves came off. I felt compelled to make another video – this time in the form of a rebuttal.

As explained in the above video rebuttal, I have come to the conclusion that Tony Morris is an evil and dangerous man. Why do I make this assertion?

Tony’s staunch defense of shunning displayed, not just ignorance and stupidity, but a concerted and cynical effort to deceive. The clearest example of this came when Tony declared: “We don’t have closed doors at kingdom halls, ropes to tie people into seats. We do this because we volunteer to become Jehovah’s people.” In uttering these words, Tony told two bare-faced lies in quick succession – both of which were aimed at manipulating his audience into adopting his point of view.

First, Tony’s “closed doors” statement implied that Witnesses are free to leave the religion whenever they choose. As one of many who are currently having their family used as a weapon against them as punishment for doing precisely that, I can personally vouch to the dishonesty of this statement.

Second, Tony suggested that all Jehovah’s Witnesses are “volunteers,” which implies that all enter the religion without coercion, at an age of maturity, and with all pertinent facts regarding the organization and its history at their disposal.

In making this latter claim, Tony must have been hoping that nobody would remember a talk he gave to an audience in America in which he recommended that parents blackmail children who reach the age of 16 without getting baptized by witholding money for their driving license. Anyone who is cajoled into joining an organization before they reach maturity and as a result of blackmail can most certainly not be called a “volunteer” in any reasonable sense.

Bereft of a clear scriptural mandate for shunning between family members, Tony subjected his audience to a second-hand half-baked “experience,” in which a disfellowshipped man who wasn’t completely shunned by his family for 20 years turned around on his reinstatement and berated his family as “disloyal” for inviting him to their annual family gatherings.

Here too, I found evidence of malevolence in Tony’s character. Those listening to the dubious story were being asked to respect the sort of person who would be ungrateful and duplicitous enough to avail himself of love, kindness and hospitality for 20 years and only berate his family members for their “disloyalty” once it was convenient for him to do so.

In my opinion, the story showed all the signs of having been concocted by a depraved mind, and represented a desperate attempt on Tony’s part to dupe his audience into believing that those being shunned WILL come back some day if only “loyal” Witnesses will stifle their innate morality and subject disfellowshipped loved ones to cruelty and ostracism.

Whether the story was true or not, it only gave further validation to my new consideration of Tony Morris as an evil and dangerous man. He is evil for holding as laudible the heartless words of a cynical opportunist, and trying to trick his audience and pull the wool over their eyes on such an emotive and far-reaching issue as shunning.

And he is dangerous because he is so clearly deluded and yet, along with his cohorts, controls the lives of 8 million worshippers around the world – all of whom are under strict orders to obey any commands “whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.” (w13 11/15 p.20)

I can only hope that the bolder Tony becomes whenever a microphone is positioned before his incontinent mouth, the more people will see him for who he truly is.









Further reading…

Related videos…

134 thoughts on “Deluded or dangerous? – My thoughts on Anthony Morris III following his Rome visit

  • January 26, 2014 at 10:50 am

    Al Qaedr has exposed the essentially violent nature of Islam by following the Koran and Hadiths to the letter and trying to emulate its warlord founder. Hence a chill is sent through many hearts (including many nominally Islamic ones) when Sharia is mentioned.

    Al Qaedr, however, gets regular publicity; so the horror at the heart of Islam is widely known.

    Mention of he JWs, though, in many minds, conjures up the image of a bunch of polite and well dressed, albeit a little nerdy, religious enthusiasts.

    They could, perhaps, have their true and vile nature clearly implanted in public minds if this Morris guy, like Harold Camping before him, continues to make similar demented speeches, newsworthy for their crazed depravity.

  • January 26, 2014 at 10:54 am

    Tony is another reason to get out of that mind controlling cult before they totally destroy everyone thats been manipulated into their CULT. We had a similar overseer in our small congregation in the 1950’s that ran with an iron handed attitude. He spent 8 years in Bethel before coming to our congregation. I was 7 and my brothers were 4 and 5 and we KNOW about Watchtower mind control. Our mother was and still is under the Watchtower mind control. What a miserable childhood we had and there are many children and adults that will finally GET OUT from under Watchtower Cult control and see that organization as it really is, Satan’s puppet.

  • January 26, 2014 at 11:20 am

    What about his comment that it’s ok to visit Disneyland,the land of magic?
    Quite hypocritical…
    This guy is creepy.

  • January 26, 2014 at 11:29 am

    Aloha brother. I just watched your rebuttal video. You are as offended as I am by the hate speech and constant refrain from WT to shun relatives. I have been shunned for a year now. It’s a repulsive practice that is unfounded scriptural lay, but totally embraced by WT. I was a JW since 1966.
    I understand the devotion of the regular JWs to “Jehovah”, however where the devotion truly lies it to an organization.
    There is no reasoning with my family. The only way to hopefully get this shunning situation noticed is through the media. As you know, any media reports that are negative to JWs will be called persecution from Satan. Never mind the fact that they bring this critisims on themselves. If you can harness your considerable energies in coming up with a plan to expose this violation of human rights, I will assist.
    How about a plan to refute and expose this deadly doctrine and policy of JWs? You never know, it may do little to help us personally, but may save others this torture. Aloha, mike

  • January 26, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    Thank you VERRY much for shedding more light on all of this. I must say I giggled at the amazing points you made.
    Keep up the great work :)

    • January 26, 2014 at 12:24 pm

      I wonder if this thread will attract any true believing JWs attempting to defend their divinely appointed leader?

  • January 26, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    Few JW’s know this but the position as indicated in the Shepherd the Flock of God Book with regard to association with disfellowshipped or disassociated RELATIVES who are NOT living with family members is that any RELATIVES who choose to continue associating, to quote, “would NOT be dealt with judicially unless there is persistent SPIRITUAL association or he openly criticizes the disfellowshipping decision”, (section number 6, page 116). Although elders are advised to discourage such association the bottom line is as quoted, although those who choose to continue association may loose any congregational privilages they may have. This reflects what was stated in the 1991 Elders book Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All The Flock. To quote from page 103 of this publication, “Normally, a CLOSE RELATIVE would not be disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person unless there is SPIRITUAL association or an effort made to justify or excuse the wrongful course”. However in the 2010 Shepherd the Flock of God book the standard position with regard to association with disfellowshipped or disassociated NON RELATIVES is continued. To quote from page 60 under the heading Brazen conduct, loose conduct 10, ” Wilful, continued, unnecessary association with disfellowshipped NON RELATIVES despite repeated counsel” constitutes Brazen Conduct which can lead to judicial action by the elders. Of course there is no scriptural evidence for a distinction between the treatment of disfellowshipped or disassociated relatives or non relatives. Despite the sections quoted above from the two elders only publications we are told (as already quoted) to shun disfelowshipped (or disassociated) FAMILY MEMBERS NOT living under our roof, see Watchtower Study Edition July 15, 2011, pp31-32.

    JW’s appeal to 1 Cor 5 as a basis for disfellowshipping, however what did Paul mean in verses 9 and 11 when he advised “quit MIXING in company…..”, did he mean totally cutting off all communication? The Greek word Paul uses is ‘sunanamignumi’, to mix together (Strong 4874), which means, as some interlinears render it, ‘associate intimately’, Thayer has “to keep company with, be intimate with”, there is no hint that there should be no communication at all. Further at 2 Thess 3:14,15 the NWT translates the same Greek word “stop ASSOCIATING with him” yet in verse 15 “continue ADMONISHING him as a brother”. Clearly we do not stop speaking to those who are ‘marked’ but it is a personal decision how much we reduce the amount of social contact we have in line with 1 Cor 5:9 and 11.

    What verse of the Bible do JW’s cite to explain why they won’t even say hello to a disfellowshipped or disassociated one, even if that one living outside the home belongs to their own family?
    The verses can be found in the 2nd letter of the apostle John;
    If anyone comes to YOU and does not bring this TEACHING , never receive him into YOUR homes or say a greeting to him. For he that says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.
    They point, with confidence, to the last few words of verse 10, “never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.” This, they say, is why we won’t have fellowship or even say hello to disfellowshipped or disassociated ones.
    Would it be considered splitting hairs to wish to bring into effect the context of John’s words in verses 10 and 11 of his letter? Any reasonable person would surely wish to make sure of all things, and to hold fast to fine, scriptural teachings by being clear on who John was referring to and what he meant by the word ‘greeting’. Especially so when you consider the devastating effects of not speaking to those even in one’s own family who may be disfellowshipped or disassociated.
    Firstly, what does the context in John’s 2nd letter say about the identity of those to whom Christians should never say a greeting to?
    The Bible is inspired, and we can be confident that our Father wanted to make sure John conveyed accurately what would be pleasing or displeasing to Him, and what would be harmful or beneficial to us. Therefore, we see from the context;
    For many deceivers have gone forth into the world, persons not confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.
    By the time John wrote this letter, towards the end of the first century, Gnostic deceivers were gaining prominence, trying to influence Christians with their belief that Jesus Christ was not who Christians believed him to be. More can be read about this topic in Robertson’s Word Pictures of the New Testament, a reference work the Watch Tower Society has referred to previously. Clearly, from a Christian point of view, these deceivers were spreading evil lies about the Messiah and Saviour, and John quite rightly describes them as the antichrist. These ones literally denied Christ.
    It would appear that some Christians had allowed themselves to be influenced by Gnostic teachings;
    Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. He that does remain in this teaching is the one that has both the Father and the Son.
    John doesn’t mince his words. Anyone who had departed from the teaching of the Christ (see 1 Cor 2:1,2) – a simple teaching or gospel about Christ’s death and resurrection bringing salvation to the whole human race – had departed from God and did not have Jehovah or Jesus.
    Therefore, it was these such ones – deceivers and antichrists – that John was referring to in verses 10 and 11. He instructed that Christians should not welcome such ones into their homes (where their Christian gatherings were held) nor even say a greeting to such a one. Clearly 2 John 10, 11 is misapplied to support not speaking to anyone disfellowshipped for any reason or disassociated.

    • January 28, 2014 at 4:43 am

      miken, thanks so much for the information you left regarding what is said in the “elders book” about this subject. I still find amazing that they write something like this in the book and keep having talks and publishing magazines encouraging relatives and non relatives to completely shun the ones who are DF and DA.
      If you don’t mind I will use some of your words in the letter I am going to write to some “friends” as soon as I send the DA letter.

  • January 26, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Well, he has eaten enough spiritual food a and ready to “imitate their faith” SAMUEL.

    (1 Samuel 15:32, 33) . . .Samuel said: “BRING A′gag the king of Am′a·lek near to me.” Then A′gag went to him reluctantly, and A′gag began to say to himself: “Truly the bitter experience of death has departed.” 33 However, Samuel said: “Just as your sword has bereaved women of children, in that way your mother will be most bereaved of children among women.” With that Samuel went hacking A′gag to pieces before Jehovah in Gil′gal.

    If people feed on such food, what do you expect them to be?

  • January 26, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    The whole concept of “being anointed” is quite fascinating. Those who believe they are of the anointed just announce it. They believe that the holy spirit has chosen them and if you ask them how that happened… they say, they just know.

    Now the rest of the so-called anointed pretty much mean nothing since only those 8 men of the Governing Body have taken it on themselves to announce that only they are the “faithful and discreet slave”. In essence they are the conduit to get spiritual food from Jehovah. They have taken on the role of King Priests…..not in heaven but now …here on earth. King Anthony Morris III has a nice to ring to it, doesn’t it? He gets to spread his narrow minded judgements without censure. He can cherry pick some sentences out of the good book to back him up. Even his ridiculous notion about tight pants! It reminds me of the fairy tale about the Emperor’s new clothes. Hey people! The guy is naked! Stop being taken in by his ignorant nonsense. Please.

  • January 26, 2014 at 2:08 pm

    I don’t know who can counter these arguments. You nailed it, really.

    I am thinking if a slightly different version would be possible for a different purpose, just taking these very strong arguments and neutrally challenging about them and asking answers. The video you made includes elements of your emotions too. I was wondering if a very neutral version showing these flip-flops and other arguments, and then neutrally asking for explanations would be useful. You know, like a journalist that wouldn’t say, “you’re evil” but rather “I would like to understand your intentions making these statements” … :-) Although everyone got the idea :-)

    I would be VERY interested in WTBTS’s answer – if they ever make one – if you invited them to make a comment on this video. Also any current JW’s who would be enclined to consider the video and be willing to comment …

    I have seen a few other GB video’s (and probably most of them created by you) but this one is like a clap on the face …

  • January 26, 2014 at 2:13 pm

    Evil is as evil does.

    Anthony Morris is a homophobic bigot. I suspect he is projecting his own self-loathing over his own suppressed homosexual desires.

  • January 26, 2014 at 2:48 pm

    It just gets worse and worse with their comments towards their rank and file members. Who in the world does this clown think he is? Oh that’s right in his delusional mind he is speaking on behalf of God.
    Well guess what Mr. Morris your busted because the governments are getting hip to your hate speech so please keep it going as soon you will be no more.
    You have vested interest in the money you receive from 8 million brainwashed delusional members.
    So no wonder you want to keep your people from leaving. You have 8 million $ why. How do I know? Well just like you know your of the anointed because you just know so I just know your day will come.

  • January 26, 2014 at 3:16 pm

    Man, I thought these people can’t surprise me anymore.

  • January 26, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    John I have Watch Tower Volumes Complete dating back to the 50s at least I have access to materials most people don’t please contact me if I can be of any help. Just e-mail me

  • January 26, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    Either that or he is worrying the trend will catch on and he will have to wear them and expose the fact that he has a incredibly small jammy.

  • January 26, 2014 at 5:07 pm

    I’m so happy that I’m no longer part of the JW and regret the years and spent believing I was helping others and pleasing Jehovah.
    Now I’m free and my family as well and MUCH, MUCH HAPPIER!!!!

  • January 26, 2014 at 8:42 pm

    Complete boob

  • January 26, 2014 at 9:24 pm

    I wish they had the same mediatic presence worldwide, as in other countries the GB does not figure prominently as it does in the US. My family, for example, still argue that, if they were attracting unnecessary importance, they would know at least the names of the members of the GB – which they don’t. Hopefully, said members are so self-centered that soon other countries will follow, and all witnesses will see what this sickening cult really is – even if they don’t admit that it is just rubbish.

  • January 26, 2014 at 9:37 pm

    Wow. Actually just thank you Tony. Thank you!!!! Keep it coming!!

  • January 26, 2014 at 9:40 pm

    Also good for you John!! Thank you once again. Tell the world!!!

  • January 26, 2014 at 10:06 pm

    Oubliette, You are right,
    *** w86 1/1 p. 13 par. 12 Days Like “the Days of Noah” ***
    Shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in Jehovah’s organization have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting. It is to be noted, also, that during the past year, 36,638 individuals had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, the greater number of them for practicing immorality.

  • January 26, 2014 at 10:17 pm

    @Hakizimana Jean de Dieu – that’s a red herring. The Watchtower has been saying its the last days for 100 yrs. In fact if you check end times in wikipedia, you will find that people have been saying the same thing for centuries.

  • January 27, 2014 at 12:56 am

    I wish they had the same mediatic presence worldwide, as in other countries the GB does not figure prominently as it does in the US. My family, for example, still argue that, if they were attracting unnecessary importance, they would know at least the names of the members of the GB – which they don’t. Hopefully, said members are so self-centered that soon other countries will follow, and all witnesses will see what this sickening cult really is – even if they don’t admit that it is just rubbish.

    disconcerted, many of the WT video’s have a GB member introducing the video. There are pictures of the GB in WT articles, also in their new brochure, they had just recently a picture of one of the GB members Sanderson out witnessing another GB member in a WT article showing him sitting in the KH with other b/s.

    Most JW know who they are, their own literature names them.

  • January 27, 2014 at 1:22 am

    Wonder if the WT Corporation will do a risk assessment and the lawyers will advise him to quieten down his rhetoric. Keep it coming Tony!

    Well done John! You are doing a fab job

  • January 27, 2014 at 4:11 am

    John, I have been following your blogs for about a year now, but this is my first comment. I have been associated with the Watchtower for around 35 years and baptised for 30 but I began to have doubts seriously when many I began to miss wonderful Brothers and Sisters I had known over the years who had passed away in death, I realised that the generation teaching (lie) was wrong. Since then the scales have fallen from my eyes thanks to people like yourself publishing articles exposing things the way they really are. This latest article is exceptional and exposes the silliness spoken by a man supposedly with a direct telephone to the Most High. I regret the wasted years and urge anyone who is seeking the truth to allow themselves to research this organisation thoroughly before committing to them. Thanks now to the internet there is surely no excuse for allowing ourselves to be duped by charlatans like these. Thanks you John and please keep up the good work.

  • January 27, 2014 at 7:33 am

    Well done. It takes courage to walk away. I hope the regrets over the wasted years will disappear as you realise you did the best with what you knew. It looks like many are coming out right now and you will not be alone to share your story and to have a guilt free, meeting free, gossip free, life.

  • January 27, 2014 at 8:12 am

    Yes, I think especially in the US they have more prominence. I say that in other countries is not the same because my family, who has been in the organisation for over 30 years, can’t name even two of the GB members. But I see things are changing, and hopefully the GB will raise to the same prominence in other countries, so that people such as those in my family can really see for themselves!

  • January 27, 2014 at 8:33 am

    In my congregation most of the brothers worked on construction,while their wives cleaners…Most of them barely finished high school at bad grades.With these people you couldn’t talk about art, literature or painting.
    I remember a one brother,who worked as a Manager in a trade center and very likes music and fashion. In the congregation constantly “made fun” of his desire to go once a week in the Solarium.The sisters told his wife with a jeer: “a refined you have a husband”.
    For these people, elders was like father and mother who says what trousers and ties to wear, what movies to watch,what books to read. For me, these people were always empty. I didn’t know what loose talk after the congregation…

  • January 27, 2014 at 11:08 am

    The Pharisees feared Xristo Iesous message because his position was in danger, these clowns happens like the Pharisees, fear the apostate because his company position (editorial-religious) billionaire, danger, instead of leaving all cling as farisesos his position or status

  • January 27, 2014 at 11:09 am

    How they are going to teach morality, a group that hides pedophiles to justice?

    How dare this little guy speak, bloodstained hands for those who do not preach his disgusting message when they have massacred thousands of victims with false doctrines, false dates?

  • January 27, 2014 at 11:33 am

    Tony Morris is sure he will come to heaven. He cannot be accused of false modesty – in fact, there is no modesty at all in him, no humility either. And if I try to get into my mind of an enthustiastic JW teenager 40 years ago, then I would feel a little uncomfortable with that kind of language. If he had added “hope” to the sentence, it would have passed my brainwashed mind without any problem. If Tony had said that he “hoped” for a meeting with someone in heaven, then it would have been at least a thin veil of humility in that statement.

    And critizing elegant Italians for their choice of ties … that surely did not go down well.

  • January 27, 2014 at 11:50 am

    I also thought him to be creepy.

  • January 27, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    It would be laughable if his pontificating didn’t really have such far reaching damaging effects. I mean, I can just imagine as he was preparing for his talks and he met the Italians and realised they were wearing… what! Tight pants…oh my! Mind you, I have a feeling he and Gerrit Losch share hair spray. Maybe some brothers could be stumbled by that?!

    Its so petty and small minded that all you can do is shake your head in disbelief. But growing up I remember having my skirt measured to see that it came to the knee and later my then-husband being counseled for wearing coloured shirts. Its all about interpretation because it sure as heck isn’t in the bible.

  • January 27, 2014 at 12:45 pm

    This pathetic little man is a complete disgrace!

    He is one of the GB that I loath the most. He just can’t keep his insane ideas to himself.

    As other contributors have said, these insane ramblings make their way onto YouTube for the whole world to boggle at.

    What kind of God would choose this imbecile? I mean, with billions to chose, why pick an ill educated, bigoted, arrogant pipsqueak like him? I find this insulting to God.

    He is a fine example of why I have rejected religion. Others allow men like him to write their metaphorical moral cheques. They allow a man like that to tell them what is holy and what is unholy. Jesus would be furious with him and his seven buddies. He would be ashamed that anyone could twist his message so that good is bad and bad is good.

    I would like to reiterate my respect for Mr. Cedars.

    Peace be with you


  • January 27, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    Wow, very interesting read. This guy just sounds crazy and deluded to me. I would hope that thinking witnesses would look and ask themselves whether they are following Jehovah or these imperfect men? I have a hard time believing Jesus would ever appoint someone like this to be a member of the faithful and discreet slave. It just sounds crazy to me. Every year things just keep getting out of hand. Who knows what they will come up with next. I truly believe there will be a massive exodus at some point. And it won’t be pretty.

  • January 27, 2014 at 4:26 pm

    “I can only hope that the bolder Tony becomes whenever a microphone is positioned before his incontinent mouth…”

    This is brilliant writing, Cedars! The euphemism is very funny and VERY appropriate!


  • January 27, 2014 at 7:37 pm


  • January 27, 2014 at 8:22 pm

    So glad I know TTAT. Lunatics.

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