Trial Summary – Part Two

Spring Grove PA Kingdom Hall

On a blistering summer morning in Reading Pennsylvania.  I crossed the railroad tracks, then Penn Street – coffee, briefcase, and boxed lunch in hand.

Just a few steps away from the Sovereign Convention Center, something caught my eye. On the corner of Penn and 7th avenue, a solitary man stood quietly with a large poster which read “A Jehovah’s Witness elder molested me.” 

It was 8.30 a.m. Thousands of badge-wearing, convention-bound Jehovah’s Witnesses streamed into the main entrance, sliding past this man as though he were invisible.

His sign quietly proclaimed that he had suffered the ultimate injustice, but no one stopped. No one seemed to care; their minds were intently focused on entering the air-conditioned building, escaping the heat which was building outside.

I don’t remember what I wore that day. I don’t remember which restaurant I went to that evening. I don’t recall which hotel I stayed in. But I remember the man with the sign.

His presence haunted me. Why was he there? Why would no one speak to him? What had he done wrong? Why was he treated as a man with leprosy?

Meanwhile, just a short distance away, a young girl named Stephanie Fessler was being abused by a Jehovah’s Witness woman more than three times her age. When the relationship was discovered, congregation elders in two states were informed. These elders contacted their legal department in Patterson New York. The elders privately, then publicly rebuked both Stephanie, and her assailant, Terry Monheim. The police were never notified.  Child protective services was never informed. The parents of Fessler were caught between the rock of their religion and doing the right thing. Stephanie’s father, Kevin Fessler, was an elder.  Unfortunately, no one did the right thing.

Seven years later, Stephanie Fessler, at the age of 22, summoned the courage to tell her story to the police. As a result, Monheim was arrested, pleaded guilty to multiple charges, and was sentenced to prison and probation. Monheim was placed on Megan’s list.

Unfortunately, the damage was done. The mental anguish, the destruction of a childhood, the lack of protection from her own parents and congregation elders left Stephanie Fessler traumatized and permanently injured. Unless you are a victim of childhood sexual abuse, you may never fully understand what she has been through.

Stephanie did not want to see this happen to anyone else. The elders for Jehovah’s Witnesses along with their managing corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, and the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, were served notice in a civil trial which began February 7th, 2017.

As reported by JW Survey, on February 13th, the Witness corporations, together with the Spring Grove Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, reached a financial agreement with Fessler after just four days of testimony.

Using Watchtower’s own language, Fessler’s attorney Jeffrey Fritz stated “The matter with the Jehovah’s Witnesses has been resolved.”

Trial Day 2: Enter, Eric Hoffman

It is difficult to fathom which is worse – an elder molesting a young child, or an entire group of elders learning of an accusation, but ignoring their responsibility to inform the authorities and get help for a victim.  As I sat on the rickety wooden chair at City Hall in Philadelphia, that question entered my mind. My pondering was interrupted at 1:15 PM, when Spring Grove PA elder Eric Hoffman entered the room, and was sworn in by the court officer.

Attorney for Ms. Fessler, Gregg Zeff, wasted no time in questioning Mr. Hoffman, beginning with his position as a Jehovah’s Witness elder.  Hoffman has been an elder since 1994.

Zeff: An elder is a member of the clergy?

Hoffman: We are not labeled clergy. We are not paid.

Despite the denial that elders are clergymen, Zeff continues his questioning:

Zeff: Sir, would you agree that clergy must report sexual abuse of children to protect the victim from additional harm?

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff: Would you agree that clergy may never keep sexual assault of a child a secret to protect the congregation?

Hoffman: Yes

Zeff: You don’t have any training in interviewing children who are victims of sexual abuse, do you?

Hoffman: No.

As our readers may recall from our prior article on this case, Watchtower representative Thomas Jefferson had testified for 2 consecutive days that Jehovah’s Witness elders are not clergymen, with the implication that the laws which apply to members of the clergy do not apply to Witness elders. Mr. Hoffman upheld that statement. Zeff began a new line of questions related to elders’ strict requirement to follow the direction of their corporate headquarters, or face consequences:

Zeff: You received the letters from the Watchtower, don’t you?

Hoffman:That’s on their letterhead, correct.

Zeff: And you rely on those letters of instruction from the Watchtower to perform your
duties as an elder, don’t you?

Hoffman: We do.

Zeff: Okay. If you don’t follow the letters of instruction the Watchtower may remove you as an elder; isn’t that true?

Hoffman: They could, yes.

Zeff: And the Watchtower directs the activity of elders, doesn’t it?

Hoffman: We receive direction from them, correct.

Zeff: You don’t receive direction from anyone else, do you?

Hoffman: No.

Establishing that elder Hoffman took his marching orders directly from Watchtower headquarters, Zeff then asked a critical question which revealed that Hoffman was well aware of the allegation of child abuse:

Zeff: In the fall of 2005, you knew that there was suspected child abuse involving Stephanie Fessler, didn’t you?

Hoffman: In the fall of 2005?

Zeff: Yes

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff: Okay. And you, along with Neal Cluck, who was another elder, learned of this and a committee was formed, wasn’t it?

Hoffman: I believe, yes, it was.

Zeff: Okay. And you don’t really remember anything specific that Stephanie’s father or mother told you, do you?

Hoffman: That’s correct.

Zeff: Okay. During the first meeting — you had two meetings, didn’t you?

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff: Okay. So, you don’t really remember when the first meeting was?

Hoffman: According to my notes, the first meeting was towards the end of September in 2005.

Zeff: Okay. Well, what note are you talking about, Sir?

Hoffman: We had a few notes written down.

Zeff: Let’s look at those notes.

At this point, attorney Zeff called for the notes of Eric Hoffman to be projected on screen for the jury. As stated by the defense in opening arguments, Watchtower had hoped their elders would testify that they had no real knowledge of any physical or sexual relationship between Fessler and Seipp [Monheim] in 2004, and did not learn of the relationship until 2005.

Zeff: And are you aware that Stephanie Fessler and Terry Seipp are anticipated to both testify that they were reproved and disciplined in 2004?

Hoffman: No, I did not.

Zeff: Okay. So, when you say you have two meetings, are you sure that your first meeting took place in 2004 — 2005 rather than 2004?

Hoffman: Correct.

Zeff presses Hoffman harder:

Zeff: Are you aware that Jodee Fessler has testified or will testify in this case that the
first meeting occurred in 2004?

Hoffman: May have, but I have no notes and I have no recollection of any meeting in 2004.

Hoffman begins to weaken, his memory suddenly becomes fuzzy:

Zeff: So, it’s possible that happened, she might be right?

Hoffman: Could be, but I do not remember anything about it.

Zeff: Okay. And the second meeting, the meeting that took place in 2005, you have notes from that one?

Hoffman: Correct.

Zeff: So, if Stephanie Fessler, Jodee Fessler and Terry Seipp all testified that they were
involved with judicial committees in 2004, you wouldn’t have any reason to doubt them, would you?

Hoffman: Yes, because there’s no notes from a judicial committee in 2004.

Zeff: Well, aren’t you told to destroy any unnecessary notes?

Hoffman: The only notes I have are what’s there.

Hoffman, clearly rattled by the barrage of questions, is unable to recall Watchtower’s policy related to what they can and can’t destroy – so Zeff focuses in on the one the one thing which becomes crystal clear to the jury – Hoffman knew that Stephanie was being abused:

Zeff: So, in 2005, at least, you were told that a 16-year-old girl was making out with a 50-year-old woman?

Hoffman: Correct

Zeff: Okay. You were suspicious, at that point, that this might be child abuse, weren’t you?

Hoffman: We were suspicious that something was going on that shouldn’t be.

While Hoffman attempted to evade the admission that this was a sexual relationship, Zeff put it to him in a slightly different way:

Zeff: It was explained that they were kissing romantically?

Hoffman: Right.

Zeff: Like a boyfriend and girlfriend might, right?

Hoffman: Um-hum.

Zeff: Like a husband and wife might?

Hoffman: Right.

Zeff: And you didn’t find that to be suspicious of child abuse?

Hoffman: Well, that’s why we formed the committee then.

Zeff: Okay. So, you formed the committee because you were suspicious?

Hoffman: Because we were suspicious.

The testimony of Hoffman flowed like a math problem where so many different equations all pointed to the same undisputed answer. But there were more parties involved, and attorney Zeff brought them into the equation:

Zeff: When you formed the committee, did you contact the Watchtower about it?

Hoffman: We contacted the legal department.

Zeff: Okay. Well, that’s after you learned whatever you learned. But in forming the committee, did you seek any guidance from anyone regarding what you should do and how you should ask questions?

Hoffman: No.

Attorney Zeff next questions inconsistencies in Hoffman’s previous testimony when he was deposed prior to trial, but when Hoffman fails to provide a concise recollection of his deposition, Zeff finally tells the court: “I’ll move on, Your Honor.” Instead of quietly accepting this statement, attorney for Spring Grove Congregation, Jud Arron makes the mistake of joking with the court:

Aaron: No objection.

Judge Mary C. Collins: No. Enough!  I don’t want any snide, unnecessary irrelevant comments from any lawyers participating in this trial.

Jud Aaron, embarrassed and red-faced, apologizes to the judge and the court.

Zeff gets Hoffman to admit that he had consulted the elders letters and the elders manual when handling the Fessler case, then says:

Zeff: In addition to the kissing and making out, Stephanie Fessler told you that there
was some improper hugging, didn’t she?

Hoffman: Yes:

Zeff: And touching of the breasts?

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff follows these questions by asking Hoffman to read his notes from the 2005 Spring Grove judicial meeting, where among other details, Hoffman wrote:

“It was later learned during the meeting that there was touching of the breasts on
more than one occasion..”

Zeff: Did you have a concern that there was a 50-year-old woman in another congregation that was making out and touching the breasts of a

Hoffman: We did.

Zeff: Okay. Did you warn anybody about that?

Hoffman: Just talked to Stephanie.

Zeff: Okay. You didn’t tell the other congregation that Stephanie said that her breasts were touched and that she was making out with a 50-year-old woman?

Hoffman: I believe we had conversation with them just to make sure the stories were the same.

Zeff: Did you let the Watchtower know?

Hoffman: Yes. We called the legal department.

Tensions escalated as testimony from Hoffman had just clearly shown that elders in two congregations were aware of the abuse, that the relationship was undisputed, and that Watchtower was a party to this knowledge. It was further revealed that while all of this was going on, Terry Seipp [Monheim’s] husband Dana had hired a private investigator to follow Terry, suspecting what his wife was doing.

Suddenly, in a desperate move, Watchtower attorney John Miller cuts in and calls for a sidebar with the judge:

Miller:  I’m sorry, Your Honor. You already ruled. I was too late to ask, but
unless this is breaching the attorney/client privilege, that’s the format you followed, the
instruction you got from the legal department. That’s asking for the legal advice given.

Zeff: Judge, it’s been waived. It was asked in deposition and answered. These
questions were asked. They were answered in deposition. You can’t turn around after not asserting the privilege and turn around and assert the privilege at trial, when it’s already been waived. There is plenty case law on that.

Miller: We didn’t raise it there?

Zeff: Nope. It wasn’t raised at all. I can show you the pages, 19, 20, 21, 23 of the

Miller: I’ll trust you if you’re —

Zeff: Here they are — where are the numbers on the pages?

Miller: So, we missed it on him great. Well, then, I’m wasting your time.

Judge Collins: All right. Let’s go back.

Fessler’s attorney Zeff left no stone unturned, as he pressed Hoffman even harder:

Zeff: The reason you contacted the legal department was regarding trying to find out what your obligations were regarding reporting sexual abuse. Isn’t that correct?

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff: And after you spoke to the legal department, you didn’t report sexual abuse to any
authority in Pennsylvania, did you?

Hoffman: We did not report to the police, no.

Zeff: You never received any instruction that there was any legal authority in Pennsylvania to report suspected child abuse, did you?

Hoffman: No.

Zeff: And you didn’t tell Stephanie Fessler’s parents that they could go to the police either, did you?

Hoffman: We may not have, no.

Zeff: Okay. You didn’t.  Thank you. I have nothing further.

Zeff, satisfied that he had extracted enough truth from Hoffman to make his case, yielded the floor to Spring Grove hired trial attorney Jud Aaron. Aaron proceeds to discuss Hoffman’s prior deposition in which Thomas Jefferson was mentioned – with little effect – then asks Hoffman about his position as elder, and gets Hoffman to describe the humble simplicity of a typical Kingdom Hall.

In Aaron’s examination of Hoffman, it was interesting that he mentioned that Stephanie’s parents came to him in 2005 seeking help in his position as an ordained elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. At this point in the trial, this is of consequence since Hoffman and Watchtower were still claiming on the 2nd day of trial that elders were not members of the clergy. It seems he was reasoning that if Hoffman were not a clergyman, then he would have no obligation to report the relationship to the police.

Aaron: Were they [the Fesslers] coming to you as an elder?

Hoffman: Yes.

Aaron: Okay. Did they tell you that Stephanie Fessler and Terry Seipp were having some sort of a relationship?

Hoffman: That’s the way I remember it, some sort of a relationship, correct.

Aaron: And what were you expected to do? What did you do as an elder?

Hoffman: First time we met with Stephanie just to determine what was going on, to give her some biblical help, some counsel to, hopefully, help her change her ways, to find out what was going on.

Aaron: What do you mean “biblical help,” generally?

Hoffman: I’m just showing her some scriptures, some verses on the type of conduct she was leading, that it was going against biblical principles and how to help to — how to go against that.

Jud Aaron next gets Hoffman to testify that in 2005, the Fesslers never told him that there was a sexual relationship between Stephanie and Terry. This was clearly a conflict given that it would be somewhat unusual for Witness parents to seek help from elders if the relationship was a routine mother-daughter type relationship. Aaron attempts to prove that Hoffman knew nothing until he personally confronted Stephanie in 2005.

Aaron: You said that you met with Stephanie in the fall of 2005?

Hoffman: Yes.

Aaron: Okay. Did you try to determine what the nature of the relationship was?

Hoffman: Yes, we did.

Aaron: Did you try to determine whether or not it was sexual?

Hoffman: Yes, we did.

Aaron: And in the course of meeting with Miss Fessler in the fall of 2005, did you learn that there had been some sexual contact between them?

Hoffman: Yes, we did.

Of interest, Aaron questions Hoffman on whether he had asked the victim if she had been naked with Monheim, or had participated in oral sex. Incredibly, Hoffman  states that he had no information from Fessler that there had been any touching of the genitals, or that the two had been naked together, despite having just testified that he knew there was an ongoing sexual relationship.

Aaron returns once again to his 2014 argument, this time asking a hypothetical question:

Aaron: If, a year earlier, 2004 — I’m asking about your practice now — a year earlier in 2004, a 15-year-old female congregant had told you that she and a 49 or 50-year-old woman were involved in a relationship that involved intimate kissing, open-mouth kissing, french kissing, romantic kissing, whatever you want to call it, would you
have called the legal department for advice?

Hoffman: Yes, we would have.

Aaron: Okay. Do you have any recollection of doing so a year earlier, in the fall of 2004?

Hoffman: No.

Aaron: Well, let me ask you about yourself. Did you ever tell Mr. and Mrs. Fessler that they should not report this relationship to authorities?

Hoffman: No.

Aaron decides to conclude his questioning of the witness, and yields the floor. John Miller from Watchtower has no questions for Mr. Hoffman, and redirect returns to the plaintiff, and Mr. Zeff.

Zeff: Did you have a specific memory, sitting here today — what is it, ten, eleven,
eleven-and-a-half years later of asking Stephanie Fessler whether or not she had oral sex?

Hoffman: Well, according to my notes, we asked her if there was anything else involved and she said no.

Zeff: Okay. So, you asked her if there was anything else involved?

Hoffman: Right.

Zeff: You didn’t ask her if she had oral sex. You didn’t ask her if she was naked?

Hoffman: We may not have, no.

Zeff: And do you consider making out and touching breasts to be a sexual act?

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff: And when you went to the legal department, you really weren’t sure what to do with this situation, were you?

Hoffman: That’s correct.

Zeff: And you relied on the legal department?

Hoffman: Yes, we did.

Zeff: And the legal department is part of the Watchtower?

Hoffman: Yes.

Zeff: Okay. If the legal department told you to report the matter, would you have done so?

Hoffman:  Yes, we would have.

Zeff completes his examination by asking Hoffman to explain Stephanie Fessler’s public reproof by the congregation elders, then turns the witness over one last time to the defense. This time, Watchtower attorney Miller decides to ask Mr. Hoffman a question:

Miller: Mr. Hoffman, just briefly. You said that the legal department was part of the Watchtower. Do you know whether it was part of the Watchtower or the U.S. Branch or some other entity? Do you know?

Hoffman: We just get the information on the letterhead. I am not sure hat department it’s with, what branch it’s with. It’s with the United States Branch.

Miller: Okay. That’s all. Thank you.

By the end of Hoffman’s testimony, he had admitted on the witness stand that a member of clergy should report allegations of child sexual abuse, but he denied being a member of the clergy. He further admitted that his instructions came directly from the Watchtower, but seemed confused as to the difference between Watchtower and the US Branch. Hoffman acknowledged that he was well aware of a sexual relationship between Fessler and Monheim no later then 2005, but lost all recollection of the 2004 meeting with Fessler, in which she was privately reproved. Finally, Hoffman admitted that he failed to contact any authorities, and did not advise Fessler’s parents to contact these authorities. He yielded his decision-making power to the Watchtower legal department, testifying that if they had told him to go to the police, he would have. This never happened.

Elder #2: Donald Hollingworth

On the other side of the Mason-Dixon line lies the Freeland, Maryland congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  This small, tight-knit congregation in rural Baltimore County has little money, and a simple Kingdom Hall. I recall donating and installing sound equipment at this location after congregation member Terry Monheim had abused Stephanie Fessler, but three years before her arrest. I was unaware that a predator lurked nearby.

Little did I know that in a few short years, I would sit inside a Philadelphia courtroom, observing legal powerhouse Jud Aaron attempt to defend the outrageous actions of elders Gary Neal, Scott Wagner, and Donald Hollingworth. In a thousand years they could not summon the money to pay for his services, but there he was.

Donald Hollingworth is now elderly, wears a hearing aid, and lives in Toms River, New Jersey. A loyal Jehovah’s Witness for over 50 years, Hollingworth has been an elder for 40 of those years. But for all his loyalty to the Jehovah’s Witness religion, Donald and his fellow elders made a critical error in 2004 and 2005 which cost their parent corporation, Watchtower, a significant amount of money. It also damaged the reputation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who are under intense global scrutiny for their mishandling of child abuse cases, and for their practice of shunning, and denying members the right to certain life-saving medical treatments.

Attorney for Stephanie Fessler, Gregg Zeff, began the questioning of Hollingworth with the same query he put to Eric Hoffman:

Zeff: I’d like to know would you agree that clergy must report sexual abuse in children to protect the victim from additional harm?

Hollingworth: Do I agree with that?

Zeff: Yes.

Hollingworth: Yes.

Zeff: And do you agree that clergy may never keep sexual abuse of a child the secret to protect the congregation?

Hollingworth: Oh, yes, yes.

Zeff: Thank you.

After confirming that Hollingworth has no professional training in the investigation of sexual abuse matters, Zeff gets specific:

Zeff: Okay. Did you have any understanding in 2004 or 2005 of your obligations regarding reporting suspected child abuse in Pennsylvania or in Maryland?

Hollingworth: Yes.

Zeff: What was your understanding back then?

Hollingworth: For — that there was no duty to report it as far as from a procedural standpoint.  That doesn’t mean I don’t feel a duty, but there was no legal duty to report it.

Zeff: Sir, you received that understanding from the legal department?

Hollingworth: That’s correct.

Zeff: Okay, and the legal department of what?

Hollingworth: Jehovah’s Witnesses.

At this point, it is noteworthy that Hollingworth had testified that members of clergy must report sexual abuse allegations to the authorities and not keep them secret, but moments later stated that according to Watchtower’s legal department, he had no legal duty to report, despite his own feeling of duty to report. Hollingworth hid beneath the double cloak of justification – the notion that he was not a member of clergy, and the counsel from his own organization that he had no obligation to report.

It seems unthinkable that any Witness elder could make the statement that church leaders from other religions have an obligation to report, but Jehovah’s Witnesses are somehow exempt. Witnesses teach that all religions are “false” religions, except theirs. It must have baffled members of the jury to reconcile how an organization which claims to abhor child abuse could be so delinquent in helping victims.

Zeff continued his questioning of Hollingworth, describing the letters from Watchtower to the elders. Hollingworth seemed confused when Zeff stated that prior to 2001, these letters came from the Watchtower corporation. Hollingworth said “I’m not sure of that…Right now I wasn’t prepared for that question, sir.”

When pressed about the relationship between Monheim and Fessler, Zeff asked:

Zeff: You never found out the age of the girl she was kissing, did you?

Hollingworth: I knew she was a teenager, and the approximate age of this other lady’s children, because she associated with them. I knew she wasn’t 19. I knew she wasn’t 13, but somewhere in between.

Zeff: And when you learned of this, a committee was formed, wasn’t it, a judicial committee?

Hollingworth: Yes.

Zeff: Okay. You were the chairman of that committee?

Hollingworth: It wasn’t me. It was either one of the other two brothers. I can’t tell you for a certainty today.

Zeff: Okay.

Hollingworth: I believe it was Gary Neal, but that’s not for a certainty.

Zeff: And one of the primary functions of your committee was to determine whether or not you had an obligation to legal authorities relating to this matter.

Hollingworth: An obligation to do what?

Zeff: To report to legal authorities in this matter.

Hollingworth: I don’t know if I had that — I don’t know if that — I went in to find out what was going on, and so I didn’t start thinking about a lot of other things I’d have to do until I could find out what was going on.

Zeff: But you did consult with the legal department?

Hollingworth: Yes, I did.

Zeff: And you were told you didn’t have any duty under Maryland law, correct?

Hollingworth: I didn’t have any duty to report; is that what you asked me?

Zeff: Yes. You had no duty to report?

Hollingworth: No legal duty.

Zeff: Right.

Hollingworth: There was no law that said I had to report.

Zeff: And, in fact, you didn’t report anything, did you?

Hollingworth: No, I didn’t.

Zeff: And neither did any member of your committee, to your knowledge?

Hollingworth: To my knowledge.

Hollingworth Admits to Shredding Notes

The examination by Zeff then took an interesting turn. Zeff calls for the presentation of Hollingworth’s notes, taken in 2005 when meeting with the abuser, Terry Seipp:

Zeff: Why did you take these notes?

Hollingworth: Because I don’t have a very good memory over the years, business and meetings that I go to, and so I take notes in case there’s a reason to recall, in case there’s a discussion later, in case there’s another meeting. I always take notes. It’s my habit as a businessman, I always took notes.

Zeff: And with regard to being an elder, you had a practice of making notes and tearing them up and shredding them on occasion, didn’t you?

Hollingworth: Yeah, shredding is in a — yeah, I had a shredder, but I don’t know. I — yeah, I didn’t keep them. I didn’t keep them. I didn’t want them laying around or anything.

Zeff: That was something that the letters to elders suggest that you do or instructed you to do, in fact, don’t leave notes around, destroy them if they’re not necessary?

Hollingworth: Well, that’s possible. I always, even be — I, if a confidential nature, I would have enough sense not to leave them laying around.

Hollingworth revealed a critical detail that the Watchtower organization does not want the public to know – that elders often discard, shred, move, hide, and destroy notes, not only in cases where lesser offenses are concerned, but even when accusations of child abuse are on the record, contrary to their official policy.

Hollingworth Invokes Clergy Privilege – He Learned it on Television

Attorney Zeff continued to gain momentum as he called attention to his next exhibit: the notes taken by Donald Hollingworth during the Jehovah’s Witness judicial hearing for Terry Monheim. Zeff displayed the notes for the jury:

Hollingworth:  (reading his notes)  It says: “After assurance the committee members would not testify in a legal case, she was relieved and more forthcoming.”

Zeff: So, did you tell Terry Seipp that no member of the committee was going to testify against her?

Hollingworth: Well, I think you know — you’re thinking of something different than I’m thinking of. The legal case we’re talking about and she was worried about her husband divorcing her or thinking she would — and we were telling her that anything that she told us, we wouldn’t use in her divorce case against hers husband, or vice versa. And we had thought we had a right to do that.

Zeff: Did you learn that from the legal department?

Hollingworth: Pardon?

Zeff: Did you learn that from the legal department?

Hollingworth: No. I learned that from watching television, I guess…

Zeff: You learned from watching television that if she tells you something in your committee that you don’t have to testify in a divorce proceeding?

Hollingworth: Well, not as member of the clergy, I would think it would become — well, you know, maybe I’m wrong but I would think it would be confidential.

At this point, Hollingworth is trapped-  painting himself into a very tiny corner with no way out, without making a mess. In 2005, he interviewed a sexual predator, but instead of contacting the authorities, he assured Terry Monheim that her admissions to the elders would not be used against her in any divorce proceedings. Somehow he invoked clergy privilege, while denying that he is a member of clergy. Furthermore, he is completely unaware that clergy privilege does not exist when a sizable group of elders and additional individuals have been made aware of Monheim’s crimes.

To be blunt, Hollingworth appeared extraordinarily ignorant. What is more bizarre is that he claims Watchtower’s legal department advised him that he had no duty to report such allegations, or confessions of sexual abuse. Maryland law at the time mandated the reporting of child abuse, but the exemptions for members of clergy were somewhat vague, which likely prompted Watchtower’s legal department to suggest that he had no obligation to report the abuse.  In most states, child abuse exemptions become null and void once clergymen broadcast the private confessions members to other members of the elder body, along with the additional individuals, i.e. the legal and service departments of the Jehovah’s Witness organization.

Questioning continued as attorney Zeff called attention to Hollingworth’s notes from his phone call to Watchtower’s legal department

Zeff: What are they about?

Hollingworth: That was my notes about when I had — I called, contacted the legal department to discuss the matter with them and I wrote down some notes with regard to that call.

Zeff: Okay. Did you ever contact or did anybody on your committee ever contact the Spring Grove congregation where Stephanie Fessler was a member?

Hollingworth: No.

Zeff:  Did anybody on your committee contact them to let —

Hollingworth: Yes

Zeff: Okay. And they let them know there was an investigation into a possible sexual abuse?

Hollingworth: You’d have to ask them what they let them know.

Zeff: Okay. I want to go to the section toward the bottom where it says “want us to review society’s letters with all seven elders.” Do you see that?

Hollingworth: Yes, I do.

Zeff: What do you mean by that?

Hollingworth: What it says, review the letters –with the whole body of elders, all of
the elders in the congregation.

Zeff: It says “with all seven elders,” is that everybody?

Hollingworth: What does it say?

Zeff: It says “Want us to review society’s letters with all seven elders.”

Hollingworth: Yes, that would be our elder body at the time.

Zeff: Okay. And that has to do with your investigation into Terry Seipp?

Hollingworth: Well, it’s in — my telephone call was an investigation that had to deal with that, yes. And what exactly they told me to read those letters for, I don’t remember.

Zeff: Who told you to read those letters?

Hollingworth: Whoever I was talking to at the legal department. And I am assuming that because, that’s the notes of that. I don’t know for a fact today who told me to do it, but I’m assuming that’s what it would be. And I shouldn’t be making assumptions, should I?

Zeff states that he has copies of those letters, and tells Hollingworth that he will now review them, beginning with the July 1, 1989 letter to the body of elders.  Hollingworth admits that he likely would have reviewed this letter at that time, acknowledging  that it was a very important document to review.

Another revelation came when Zeff references the January 1, 1997 Watchtower article titled “Let us abhor what is wicked.”  Under the topic “What of a Child Molester?” the Watchtower stated:

 If, for example, an individual makes immoral advances to another adult, the adult should be able to resist his or her advances. Children are much easier to deceive, confuse, or terrorize. The Bible speaks of a child’s lack of wisdom. (Proverbs 22:15; 1 Corinthians 13:11) Jesus used children as an example of humble innocence. (Matthew 18:4; Luke 18:16, 17) The innocence of a child includes a complete lack of experience. Most children are open, eager to please, and thus vulnerable to abuse by a scheming adult whom they know and trust. Therefore, the congregation has a responsibility before Jehovah to protect its children.

Zeff questions Hollingworth:

Zeff: Okay. Do you remember reviewing this? And I’ll read it to you so you
understand it. Do you remember reviewing this at the time of the judicial committee? It says “Children are much easier to deceive, confuse or terrorize.”

Hollingworth: I don’t remember at the time of the committee but, sir, I mentioned before, I had a lot of children and I’m very conscious of this need.

Zeff: Okay. And had the legal department told you to, you would have called the police, called child services?

Hollingworth: I don’t need to be told.

Zeff: Okay.

Hollingworth: I — I don’t mean to be fresh or anything but, no, I told you, I — abhor is a word that’s worse than hatred and I don’t like this thing and I don’t like being involved in it even now, to come being asked about it.

Zeff: Right. You don’t really need to be told to call the police, do you? You could have done it anyway?

Hollingworth:  Would I what?

Zeff: You could have called the police even if the legal department told you not to?

Hollingworth: Yes. In hindsight, yes.

Zeff: But you didn’t?

Hollingworth: Pardon?

Zeff: You did not?

Hollingworth: It’s already been answered.

Zeff: Okay. You didn’t talk to Stephanie Fessler’s congregation about her version of the
story, did you?

Hollingworth: I said no, I didn’t talk to anybody.

Zeff questioned whether the Maryland congregation had any meaningful discussions with the Spring Grove Pennsylvania congregation regarding the welfare of Stephanie Fessler:

Zeff: One more time, Sir. You had concerns about the welfare of the teenaged girl that was involved with Terry Seipp? You were concerned about her?

Hollingworth: Yeah, I have concerns with all young people, absolute — yes. Would I say no? Of course, I would be an ogre to say no to that.

Zeff: And but you wanted to follow the legal department’s advise rather than doing anything else; isn’t that correct?

Hollingworth: You know, I wasn’t dealing with a teenage girl. We were dealing with Terry Seipp at our congregation. Please, there was — another congregation was dealing with the teenage girl. It doesn’t mean — my feelings in the matter and my thoughts in the matter don’t apply to what would have been — how it would have been handled. So, you’re confusing me and you’re confusing the issue.

It seems that the invisible boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania, along with Hollingworth’s instructions from the Watchtower legal department overruled his better judgment, permitting him to ignore the fact that a crime had taken place, and that he was obligated to report this crime. Hollingworth admitted that he was also aware that Terry Seipp [Monheim’s] husband Dana had learned of the relationship, and hired a private investigator to confirm his suspicions.  Mr. Seipp wasted no time in sharing this information with the Freeland elders:

Zeff:  You had a suspicion that she might be abusing a child?

Hollingworth: I wanted to know the facts.

Zeff: Okay. Well —

Hollingworth: Her husband wouldn’t say, and he was not a member of our congregation. I only knew him once to say hello to him. He comes up and says “I’ve got pictures, but I won’t tell you what they’re about, but you’d better do something about it,” that kind of — what are we supposed to do? 

Zeff: Call the police?


Despite a sustained objection from defense attorney Jud Aaron, Zeff had landed a knockout punch with this last question, which lingered in the courtroom while Mr. Aaron made his way to the lectern to cross-examine Mr. Hollingworth.

In what seemed to be a desperate move, Aaron rested his argument of the claim that elders are, in double-negative fashion, not told not to report:

Aaron: Are you aware of any Jehovah’s Witness policy not to report child sexual abuse to authorities? Are you aware of any such policy?

Hollingworth: No.

Aaron: In any of the letters to elders that you read or KS schools that you’ve attended — have you attended those schools?

Hollingworth: Yes, Sir.

Aaron: In any of those letters in those KS schools, have you ever been instructed or directed not to report sexual abuse to authorities?

Hollingworth: No way. No way.

Aaron: What have you been instructed to do if a report of sexual abuse comes to your attention?

Hollingworth: Contact the legal department.

Aaron never once asks Hollingworth if elders are instructed to report any allegations of suspected child abuse; instead he diverts attention from that critical question – first by allowing Hollingworth to testify  that he is a family man, with many children and grandchildren. Aaron questions Hollingworth on what he recalls Terry Seipp admitting during the elder’s judicial hearing with Seipp, then goes back to the procedure these men followed after that hearing:

Aaron: After the judicial committee met with Terry Seipp, you reported to legal?

Hollingworth: Yes.

Aaron: Did you feel that you were following the correct procedure and doing that?

Hollingworth: Yes.

After referring to the March 23, 1992 Letter to Elders regarding child abuse, Aaron calls attention to page 3 of that letter where further abuse of children can be prevented by contacting the legal department of the Watchtower organization.

He then links “further protection” to Hollingworth’s earlier statement that elders are not told not to report abuse:

Aaron: Have you ever been advised as an elder or are you aware of any direction that, in order to protect the Jehovah’s Witness religion, child abuse should not be reported to authorities?

Hollingworth: To the contrary. The reason I’m a Jehovah’s Witness today — I wasn’t always one — was because of their concern for the truthfulness and taking care of people and taking — the whole thing, it just made so much sense. No, that would
never happen.

Aaron: Thank you.

Aaron rests his line of questioning and yields the floor to his fellow defense team members. Watchtower’s Miller has no questions, and CCJW attorney Louis Lombardi continues his legal vow of silence by offering nothing. The plaintiff is offered redirect.

Victims Discouraged from Group Therapy

Attorney Zeff directs attention back to the March 23rd Letter to Elders, this time to the section where Jehovah’s Witnesses are cautioned against participation in group therapy as a means to help victims of child abuse.

Zeff: Sir, can I direct your attention to the very last paragraph of the page that we just put in front of you where it says “Some medical professionals,” and it goes onto the next page. I just wanted to ask you some questions about that, because you just said some
things that, I guess, were a little disturbing to me. “Some medical professionals and therapists offer group therapy to those suffering from the affects of child abuse. While participating in group therapy by a professional therapist is a personal decision, there could be problems of revealing confidential facts about other members of the Christian Congregation during such therapy if a Christian does not exercise discretion. Thus,
elders can give cautions to their brothers and sisters, just as outlined in October 15, 2008 issue of Watchtower, page 29, under the subheading Talking Therapy.  “They can be helped to see that talking indiscriminately to others about child abuse may result in circulating damaging and harmful talk.”  Sir, what do you understand that to mean?

Hollingworth: I may be missing some details here, but my — I’m focusing on the last sentence here. We don’t go talking about it and gossiping about it and –It’s not something to be broadcasting.

Zeff: Sir, my question is talking about child abuse may result in circulating damaging and harmful talk, so they don’t — isn’t this telling you — by the way, this is one of the documents you had that were referred to?   What do you understand – they can be helped to see that talking indiscriminately to others about  child abuse may result in circulating damaging and harmful talk? What do you understand that to mean?

Hollingworth: To be careful and think about it. Think before you speak. It makes sense to me.

Hollingworth dodges the question, reflecting his inability to comment on Watchtower’s position on group therapy, so Zeff moves on. Zeff next asks Hollingworth to explain “KS” schools, and Hollingworth describes the elder’s training program. Zeff then asks:

Zeff: On the occasions is the issue of child abuse brought up at those schools?

Hollingworth: I’m sure it has.

Zeff: And these schools are conducted by the Watchtower?

Hollingworth: They’re conducted by a Jehovah’s Witness. I’m not sure why — they’re conducted by a Jehovah’s Witness instructor.

Zeff: Okay. And where does that instructor come from?

Hollingworth: They come from a lot of different places. Sometimes it’s our circuit overseer who comes from — we have apartments for them in the local Kingdom Halls. Different instructors, different times over the years, there’s been — they come from a lot of different places.

Zeff: Do the documents that you review in these schools come from the Watchtower?

Hollingworth: I don’t know. I don’t know that the Watchtower sends out documents. They give us literature. They give us some literature. We get — they take care of our printing of our literature. I don’t know. I just can’t answer that question. You would have to ask somebody that comes from there.  Would it be all right if I have some
more water?

Zeff: I have nothing else, Your Honor.

In response to Hollingworth’s testimony, Watchtower attorney Miller cross examined the witness to clarify just one thing: while warned against the dangers of group therapy, Jehovah’s Witness abuse survivors are not excluded from individual therapy. It seemed somewhat inconsequential to mention this, but Miller appeared intent on making the jury aware that Witnesses do accept some types of professional therapy.

Of course, Miller overlooks the fact that much of Stephanie Fessler’s extreme trauma was, in the first place, caused by the elders and the organization which treated her as a sinner and not a victim.

The tired and thirsty Hollingworth seemed confused and unwilling to give concise and lucid answers to questions which were quite simple – particularly for a man who has spent the past 40 years of his life as an appointed elder.  To be fair, Watchtower’s key witness Thomas Jefferson was even more evasive, as seen from his testimony during the first two days of this trial.

As anyone who has studied Jehovah’s Witnesses understands all to well, leaders in the organization are less than willing to divulge information to anyone they feel is “not entitled to know” such information. How ironic for a religion which describes all of its teachings and practices as “The Truth.”

For readers of JW Survey, whether they are Jehovah’s Witnesses or not, I can’t underestimate the value of this term, truth. At the outset of this trial, Judge Mary C. Collins told the jury that they are the sole determiners of truth in this case, and it was up to them to decide on which information is factual, based on the evidence presented.

While this case was settled after four days of testimony, we have, as global citizens, been given the opportunity to judge the evidence for ourselves, and draw our own conclusions. Thus far, we have covered the statements of three Jehovah’s witnesses, including two elders and one high-ranking member of the organization. In our next article on the Fessler case, I will review the testimony of the abuser, Terry Monheim, and the detective who charged her for her crimes, Lisa Layden.

Having seen the evidence presented in this case, I think back to that hot summer morning in Reading Pennsylvania, when I saw the man with the sign which read “A Jehovah’s Witness elder molested me” – and if there was ever a doubt that he was telling the truth, that doubt no longer exists.


John Redwood






Previous JW Survey articles on the Fessler v. Watchtower case:

Related video…

Mark O'Donnell

Mark O'Donnell is a former Jehovah's Witness turned whistleblower after discovering the disturbing child abuse epidemic within the religion. His story, along with the revelation of a secret database of child molesters were featured in the March 2019 online issue of the Atlantic Magazine: O'Donnell continues to investigate allegations of child abuse within the Witness organization, and works with law enforcement, attorneys, and survivors of abuse, writing about his findings on and other outlets.

55 thoughts on “News Bulletin: Fessler Prevails in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial, Elder Says: I Learned Clergy Privilege Watching TV, Admits Shredding Files

  • February 28, 2017 at 9:55 pm

    Great coverage of this trial, well done. Truly shows this damnable org. for what it is. Just to clear up a minor point, the town in NJ where the elder resides is Toms River, not Thomas River.

    • February 28, 2017 at 10:43 pm

      Max, thanks for the clarification – I think the court reported may have heard the witness wrong when he was stating his name and current location

  • February 28, 2017 at 10:39 pm

    Hollingworth was less than helpful but at least he has the excuse of age on his side. It seems he was misunderstanding a few of the questions. Thomas Jefferson had no such excuse. He was being deliberate in his deceit. Either way where was jhov in providing them with the words they needed to make a proper defense?

  • February 28, 2017 at 11:27 pm

    In the transcript of the trial Elders are asked what do they do when child abuse is reported to them.

    Contact the Legal Department.

    According to the trial transcript this is the Watchtowers directive for Elders to follow. The Legal Department then become aware of the Child Abuse.

    This means an Elder or Elders have come to know of the child abuse and have then contacted the Legal Department.

    Now we have at least two persons within the Watchtower Organization who know about the reported abuse. The Elder and a person in the legal department.

    What are they required to do with this knowledge of the Child Abuse. According to State Law.

    Childrens Bureau.

    Explains the various state laws regarding:-

    Penalties for failing to report Child Abuse.
    It clearly states failure to report is a Misdemeanor.

  • March 1, 2017 at 4:07 am

    Thanks John…great job!

  • March 1, 2017 at 5:54 am

    Thank you very much John, for all of your hard work and time!!!
    What you are doing in exposing the Watchtower and reporting on this criminal case is extremely important. Not only is the case a huge nail in the Jehovah’s Witness coffin, but other victims will be able to now easily find this information. This should encourage other victims of sexual crimes to report and help them see that they have been wronged while they are not alone.
    Jehovah’s Witness elders have gotten away with their bullying, their power and control games and their humiliation of people for far too long. They need to be stopped. Maybe not everyone will wake up to the fact that the Governing Body and its underlings are lying to them, but at least these men will now have some fear of punishment imposed on them. These pusedo-clergymen have always felt they were above anyone’s scrutiny or censorship but that should be changing now. Thanks to men like you.

    • March 1, 2017 at 6:42 am

      So say we all. Beautiful comment.

    • March 2, 2017 at 1:41 pm

      Thank you so much for all your work in reporting this case, I look forward to your next article.
      Watchtower is yet again being exposed to the world for the liars they are, that many of us have always known. I HAVE A QUESTION, do you know – now that the law of the land knows for certainty that no elder from either congregation or any elder from the legal department at the branch did not report a known child abuser to the police in either county, where they were mandated to do so, will the elders or watchtower now be prosecuted ?
      I was abused by a ministerial servant as a innocent 14 year old girl, I was publicly reproved before the congregation as if it was my fault, while he went on to marry a older girl.

      • March 2, 2017 at 3:15 pm


        First, I am horrified that you experienced such abuse, and that you were further victimized by the elders. I would be happy to speak with you about what happened.

        Second, at this time there are no pending criminal charges against the elders for their failure to report, but we will keep everyone informed if that changes.

        Thank you for your comments and support


      • March 3, 2017 at 7:13 am

        You have my deepest sympathy for the abuse you suffered. It makes my blood boil when I think of these unqualified, egotistical jackasses going around doling out punishment and shame, when compassion and understanding are needed. Blame the victim, that’s their motto.


  • March 1, 2017 at 5:56 am

    Flip Flopping Elder vs Clergy Game. Played by WT rules,
    It’s based on Big Julie’s craps strategy ( Guys & Dolls )
    he’d removed the spots from his dice, and only he knew
    where the spots formerly were. Good game eh!

  • March 1, 2017 at 6:04 am

    I have a number of questions for John Redwood please.

    1) What was the exact statement made by the watchtower legal team admitting that JW elders are in fact clergy? And what were the specific circumstances that led to this about face?

    2) After the case was settled, and when the Watchtower legal team interviewed the jury and asked them how much they would have awarded Fessler had the trial been brought to a conclusion, what was their reply? Did they come up with a hypothetical figure? If so, how much?

    Many thanks.

    • March 3, 2017 at 12:13 am

      on if you look after Fessler, you come up to an article where they say that punitive damages were demanded for 1.9 million. Now I think that to settle the case after the great mess they made the first days of trial, WTS had to pay quite a lot more.

  • March 1, 2017 at 6:28 am

    I remember cringing with embarassment watching the elders at the ARC trying to duck and dive the issues presented to them…it was the tirning point in my fading because I decided then never to attend another meeting..this excellent reporting makes me feel the same way…the elders are scapegoated by the Branch…and the branch left out to dry by their clergylike superiors…and left in the total dark are the every day jw…It actually makes me feel sock that in my family I am the only one who can see it….I want them to wake up to TTATT.

    • March 3, 2017 at 2:53 am

      A study of the tsunami of youtube videos which have suddenly appeared over the last few months of Witnesses saying goodbye shows that most leaving were woken up by the ARC. That, together with the overlapping generation theory was the straw that broke the camel’s back in most cases. So you are not alone.

      What is staggering is that there is this sudden huge surge of people leaving, and silence on the part of the Governing Body. As the faithful and discreet slave, we would expect to hear something discreet from the GB explaining what is going on. However, the GB has decided that silence is the best policy. What a bunch of nutters.

      So many confused Witnesses around the world are looking to the GB for guidance, and instead of guidance we receive silence. Well, silence just won’t do.

      Come on ARC review next week. Come with a fury.

  • March 1, 2017 at 7:24 am

    As Witnesses we were always told about how Jehovah would bring bad things to light, and to rely on Him to handle it. Boy was THAT a double edged sword of reasoning!

  • March 1, 2017 at 7:55 am

    Elders officiate at weddings, funerals. In the UK the elders name
    and title goes on the wedding document. He is described as a
    “Minister of Religion”

    The Kingdom Ministry instructed brothers when in FS to introduce
    themselves as a “Minister” and married sisters to say they were a
    ministers wife. Minister is synonymous with Clergy, so there’s no
    room for manoeuvre.

    As clergy, they are obligated to report cases of child abuse, where
    the law demands it. But because of the JC process involving other
    elders and the command to inform WT HQ , they cannot plead
    clergy confidentiality ( As in the Catholic confessional)

    They don’t have a legal leg to stand on. The flood gates are open.

    • March 2, 2017 at 3:49 pm

      @Ted – I understand your disgust at this process.

      The Wt testifiers can plead clergy confidentiality, the court can rule they may not have established it or find they violated it in practice and can not use it.

      But, in steps the First Amendment, because judging “confessionals” based on one denomination’s concept versus another’s would be an agent of government establishing a preferred religious practice. The same would hold with ordination, etc.

      And, here’s that whole “gobbledygook” where what is believed as a JW runs face-first into the wall of reality where courts, and “outsiders,” expect a church or any religion to have a presiding minister, rabbi, monk, priest, shaman, guru or imam whether overall or locally, but JW belief says, “we’re all ministers”. Yet, there are some local JW individuals who “take the lead” whether they wear funny robes or costumes isn’t the point here and JW testifiers are using this seeming point of “confusion” to attempt to derail the plaintiff case. Sliding into the role of cleric when it is convenient–“I can’t show you those documents, it’s private”, then out of it when it is going to cause issues–“clergy required to report molestations”.

    • March 2, 2017 at 6:46 pm

      Ted WT has always known their elders are clergy. In a post below I wrote the most logical reason I could think of why WT and its attorney would argue against that truth. In CA, and probably all our other states, people who officiate at weddings have to fit into a state approved classification in order to legally do so. Without fitting into an approved classification a lay person has to apply for a permit to perform one single marriage. Elders or ministerial servants can perform legal marriages without applying for those permits, because they are clergy members. My grandfather, an elder, performed my marriage in 1976. No one believes WT is so stupid that they think elders can LEGALLY marry people without being clergy members, and without applying for that single permit. They aren’t that stupid; they’re deceitful. Not only did WT make that argument as a corporation, but individual JWs, educated and informed ones, argued in support of that lie, in their attempt to pay less money in this one case. Money was, for them, more important than truth.

  • March 1, 2017 at 10:18 am

    thanks for all this hard work. this is epic. i wish it had more coverage. on another topic…i noticed that the fine for the san diego CA case has just passed one million dollars. Anyone know any other updated from that story?

    • March 1, 2017 at 4:18 pm


      We are still sitting on Watchtower’s appeal of this fine, and we may have 6-9 months before this is resolved. As the Zalkin firm has stated, the wheels of justice turn slowly at times. We will keep everyone posted the moment something happens with this case


      • March 2, 2017 at 8:08 am

        Thank you

  • March 1, 2017 at 11:25 am

    Hello and congratulations for your excellent work. I am an active Jw from South America. I began to open my eyes with the A.R.C and since then i am following all the cases since i have a 5 years old boy. This two witness rule and all the secrecy, its just awful. Please keep your good work. People has the right to know before they accept a “biblical study”.

    • March 1, 2017 at 6:31 pm

      Hi Edward,
      As more and more of us Witnesses access this site the controllers will have to put restrictions to preserve the apostate status. Otherwise it will become a Witness site.

      Just joking. It’s a really good site. Also check out the John Cedars videos, he’s got a whole range of good ones. And I totally recommend the Lloyd Evans’ (aka John Cedars) book The Reluctant Apostate which contains some shocking accounts of the child abuse cases against Watchtower brought to the courts.


      And keep your eyes open for the judicial review of the ARC coming up in a few days. It should be very bad for our organization. If it gets anywhere near the attention the Catholic church received, we will be too embarrassed to show our faces house to house here in Australia.

      • March 2, 2017 at 3:56 pm

        @Ricardo, the trail of child abuse cases started a long time back, and a Mr. Bowman created a site called the “Silent Lambs” addressing this around 2000-2001. It has more detail and news clippings on those cases (and present legal cases) highlighted by the book mentioned above.

  • March 1, 2017 at 11:31 am

    Thank you John for all your hard work and bringing to light in a concise and clear narrative this child abuse trial.
    As a former JW, I know the fear and guilt that is instilled by the Watchtower and GB. The directive to not “Bring reproach upon Jah’s name” effectively silences those children who have been raped, molested and beaten.
    It is obvious the JW.Borg don’t give a horses hind end about protecting children. If they did, they would change their policies and let the police handle all child abuse cases rather than letting the bumbling Elders deal with this issue.
    Child abuse is not a “sin” it is a CRIME, and every GB member should be in jail.
    If this were a religion of love there would be immediate changes to their child abuse policies and a sincere apology.
    If change does come, it will be because they are hemorrhaging money to fight the many court cases in play.
    The GB are arrogant, stupid men who are not guided by holy spirit. They are guided by Power, Control and Money. And they keep the sheeple in bondage thru emotional manipulation: using Fear, Shame and Guilt.
    The Watchtower BS about caring for children is simply that, BS! They don’t care about children and for every child abuse lawsuit out there , it’s a safe bet that there are probably triple or more numbers of children who have been silenced by the “Don’t bring reproach directive”.
    The GB and this ugly, cult religion are despicable.

    • March 2, 2017 at 1:56 pm

      Wide awake, I could not agree with your more, WELL SAID MY FRIEND.

    • March 2, 2017 at 3:22 pm

      @ WideAwake;

      Firstly, great coverage/summation of the trial John!

      “If this were a religion of love there would be immediate changes to their child abuse policies and a sincere apology.

      If change does come, it will be because they are hemorrhaging money to fight the many court cases in play.

      The GB are arrogant, stupid men who are not guided by holy spirit. They are guided by Power, Control and Money. And they keep the sheeple in bondage thru emotional manipulation: using Fear, Shame and Guilt”.

      I couldn’t have said it any better myself, WideAwake!
      And these people think that they are “superior” to everyone else and that includes their beliefs? Really? I wouldn’t follow these morons (Elders, Governing Body) through a buffet line.

      The Sheeple will continue to be ignorant and uninformed as long as they continue their ‘conditioning’ at the Kingdumb Hall of Jehovah’s Witless-es. WAKE UP SHEEPLE and do some research; you have absolutely nothing to lose but your chains of delusional slavery to a cult!

  • March 1, 2017 at 11:53 am

    According to the Watchtower Babble and Tract Society in their Kingdom News No 37 tract titled “The End of False Religion Is Near!”, “True religion practices love, trust God’s Word, strengthens families, and upholds high moral standards.”

    Does Watchtower Babble and Tract Society exhibit such qualities?

    After reading an article such as this, the answer is obviously not. Watchtower, in their own writings, is false religion.

    • March 1, 2017 at 1:28 pm

      Does Watchtower pass their own litmus test?

  • March 1, 2017 at 11:58 am

    My concern is that the shredders will be working faster than the law.
    The enemy knows the game plan.
    The law should have swooped immediately in 2002 after the Panorama documentary, just as it would have if it were you or me under suspicion.
    An accusation of 23,720 unreported known or suspected pedophiles and very little happens? That’s a scandal in itself. It needs to be explored and in doing so, will shine a light on the WT at the same time. Two stories at once.

    • March 2, 2017 at 3:58 pm

      @outandabout – if shredding is happening, it’s a conspiracy, and the only way to keep it secret will be the demise of those involved. So, once the shredding is testified to in court, the penalty and assumption of guilt becomes that much heavier. Enron, Worldcom, etc.

  • March 1, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    Thankyou John for once again…excellent coverage of such a sad story….For those who have gone thru such…not easy reading…very emotional and distrubing…brings nightmares etc. as one relives their own traumas, that have affected ones childhood and adult situations…My heart goes to the lone person on the street with the sign…we should all get together and bear our own signs in unison! Disgusting elders, disgusting and all who continue to cover up and lie…all who say we are the apostates and trouble makers..While they continue to stand beside their…whitewashed graves…Shame on all of them! They are the farthest thing from what God would approve of! And Yes…they do shred and burn documents…happened in my case …destroy the evidence and lie as to it having being brought to their knowledge if goes before the courts etc…..keep smoking this disgusting JW. org out….warn as many as possible to watch over their childern…DO NOT trust this religion / cult!

  • March 2, 2017 at 2:21 pm

    Brilliant. Thank you John, CF and Lloyd. Posted to FB and receiving amazing comments…. non from JW’s though…. hmm. lol

    • March 2, 2017 at 3:36 pm


      Any interesting comments from active JWs?

      • March 2, 2017 at 5:51 pm

        No… I guess they are in denial. I will definitely post if I get a response. I’ve had a few comments from Witnesses who no longer attend meetings though. ‘Disgusting’, ‘Hypocrites’ and ‘WT covering it up for fear they will find something bad’.
        One or two have left angry emoji’s… directed at WT not me, I hasten to add. There have been a couple of shares also.

      • March 3, 2017 at 6:41 pm

        John Redwood I received a personal message from an ex elder today… He told me in a very nice and kind way to bite my tongue and not get involved in the politics of it all. I told him, with deep respect, that I would not bury my head in the sand. I cannot and will not condone what the organisation or any organisation, for that matter, is doing.

        • March 3, 2017 at 9:59 pm


          Well done. Sadly most elders are kept in ignorance, but they are still responsible for their actions. In the Fessler trial, both elders and the organization were held responsible, and in the end the WT organization paid the price for their arrogance. We will certainly see an even higher price paid in the future

          • March 5, 2017 at 1:00 pm

            Hey John, Latest comments… this was from a guy who no longer associates with the JW’s though the rest of his family do. He told me your story was one sided and I need to get my facts straight and do more research… So I wrote back showing the ARC, the Conti, Lopez and UK Charities Commission cases. Another posted that ‘of course the elders would call the police!’ How naive they are.

          • March 5, 2017 at 1:34 pm

            John Redwood…. I have just been pm’d by an old school friend. She and her brother were abused by witnesses in my old hall… before I became a witness. Her brother killed himself. She said her mother tried to get help from the elders and they wouldn’t help because her son was dead.

  • March 2, 2017 at 6:01 pm

    Imagine had this happened:

    On the stand, the accused elders testify under oath, that when calling WT’s legal department they were instructed not to report, and one reason given was they, as elders, are not clergy. Had Jefferson admitted WT elders have always been clergy, and his corporation always knew that, then WT’s case would have been essentially over. WT would have admitted to lying to some of their clergy members in order to prevent the report from being made. That one admission would sealed WT’s fate in this case. In their attempt to prevent that they choose to lie again.

    Imagine what Mr. Jefferson felt like doing so. Imagine what the lawyers, who are JWs, felt like, knowing the truth, but arguing against it.

  • March 2, 2017 at 9:02 pm

    JW elders seem to have no problem providing false and misleading testimony while under oath. Yet, none of these elders has been willing to plead the fifth ammendment, thus invoking the privilege that allows a witness to decline to answer questions where the answers might incriminate him. Apparently, Watchtower lawyers feel that having their clients refuse to answer, due to fear of self incrimination, would make them look even more guilty than they already are.

    • March 3, 2017 at 5:49 pm

      I think the 5th is used in criminal cases. In a civil case, like this one, to refuse to answer on grounds their answer might incriminate them would be close to admitting they’re guilty. Might as well hand their wallet over and give it to the plaintiff. It seems they’re calculating everything they do with the bottom line dollar in view, like big businesses do.

      WT chose to lie about issues that are proven so easily to be lies. For instance, it was recently decided in an appeals court that with their way of operating elders cannot claim a confidentiality privilege. And yet here they were again arguing they had that, and under similar circumstances as that other case where it was denied. And arguing they are not clergy, even after or at the same time that they have the clergy confidentiality privilege does make them sound like Key Stone Cops. But they have some strategy up their sleeve. Maybe they’re afraid that information gained here might effect other cases.

      The bottom line dollar definitely is their driving motive. My sons said that a long time ago. It really appears it is true. Where’s their thought of God in their actions? You can’t serve God and mammon. You’ll grow to love one and hate the other. (Christ

      It makes you wonder. Since they so readily attempt to deceive the court, then did they intentionally with reasoning ability deceive us, or did they really believe they were/are who they claim to be. Again, my sons have an opinion about this. They’ve said they believe gb members set out to deceive us, to get followers, for the purpose of getting their donated money. Christ said something about that type of character also, didn’t he?

      • March 3, 2017 at 6:54 pm

        messenger, thank you for your response. Regarding: “…did they intentionally with reasoning ability deceive us, or did they really believe they were/are who they claim to be.”

        I think that the Governing Body and other high ranking Watchtower corporate servants are a mix of deluded and non-deluded men. The non-deluded men are well aware that the Watchtower organization is a religious farce. But, in order to hold on to their positions of power, they humor and support the deluded men who truly believe the Watchtower lies.

        • March 4, 2017 at 5:01 pm

          You’re probably right ScotWm. WT’s top officials probably consists of a mixture of both types; however neither (as a group) are standing up for truth. And if any individuals are they seem to be having no effect on a truthful outcome.

          Their management strategy appears to be rather shortsighted. All the lies they tell today are being recorded for future generations to see. If they took a more farsighted approach, as managing agents, they would stop the lies, because in the long run today’s lies will hurt WT’s attendance tomorrow. Discovered lies will cause some to leave, and others never to join, as is already taking place.

          Also, if some of the WT top officials are deluded, their actions go against the Bible doctrines they teach. In that case they can’t square WT’s actions (lying) with their beliefs. So, it could be my sons are correct. Since the gb know their org is willfully violating Christ’s command to tell the truth, it may be that they don’t truly believe they are Christ’s slave class.

          • March 5, 2017 at 5:52 am

            Also consider this: doublethink- the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts.

            The fact that practiced doublethink is a requirement to hold on to the JW faith was one of the reasons I woke up. I can only imagine that at the level of indoctrination of the GB, the amout of doublethink required surpasses that of the average publisher. So it may not be so black and white – this GB member is deluded, this one is not – but with practiced doublethink all the members may have moments of delusion and moments of clarity. I can only imagine the psychological damage done by being immersed in their environment of half truths and lies.


          • March 7, 2017 at 9:27 pm

            I don’t know WS….I’m a really straight forward person…In my profession I also hear a lot of lies. I’m direct and I call people out on most of them when they lie to me.

            I believe that people, including JWs, make allowances for others. All people do. And JWs believe they have the TRUTH. We all thought that. But the elders that lie, or the members above them that lie, I believe they know when they’re doing it.

            Their first principle, that is never admitted to, is cover their own butt. I already saw that in elder bodies and individuals (elders) when they were not protecting the org. They protected themselves.

            It is the same stinkin thinkin with these guys that are protecting the org. Remember when they’re protecting the org, they’re protecting themselves also; and my bet is that individual protection is the biggest motivator for these folks.

            When you work for any org you are required to protect it. When a monkey wrench comes along, like me, an org sometimes wants to eliminate it when those people don’t support stinky stuff. I don’t support stink anywhere, and consequences orgs bring against me are not that large a concern to me.

            I believe WT gets most servants to go along with some stink because most people are afraid of consequences they might experience for not doing that. But it’s my belief that when the crap (lies or whatever is corrupt) hits the fan, they all know it. If they don’t it I’d classify them stupid. But I’ve learned never to assume what another’s intelligence is, either smart, or stupid. I believe most people that attain to positions of leadership are not stupid. Most go along to get along, if they’re not corrupt themselves, in orgs that engage in harmful policies.

  • March 2, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    I know many people believe Trump is nuts and is off the deep end. However, what I am about to tell you might be the kick in the pants Watchtower needs.

    President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has been in several news stories regarding his conversations with United States President Donald Trump and members of his cabinet. Hillary Clinton referred to Donald Trump as Putin’s puppet.

    May I ask you one simple question. What is Vladimir Putin’s relationship with the Jehovah’s Witnesses? Is it a good one? Is it not Russia liquidating the Russian Jehovah’s Witnesses assets as we speak. Did not Putin discarded the International Courts ruling on Russia’s handling of the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    Can you see how Putin can get in the mind of Trump and tell Trump to tell the Jehovah’s Witnesses to take a hike. Can you imagine how the Governing Body must be having Hershey squirts regarding this political relationship?

    • March 2, 2017 at 9:09 pm

      One more thought. Putin can also point to these court rulings on child sexual abuse in all these countries as an indication of how extreme the Jehovah’s Witnesses are to Trump. If Trump is indeed the Puppet of Putin, we are in for a wild ride.

      • March 3, 2017 at 3:58 am

        Trump may be willing to use Putin toward his own ends, but calling him “Putin’s Puppet” was nothing more than mudslinging during an election. I wouldn’t get too hopeful on a connection that helps bring the org down.


    • March 3, 2017 at 4:53 pm

      Hi Doc O.

      A bit back I read somewhere, possibly on JW facts, that Trump’s son-in-law recently bought a WT building for 360 million. I believe the article said he is also considering buying more property from WT. So, the Trump family and WT probably have a rather cordial relationship.

      Also, business owners are like Gods, in the sense they don’t answer to bosses. They chart the course of their lives and their businesses. No one else sets their course. I used to own and run one, and in the process I dealt with hundreds of other owners, most as my customers, but several as suppliers. Like I said, they don’t answer to anyone except the government. I don’t believe Trump after coming from that background will be put in anybody’s pocket. Not like most other politicians. Most of the others were bought, and before entering into politics most had bosses.

  • March 3, 2017 at 3:48 am

    Thankyou John as always very informative reporting. My question to the lawyers when they investigate all of this . How is it clergy/client/confessor privilege that they do not divulge such a reputational secret, but the elders wives know who did what to whom and when .? Because women have a way of finding out all the nitty gritty.Maybe they should go after those trouble making tittle tattlers who keep the congregation “clean” with the endless gossiping and troublemaking. Those rotten women perpetuate a society with open secrets in their in house cliques. They judge, coerce and make trouble . It gets around the circuit pretty quickly when there is a juicy bit of gossip and the annihilation of the character of some innocent victims.All in the name of cleansing,. I would call it murder of the innocents. Ruthlee

  • March 3, 2017 at 10:37 pm

    I am not a JW…However is this Ugly or what…Jeees go check out the 100000 of Catholic boys that were molested by Priests ..,Damn talk about going for the under dog,,,,

    • March 4, 2017 at 5:40 am

      I am a JW, and I have taken note of the number of victims, both in the witnesses and in the Catholics. We used to laugh at the Catholics for their failure to tackle child abuse properly, being told by our elders that our organization had it all under control. Now we learn that not only was there no control, but no changes are being made to bring it into control. My religion is run by a load of hypocrites.

      I have a young son, and the conclusion of the Australian Royal Commission is that my son is not safe in the congregation due to the faulty practices of the leadership of my religion.

      I have no desire for my son to become a victim. I have seen how victims are treated in our organization: like a kangaroo that has been hit by a truck, lying on the side of the road with flies buzzing around it’s busted innards.

      1 victim is already too many. How horrific that our leadership doesn’t care.

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