Guy Pierce has reportedly died of a severe stroke
Guy Pierce has reportedly died of a severe stroke

Multiple sources are reporting that Governing Body member Guy Pierce died yesterday morning, March 18, 2014, of a severe stroke. He was 79.

Pierce is survived by his wife, Penny, with whom he began pioneering in 1982. He also leaves behind five sons who were all Witnesses as of 2008.

As recently as last October Pierce served as chairman at the 129th Annual Meeting, at which the newly revised version of the New World Translation was released.

Noteworthy moments during this meeting included an occasion when he encouraged his audience to twist their bibles to see how durable they were. He also suggested that “new light” might be unveiled at the meeting, although this ultimately proved not to be the case.

Following his early work as a pioneer, Pierce served as a traveling overseer between 1986 and 1997. Thereafter, he and his wife were asked to serve at the United States bethel. Pierce served as a “helper” to the Personnel Committee prior to his appointment to the Governing Body. (see w00 1/1 p.29)

In 2011 Pierce sparked controversy by admitting that the Governing Body were pressing ahead with their ambitious building project for a new World Headquarters in Warwick, upstate New York, without being fully certain of Jehovah’s will in the matter. (see w12 8/15) Watchtower has since commenced building work, with the organization even likening the project to the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls by Nehemiah.

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Little is known about Pierce’s individual achievements as a Governing Body member because, unlike the precedent set at Acts 15, Watchtower keeps the minutes of Governing Body meetings top secret – even though the identities of members are widely published.

Pierce will understandably be mourned by those who knew him, especially his widow, children and grandchildren. But it is regrettable that ultimately his tenure as a Governing Body member was a wasted opportunity to bring about urgently needed reform.

Pierce leaves behind an organization riddled with secrecy and deception in which crimes against children are covered up and Witnesses who dare to speak out are persecuted through the cruel practice of shunning.










The following announcement has now been made on the website

“Guy H. Pierce, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses at their world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, died on Tuesday, March 18. He was 79 years of age.

In addition to his wife, Penny, Mr. Pierce is survived by his six children, several grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He is also fondly remembered by Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world whom he regarded as family.

In a statement, his fellow members of the Governing Body commented: ‘Our memories of his courageous and faithful earthly life course will continue to strengthen us for years to come.'”

241 thoughts on “Governing Body member Guy Pierce dies of ‘massive stroke’

  • March 19, 2014 at 12:49 pm

    I hope it’s ok I’m posting here… don’t really have a place to post my thoughts and concerns on this… :(… nor family to talk to obviously… bleh

  • March 19, 2014 at 12:49 pm

    Thank you for your comments. I am sorry for the loss of your grandfather.

  • March 19, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    So sorry for your loss.

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    I am no longer a Jehovah’s Witness, as I researched it and found it lacking. However, I am very sorry for your loss…………a Grandfather is so dear. Remember the good times.

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    Honestly, I appreciate all of the warm thoughts. But George is right in a way for sure. I do see the secrecy and have heard of the corruption, whether he had a direct part in it or if he made those choices with the others, or if he was only following orders, they only know. This is why everybody posting on here has a right to say, because there has been allot of things that has happened in the past and the present. One thing that was mentioned was the blood issue, this is one thing that we as a family have been through, my niece was 5 at the time, we almost lost her a few times due to ecoli, her kidneys shut down, she was dying, my grandpa even came to visit his great granddaughter when he was supposed to be traveling to another part of the world and here is what he said to us about the blood issue… he said, and this is not word for word, “Obeying God on your part is the most important, but you have to realize that they have that choice themselves, we can show them and we can talk to them about it, but most importantly is making sure that no matter what, you think of not only your relationship with God, but making it so that you can take her home when she is better.” and wouldn’t you know it, the courts too custody (and to this day I’m thankful that they did or she would not be here) and she got a blood transfusion. And because of the respect that we showed for the people there, the doctors and the nurses and the way that we kept calm, her dialysis doctor made sure that she was released back to her parent’s care. So, he may have been tied to the beliefs of that religion, but he was also level headed. I’m not saying he didn’t make mistakes and I’m not saying that there isn’t any kind of secret society behind it all, because since they keep such a tight knit between all the “brothers” and brothers only, then only the ones who have been there know for sure. Do I want to know? Yes. Do I want to know if he was involved directly? Yes. Would it change my view on him? Yes. But it would still be a loss of somebody in my family. So, having said that, I appreciate the warm comments, but lets not forget that there are many other things that can be shared on this as well. I’m not mad at the religion, but I feel that they are lost. Here is a religion that was started by one man, who did who knows what to convince his own translation of the bible and gained followers because of the promises made, his followers then recruited other people and then kept their children tightly bound to their sides and instilled fears in them of other people and made promises (who do you trust more than your parents when you’re little?)… and so on and so on down the generations. Whether those promises are true or not, nobody really knows. All I see is a people who are being told how to live their lives and if they don’t then they will be shunned. They have been hardened to people attempting to help them because of these fears and they are being promised things for all their efforts that they truly don’t know will come true… The song I dedicated to my family was the “Say something, I’m giving up on you” because they won’t listen, they are blinded by fear and they won’t speak to me because of men telling them how to live their lives and who they should speak to. I said to my mom one day “Why is it that God never turned his back on human kind, and yet these men are allowed to tell you that you should?”…. it’s because they don’t want to be shunned.

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    I don’t wish anyone to die, but I wish that if he’s in heaven right now, that he sees how hateful his religion has become, and he sees how Shunning is not what God directs, and that all people need is Jesus, he is the light, the way!

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:20 pm

    yikes… that was way longer than I meant it to be… sorry everybody… :/

    • March 19, 2014 at 1:39 pm

      Mashable – if that was Heather’s profile, I’m not sure posting it on here for all to see would be a smart move. Please engage braincells before posting, and keep people’s privacy in mind!

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    No, thats not me. uhm… I’m not really tech savvy… maybe try me on facebook? my maiden name is not included, search for one in Washington state Heather Bennett. my bf is in the pic kissing my head and wearing a parental advisory beenie. I am a talker, when I have the time… which right now I do since my boss sent me home from work this morning since I couldn’t get my head in the right mindset…

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:43 pm

    Just as a remark to clarify what I meant.
    ..I was an elder for quite a time and once I realized what kind of propaganda I involved in, I just left Kingdom Hall and never came back. My family suffering because of that.. But most painful is that I remember two young JWs, which I met during my preaching in 2 different countries.. both of them lost their loved wives and children during child-born because refused blood transfusion..One of them has boy 8 years old and he has to grow it up in loneliness.. Both of this young man waiting to meet their wives in resurrection.
    I am happy just because of one fact, that I don’t ever support with anything such harmful teachings, that still ruins peoples lives.. just my personal experience.. IMHO

  • March 19, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    Strange as family members is welcome to attend at memorial services at kingdom hall. My uncle died this fall and our family consists of many dissfellowed. Memorial was held at kingdom hall. Everybody attended and many in the congregation hugged the dissfellowed attending also. No hard fellings just grief and a good uplifting speach.

    Sorry for your loss Heather.. I listned to Guy maybe 2 years ago in Sweden. Seemed to have humour:)

  • March 19, 2014 at 2:31 pm

    Your grandfather was a wonderful man who dedicated his life to Jehovah. We were Priveledged to see him a couple of years ago in Sweden. These people writing all this vicious comments have not idea of what they are saying. We will miss him. But we know he is blessed to be in heaven with Jesus.

  • March 19, 2014 at 2:46 pm


    I am very sorry that you have lost your Grandpa – losing any loved one, especially family members is always painful.

    When my Grandmother died (despite the fact that she was not a JW), I was not even told about it until after her funeral, because it was decreed by the Elders within my family that it would be too awkward if I as a disfellowshipped person were to be present along with the rest of my JW family.

  • March 19, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    I feel sorrow for the loss of your dear grandfather, I feel even more so, now I hear you may not be able to attend the memorial. My wife(d/f), mother past away and we weren’t informed till after the memorial. This is cruel and unloving. So I wish you all the best at this time of difficulty.

  • March 19, 2014 at 3:28 pm

    I find it quite amazing that Ted Jaracz was able to influence the appointments of so many of the recent Governing Body members. It seems that every time I read of a new member taking a seat, the background information indicates that he was an associate of TJ, was assigned to the Service Department by TJ, worked under TJ, etc. While I never met the man, and only know him from what I’ve read, both positive and negative, TJ was not known for his “loving kindness” or “helpful attitude toward those troubled.” He was like the father raised in the 1920s who would use a switch (small tree branch) on his kids after he tells them “I’m doing this for your own good.” Sounds like Pierce may have had a cloudy background similar to Jaracz’s. Hopefully – over time the real stories of these powerful WT men will be told and the “sheep”
    will have a better understanding of the kind of leaders they have really served.

  • March 19, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    Hi Heather, I just read the above Cedar’s article & all the posts regarding your grandpa’s passing. I send you my condolences. I am an ex-jw also, and so glad you are out. I am sorry however, that during this trying time that you have to further experience the effects of WT policies. I can only hope you get some kind of closure. You sound like a very astute, bright person and I am happy for you for that! Take care. I am becoming very vocal, even posted a song very recently regarding wt, just so you know. But I am here if you need a listening, understanding ear. Take care. Sincerely, “Alexus”

  • March 19, 2014 at 3:35 pm

    Jw are adament about not being followers of men, yet respond like the jw above who say “we were priveleged to hear”, “we were priveleged to meet”, “he was surely used by Jehovah”, or other similar emotional extoling of jw leaders alive or dead.

    I wonder how many plain old average jw elders get such acclaim and reverance? There is a double standard among jw who act like they are above such creature worship.

    So this man who reaches the pinnacle of power must now upon his death have one of the GB members conduct the funeral/memorial, what about his family members sons did they have a say about this? Of course not, just like every other jw funeral/memorial it will be just another oppertunity for giving a public talk….never ever miss the moment to hook some other unsuspecting grieving relative or friend to join the cult.

    Even in death this man who devoted himself to a man made religion which claims to represent a loving God, will not even give the “privilege” or “the honor” for his own granddaughter to attend or let alone participate in recounting her memories of him. Talk about sheer insanity and lack of love….there it is for all the world to ‘witness’. No testament to God’s love will come from this mans death or life for that matter.

  • March 19, 2014 at 3:48 pm

    Hi Heather, I just read this article & all the posts regarding your grandpa’s passing. I send you my condolences. I am an ex-jw also, and so glad you are out. I am sorry however, that during this trying time that you have to further experience the effects of WT policies. I can only hope you get some kind of closure. You sound like a very astute, bright person and I am happy for you for that! Take care. I am becoming very vocal, even posted a song very recently regarding wt, just so you know. :) But I am here if you need a listening, understanding ear. Take care. Sincerely, “Alexus”

  • March 19, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    Heather, my sincere condolences – and thank you for dropping by and commenting on this thread.

  • March 19, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    You know nothing about what you speak. You fortify
    Mark Twains words.

  • March 19, 2014 at 4:15 pm

    Heather, it is heart wrenching to read your comments. If I had the money, I’d fly you to New York so you could attend his memorial. Since I suppose the memorial will be open to the public, no one could stop you from attending. No one would speak to you, probably not even hug you or acknowledge you being there, but they cannot stop you from being there. Can you just imagine what Jesus would do if he were there?

    That being said, it probably would only be more traumatic for you if you went. It would be very painful, not only for the loss of your grandfather, but a reminder that your family has lost you. They are the ones who cut you out of their lives. And you have not stopped loving them.

    No one can take away your memories of him and he does sound like a loving grand parent.

    It just breaks my heart that you are being shunned during your grief. It seems the least they could do would be sort of like hold a “cease fire” upon someone’s death. It is one of the most un-loving things JW’s do.

    You will find many brothers and sisters on the internet who know exactly how you feel, and who can give you the support and love you need. There are many sites on here, now that we have learned to use the internet.

    I found a site where everyone is searching for truth from the Bible, and I’m learning so much about Jesus, our Saviour. The most amazing thing I am learning is that we should all partake at the Memorial, in fact Jesus wants us to. When you feel up to it here is the site:

    I have found everyone there to be loving and kind. We have not left Jehovah, but are sincerely searching the Bible itself for answers.

    Please feel free to express yourself if you feel the need to. You are among friends on here.

    Sisterly Love to you

  • March 19, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    My condolensces to u and ur family. I understand what it is like losing 2 in one year myself. I once also was recognized as a jw. I personally agree on many teachings of the org though not actively associated and I think that people need to be more accepting of other people and there beliefs. The facts show that if u refuse medical alternatives such as blood your survival rate is actually higher. However nothing can undue all or imperfections except gods kingdom.

    • March 19, 2014 at 4:34 pm

      Joseph can you tell more about the facts you mentioned regarding the survival rates after refusing medical alternatives ? I’m not sure to understand this, if these facts are known to the medical world, why would they still want to use these alternatives ?

  • March 19, 2014 at 4:37 pm

    I don’t think you have noticed but I would say that MOST of the comments were in condolence to Heather…

  • March 19, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Just as Paul and the other anointed are alive today, so is Guy. Rest a sure Jehovah and Jesus are in complete control. :)

  • March 19, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    Heather, I’m sorry for your loss. You were fortunate to have known your grandfather.

    On a philosophical note, heaven is a state of mind. When one dies, his thoughts do perish, thus heaven perishes, and is left with infinity.

    Again, with my deepest condolences.


  • March 19, 2014 at 5:03 pm


    Firstly, condolences on the loss of a loving Grandfather.

    I am very pleased to see the courtesy shown to you by the posters on this site. It is a testament to the decency of the folks who post here.

    Here is a lesson for us all.

    One of my main contentions with religions is that they, by their very nature, divide people. Once you’ve divided people, you have to come up with an excuse as to why you are divided. A popular choice is to paint the world as black and white, good and evil, and ignore the reality of existence – that we are all both good and evil.

    Mr. Pierce was a loving Grandfather. He was a member of a group of 8 men who have been responsible for great suffering.

    The world is not populated by good people and bad people. It’s populated by people.

    Mr. Pierce may indeed have been involved in some disgraceful activities. He certainly did nothing to change the rules of shunning, cover up of abuse and all the other mistakes that body of men oversee.

    RIP Mr Pierce, Grandfather.

    Thank you, Heather, for your comments. It is good for all of us to reflect on a life lived in so many ways. A life that was both good and evil, because it was lived out of love. Mr Pierce loved his God, and he did what he thought was right.

    I really detest the Governing Body, but I detest their choices and decisions, not the men themselves. They are human beings, and we are all just pretty spectacular apes! We have achieved so much in such a short space of time. But we are capable of such charity and such vile cruelty.

    Jesus said that we could figure out if we were doing positive things by their fruitage. We can see the results of our actions and inactions. Posterity will decide how we are judged.

    This event will have repercussions for all Jehovah’s Witnesses. I hope that the replacement(s) and the existing Governing Body members will humbly examine the fruitage of their decisions, and some positive changes made.

    Peace be with you


  • March 19, 2014 at 5:06 pm

    Sorry for you loss Heather. Not that they were in the position your grandfather was in but my grandparents were faithful jw’s up until their death in the last few years.
    We went to the service and the talk was about 30 minutes , 3 of them tops were about them and the other 27 a recruiting talk that I am sure we have all heard.
    If I was you if grieving in your own way will find you much more comfort than going to all means to fly or stress yourself out to go to a rather vanilla and insincere talk and be surrounded by unwelcoming people who won’t change that even under such circumstance.

  • March 19, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    I pray for armageddon. Then all issues will be resolved! Won’t it be wonderful! Then they will know!

    • March 20, 2014 at 2:02 pm

      Deborah: Do you really “pray for Armageddon?”
      What a sad & strange statement to make! :(

      What events of Armageddon are you looking forward to the most?

      I was never a JW, so I can only give an outsider’s perspective.

      Is there any LOVE in this organization?

      • March 20, 2014 at 3:04 pm

        There’s a FALSE LOVE. They only love those that are IN THE ORGANIZATION or potential members. If you’re not interested in it….nope. If you leave the org. – they ignore you until you re-join. And they’ll say that no where on Earth is there such Christ-like love than in “Jehovah’s Earthly Organization” They are self-righteous egomaniacs.

  • March 19, 2014 at 6:27 pm

    In reply to Heather Bennett, I convey my sincere condolences. No doubt any loss of life brings great sadness and grief especially when its one of our own family members. However the bigger picture is the reputation a person leaves behind weather it be good or bad. Unfortunately many people who pass away who were in high positions of power are more times then not, much like C.T. Russell, are remembered for their negative impact on others lives instead of any good they may have accomplished. In the case of your Grandfather I’m sure he had good intentions but because of being a imperfect man he missed the mark at times. As the bible admonishing tells us by Jesus ” To those given much, much will be expected” And given his position as a Governing body member he was held more accountable for his words and idea’s that he purported to his members and the general public. Thus perhaps the reason you are seeing mixed comments on this blog. After all we all reap what we sow. Having lost my Dad 5 years ago just reminds me how sad of a time we go through when we lose a loved one. Again I’m sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you.

  • March 19, 2014 at 6:30 pm

    Sorry for your pain Heather.

  • March 19, 2014 at 7:19 pm


    Sorry for your loss.

    I really appreciate the words from Excelsior, that the world is full of humans, not good and evil. There is no absolute of either, but rather shades of that in each of us, your grandfather included.

    That may be one of the hardest things to cope with upon exiting the WT. The world was once black and white in our view, but then, with our eyes open we see that it is actually just shades of grey. Through that lens, though, we get to appreciate and understand people for who they truly are.

  • March 19, 2014 at 7:49 pm

    ReSpects to friends and relatives of the late Guy Pierce.
    I believe he had a good sense of humour and wonder if he ever caught any utube vids posted by the northern lass lougoode on Stand up for JEHOVAH.
    What a great act she is. If the likes of Eddie Izzard, French and Saunders and Miranda can get on tv in the United Kingdom certainly this young woman deserves her place in the spotlight especially having predicted the demise of one the more elderly GB members less than two months ago.

  • March 19, 2014 at 8:16 pm

    Heather I am sorry for your loss. I never knew Guy, and I assume he was a true believer that did what he felt was right for better or for worse. While policies he took part in have caused much pain, I am sure he also has done much good. Many here just feel the pain that comes with shunning, losing family, or even losing people in death from blood transfusions or suicide. For you however, I hope he was a good grandfather, and that your family heals.

  • March 19, 2014 at 8:27 pm

    Dang…..the grandaughter of one of the guys setting policy for millions……is being shunned by family. What a trip.
    Well heather, you have handled yourself with dignity and class. I do not know if you are disfellowshipped, but if you are not, there in nothing they can do to stop you from attending his funeral. Know this!

  • March 19, 2014 at 8:45 pm

    I’m sorry for your loss but I’m happy he’s done I met your granpa spoke to him many times I disagree with shuning and your granpa is a good man I’m he is my brother he did what he coud and was not a pharasee.

  • March 19, 2014 at 8:54 pm

    I also served at bethel over 9 yrs right now the org lacks love and natural afection many of the younger annointed feel this way bro pierce is a good man that that had good intentions but was

  • March 19, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    We will contnue to denounce all forms of shunning Jehovah is not a God of shunning the problem is Jw do not know God that includes the gb because they shun that’s not love1 john4:8

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