About JW Watch (formerly JW Survey)


It is my pleasure to give you a warm welcome to JWWatch.org. This website has been launched to give voice to millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world who would not normally have the opportunity to say what they really think about the Watch Tower Society, or the teachings and practices of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body has yet to express any interest in hearing the views of ordinary witnesses. Their mantra is: “We talk, you listen!”

If you are a Jehovah’s Witness, or a former Witness, you will be aware that the opinions of rank and file publishers (and even elders) are rarely sought by the Society. The small number of men making up the Governing Body have declared themselves the “faithful and discreet slave” of Matthew 24:45, thus claiming sole control over the organization’s teachings and policies. These men are most certainly NOT interested in the opinions of the “silent majority” of Witnesses under their authority. If they are, they have a strange way of showing it!

This website historically sought to redress that balance by means of an annual survey that was conducted anonymously throughout the world. The first survey was taken in 2011, and immediately attracted the opinions of 1,118 voters before closing at the end of the year. The results were posted to the Governing Body for their attention and review but, predictably, they never replied.

The following year, 2012, the survey received votes from 1,488 current and former Witnesses, most of whom expressed their concern at various Watchtower teachings. The remarkable events of that year (the Candace Conti case and the “new light” about the faithful slave) certainly seemed to get people talking.

Subsequent surveys have allowed in excess of 6,000 per year to express their true feelings about the organization and its leadership, and we are optimistic this number will only increase as JWsurvey grows in popularity.

As we move into 2021, JW Survey has become JW Watch. The John Cedars YouTube Channel has become the Lloyd Evans Channel.

These changes represent where we are as a unified team, dedicated to accurate, non-sensational news about the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their leadership. You will see content that represents investigative reporting, documentary, and occasionally opinions about the state of affairs of more than 8 million members of the Witness faith.

A website for all

This website has been created and made available as a free resource so that anyone, whether they are a former or current Witness, or in some way associated with Witness friends or relatives, can give their honest opinions about Watchtower and the increasingly cult-like direction in which it is headed.

We adopt a strictly non-religious viewpoint, meaning we refuse to promote any belief structure in particular. For this reason, we cannot be accused of trying to “draw off followers.” We are merely interested in garnering the views of ordinary Witnesses and reporting on the facts.

The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has not authorized or sponsored the survey, and it is run entirely without any influence or input from them. However, we genuinely feel that the brothers who serve on the Governing Body, having assumed such overwhelming responsibility, should take note of how ordinary Witnesses and the general public feel about their leadership, since millions of lives are affected by decisions they make at their private weekly meetings.

Who started this website?

My name is Lloyd Evans, and I am the founder of this website. I set it up in October 2011 with the help of a fellow activist while I was still one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, writing under the pseudonym “John Cedars.” Eventually, I left the organization for conscientious reasons. You can read my story on this link.

I first had the idea to begin gathering the opinions of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their associates around the world because of a variety of issues that continue to be of real concern to me. I believe that ordinary Witnesses who devote their entire lives to loyally serving Jehovah, through what purports to be God’s spirit-directed organization, should have some say in the decisions that are made on their behalf.

It is my belief that not all is well within the organization. I don’t consider many of the teachings and practices encouraged by the Governing Body to have been formulated with the best interests of ordinary Witnesses at heart.

An unmerciful practice

For example, take the practice of shunning or “disfellowshipping.” The Apostle Paul’s words to the Corinthian congregation were as follows:

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Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians about the disfellowshipping arrangement never called for family members to be torn apart

Clearly the Apostle Paul was delivering this admonition for the purpose of keeping the congregation clean. But to what extent should these words be applied? By saying “not even eating with such a man,” Paul indicated that his words weren’t directed against family members (who would daily eat with one another), but against other brothers in the congregation with whom one might consider sharing a meal.

There is no reason to insist that the word “anyone” should be applied arbitrarily to “everyone,” irrespective of age or circumstances. Even Watchtower publications acknowledge that there should be some exceptions where family members are concerned. For example, a disfellowshipped husband is not to be shunned by his wife or children, and parents are not banned from speaking to their disfellowshipped children if they are not yet old enough to leave home.

But why should it end there?

Many share my opinion that there is scope to extend even more mercy in applying this scripture than is currently encouraged by the teachings of the Governing Body. Jesus said the following to the unrighteous pharisees:

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Jesus identified mercy as playing a crucial role in the extent to which laws and principles should be enforced. Many do not think it is merciful that older teenagers, many of whom were baptized at an extremely young age (sometimes as young as 9), are forced out of their homes by their parents and then cruelly shunned, often for the rest of their lives, through a mistaken and abhorrent interpretation of the Apostle Paul’s advice.

The Society’s publications themselves warn that “no one should be forced to… choose between his beliefs and his family.” (July 2009 Awake!, p.9) However, they apply this reasoning to every religion but their own.

The scriptures clearly prescribe “shunning” purely as a measure for maintaining the spiritual cleanliness of the congregation, and not for the purpose of breaking up families. To go one step further and insist that shunning should also apply to families is both destructive and deeply unmerciful. It also violates the principle expressed by the Apostle Paul at 1 Timothy 5:8 where he said:

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These and other teachings of the Governing Body are increasingly becoming a cause of sincere distress for many Witnesses who wish that the organization could adopt a more merciful and loving stance. In particular, one can now be disfellowshipped as an “apostate” merely for disagreeing with the Governing Body over this or other issues.

Only human

It is my sincere desire that by means of this website, and its annual surveys, the Governing Body will humbly consider the pleas of both myself and like-minded ones around the world who long for the Watch Tower Society to be a more loving organization – one that truly reflects the need for respect and tolerance toward other people’s beliefs.

The members of the Governing Body are only human, and no matter how much they may pray for wisdom and insight, they cannot possibly be fully aware of how their teachings and directives are impacting the lives of their fellow worshippers on a daily basis. That is what makes this survey website so important. It serves as a constant reminder for them to show greater kindness and mercy in undertaking the role that they have assumed as the faithful and discreet slave.

I would like to thank you in advance for your support for this site, and for getting involved in our important work.

Warmest regards,


24,597 thoughts on “About JW Watch (formerly JW Survey)

  • October 11, 2013 at 10:31 am

    I agree with your mission of exposing and righting wrong, but the message has to be heard, if it is to make a difference. I find people are more likely to listen when you whisper, than when you yell.
    BTW, yelling at your computer screen itself, sometimes actually feels better than trying to put your passion for a cause in writing. Most people reading these comments will not hear you, either way. ;)
    Kevin, keep examining the facts, and decide for yourself. The truth is out there.

  • October 11, 2013 at 6:25 pm

    When people become witnesses they know what they are getting into. not all family member are going to be happy specially when they start to see the changes people make.

    Your comments are great for this site, very dramatic, i’ll get a tissue, wait….
    Loose the drama, millions of families fave been happy serving for years, there is another side to this story, millions of other stories happy stories.

    In my view it is my humble opinion that a person who lets an org a person control their mind is week, so maybe that’s the problem.

    You just switch from one mind control to another, but they both are unhealthy relationships, these types of people need to jump on a cause. before they were for and now they are against.

    Look at all the people that have a higher education today. local college of trade is much better than years of debt and no job to pay.

    No one has been exploited. it’s called being on of Jehovah’s Witnesses. altruism.

    No mind control here, I need my wonderful powerful mind to judge and evaluate, i don’t swallow everything i am told.

    Do you believe everything you read and are told?
    I don’t, my family doesn’t, we don’t accept things just because of who said it /exception BIBLE.

    Apparently you don’t need a mind either to be stuck in time, with all that negative energy complaining about people that are happily living their lives with no thought to you’re daily objections to them.
    Back to the significant other-☼As long as you care, yr hooked.

  • October 11, 2013 at 6:52 pm

    I wish you and all who read me the best, from the bottom of my heart.

    Parents are responsible for their children, a parent must have a grip on their children in order to protect them and shield them from harm.

    People who are not Witnesses have a very different life, as you well know. Jw try to keep their children’s mind occupied with spiritual things, now you still believe in Christ Christendom style which is a theological topic which is not allowed here, but keep in mind that this God has 2 others just like him. that’s why the little nephew thinks that you worship you know who.

    People look to associate with people who have similar interest, in order to bond but if you don’t have anything in common it’s kinda hard to work with that there.

    But i do put myself in yr place/shoes and do understand.
    The children are being taken care of, they are being tough good things, so don’t worry about them.

    Wish you all the best.

  • October 11, 2013 at 7:10 pm

    I am at ease with looking forward to Armageddon day when Jehovah destroys the greater part of the human race for the refusal to believe.

    I cant wait!

    a wonderful loving organized group is warning people today before it happens so watch out, God ‘ll get cha for that as Maude Findley wld say.

    Change is Good without change we wld still be without anesthesia.
    change in doctrine specially good, it means things are alive, anything that does not change is dead, look at the churches.

    No body looks forward to the day when God murders me, are you crazy? That might be the thinking of the group you hang with, but my brothers admire me and love me because i am a wonderful beautiful person.

    It’s like they take you into the back room of the hall and torture you until you tell them that you don’t believe every single word that comes from an imperfect human being. you may be right but i don’t think so, this is the real world, come outta that fantasy in ye head.

    I’s mind control, look out!

  • October 11, 2013 at 7:20 pm

    Wrong again, Kevin. I was 5 years old when first taken to the Kingdom Hall. I had no armoury of reason to combat JW murderous filth. It was not my decision to be subjected to JW horrors.

    So, Kevin, if you imagine you choose to believe or disbelieve whatever the JW bosses spout, then, according to them you are dead meat. Jehovah will zap you at Armageddon. If, however, you are a content, happy and fulfilled true believer then you have to believe the lot, as issued by God’s exclusive earthly rep. since Day 1 in 1879.

    So, Kevin – you, if you really are a true JW, believe this little lot:

    Jehovah’s plan can be calculated by taking measurements from the Great Pyramid.
    Jehovah has no opinion on blood transfusion: Pre 1945.
    Jehovah will murder anyone who has a blood transfusion: post 1945.
    Jehovah is OK with blood fractions but will murder you if you donate any blood from which fractions are taken: 21st century.
    Jehovah approves of Christmas celebrations: pre 1925.
    Jehovah will murder you if you celebrate Christmas: post 1925.
    The Gov. Bod. are the Faithful and Discreet Slave as referred to by Jesus in Matt. 24.
    Armageddon will occur in 1914, 1925, 1941, 1975 and before the death of the 1914 generation.

    If you are a JW you have to believe all the above, or Jehovah will murder you. Maybe you doubt some of them. If you do, Jehovah will murder you.

    If you do believe all the above, presumably you are at ease and fulfilled with the idea that Jehovah will murder anyone who doubts.

    You are a tragic victim of cult mind control; an unpaid mag. pusher for a global publishing and property corporation. So many nominal JWs write anonymously to JW Facebook pages to explain that they only keep up appearances of true belief in order not to lose their family through shunning.

    Pre internet those of us who left the JWs were met with bewilderment when we explained our detestation of our erstwhile Alma Mater. JW PR was successful in presenting its image of polite and well dressed religious enthusiasts. Those days are over. Ex JWs are now organised. AAWA (go google) will not cease its campaign until your cult has abandoned its damaging practices of shunning, of its ban on blood transfusion, its protection of pedophiles and its terrorising of young minds with its Armageddon fantasies.

    It should not be too much of a leap for JWdom to radically change its tune. Its grubby little history is a litany of doctrinal flip flops. If reform means curtains for your cult, so much the better. Get used, Kevin to the idea of life without a Kingdom Hall.

  • October 11, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    Change is, of course, good. Truth, however does not change. JW TRUTH is of a different order. It is anything and everything spouted by the JW bosses.

    I note, Kevin, that you have swallowed the JW nonsense that your little late 19th century Adventist spinoff sect is no part of Christendom. JWs are part of Christendom, a singularly ugly little part. JWs are also part of the world, one of its worst aspects.

  • October 11, 2013 at 11:05 pm

    Dispute an edict or diktat issued by your New York bosses, Kevin, and you will be excommunicated from your little fringe church of Christendom and shunned by all those who now profess to love you. Why should anyone believe the stuff spouted by a bunch of old men in New York who claim, with zero evidence, that they are God’s exclusive earthly rep.? Do you, Kevin, have any evidence to connect the JW bosses with the ‘Faithful and Discreet Slave’ of Matthew 24? I have asked dozens of JWs for evidence. None has supplied any. The reason is simple. There is no evidence. And the track record of these would be spouters of TRUTH? Duff prophecy, doctrinal flip flops, deaths through refusal of blood, protection of pedophiles, lost educational opportunities and split families through shunning. And you, Kevin Kennedy, expect people to believe and follow your organisation. The skids are under your outfit now. Wait for the string of child abuse cover up cases to hit the headlines. The fraudulent nature of your grubby little fringe cult of Christendom will be common knowledge. The dropout rate of born in JWs is already, at c. 66%, the biggest in Christendom. This can only increase. The size and determination of the group determined to smash the Watchtower can only grow. Get used to the idea of a world where the JWs follow the Buchanites, the 5th Monarchy Men, the Millerites, Taborites and Joachimites into the graveyard of CHristendom’s apocalyptic loony groups.

  • October 12, 2013 at 1:17 am

    I am not there to dispute or argue, when if that day ever comes I’m outta there that’s all, Try to take control of any group causing division and you most probably will be canned.

    Shunned but loved, you punish yr children so then can feel the difference and take note. i don’t believe in the old men you are referring to. But what i have learned so far is right on!

    You asked me what i believe and i will tell you, the faithful slave is connected to Jehovah’s witnesses, the truth about what the bible teaches jw have it down.

    The thinking out loud and the conjectures of Humans to not negate the facts. i am not going to list the differences between the warring churches and the Christians
    about the churches and the command to not be part of the world

    Can you tell a Christendom Cristian from a non believer, no you cant, but you can spot a jw a mile away.

    You need some kind of evidence the JW teach the truth from the bible?

    I am not going to suggest the obvious.

    The difference is starring you in the face u just cant see it.

    The biggest thing for me was the a political view of the witnesses bible based for sure.

    The doctrinal flip flops have had to do with time periods. the same things happens in science and everywhere people keep learning and we can never know too much specially about Jehovah GOD

    The deaths for refusing to disobey God specially when yr close to death, when yr dying that’s not the time to start ignoring God’s law and today blood transfusions are considered old school. who whats someone elses waist pulsing through yr cells. blood is special only made for that person don’t touch it, leave it alone.

    Pedophiles are everywhere gotta watch the kids at all times don’t trust anyone period, and if anyone touches my kids they have a problem with me if find out about it first, that unfortunately is part of the degradation this wrld is going through before it is destroyed glory hallelujah! oh Glory!

    Drop out rate you say, answer not true, how can you know that, unless yr the long island medium.

    Don’t hate, congratulate.

    And you tell me there is a big growing group who’s sole purpose in life is to destroy the wt? pretty sad don’t u think to be wasting all that energy on something so negative as destroying the wt, you thing they will succeed? i don’t think so.

    Listen if Hitler and Fidel were not able to get rid of JW’S no mickey mouse group will either.

    Listen mr, the witnesses have been without the WATCHTOWER decades in some countries and when the vail is lifted the amount of people that study and meet with the witnesses is impressive. so we need Jesus that’s all we need. it seems that the more people persecute these winners the better they get.

  • October 12, 2013 at 1:54 am

    of course truth changes, we thought the world was flat for us that was the truth at that time.

    We cant walk in space for us that was the truth at one time
    So the truth changes as we are prepared to assimilate it in time. that will be 50 dollars.

    The truth is the information that we have about any given subject at that time.

    I don’t swallow the nonsense repeated by you about the witnesses, and what ever names you wish to call them in a demeaning fashion. That is a desperate attempt to be mean spirited and hateful, good luck with that there.

    Jw are very different and are no part of the churches of today that call themselves followers of Christ.

    Gotta clean out the world to make way for the few the proud the worshipers of JEHOVAH! a small group but a rowdy one.

    Life without kingdom hall is the way i grew up my friend.

    We meet anywhere and everywhere even in the nazi concentration camps the witnesses that were there meet and had worship right there under the guards noses.

    You Guys seem to think that Christians are wimps, were rough and were tough, and we are rugged. air conditioning ans actual seats to sit on please!

    we meat in the swamp in the dark.
    Magazine WATCHTOWER

    rarely seen, but many bible study and a lot of attendance at the clandestine meetings

    What else, i am mind controlled, that is because i don’t agree if i were to agree then you wld be controlling my beautiful precious mind.

    And Just because we worship God in peace and preach the good news to others you hate me, how could you hate me? nobody hates the big K,

    Listed ROLND, chill, relax.
    The watchtower really did a number on you child!

    There are great mental health providers that can help you with that watchtower issue that you have there.

    Must be pretty uncomfortable having to write down and relive all that negativity but you seem to enjoy the emotional pain reliving it time after time, judging it, discussing it tarring it apart, turning it around in yr head day after day, after day, thinking of the next posting, because you got something you just gotta say and answer back. obsession is a perfume.

    Go to sleep relax pay to JAH
    i’ll party i mean pray for you

  • October 12, 2013 at 4:18 am

    We are not out to get rid of witnesses. I don’t want to see any witness harmed or impeded in their worship.

    I want to see healthy debate. I want to see a leadership that takes reasonable and morally helpful decisions.

  • October 12, 2013 at 5:43 am

    I’m sure you have heard, “you will know them by their fruits…”
    This has many applications and applies to everyone. One question for you, the same as I asked my mom:
    How many new baptized members do you have in your congregation, as a result of the house to house ministry? How many service hours does your congregation report each month?
    I would like to suggest that the field ministry work you are doing, is almost fruitless. It is busy work, behavior control. I know you are doing this at your own free will, but have you ever considered that there might be a better way to serve the master? If you are a follower of Christ, you should be his servant and serving the least of his brothers. He never said only serve JW’s… He instructed his sheep to feed the hungry and help the poor.

    With that said, I want to express my appreciation for your heartfelt expressions here. You are clearly a devout JW. Your thoughts and opinions do matter.

  • October 12, 2013 at 6:23 am

    Kevin. Youyr state of mind is desperate. Yes, there are pedophiles in every walk of life. JWdom, however, is unique in that it uses the Bible, with its 2 Witness rule, to protect them.

    You clearly do not understand the doctrine of JWdom. According to your bosses the only route to salvation is through the Faithful and Discreet Slave, the old geezers in New York. If you do not accept their authority as absolute then you are an apostate and, although I wish you health and happiness, your JW bosses look forward to the day God murders you at Armageddon.
    Yes, many scientific theories change. But JW TRUTHS are presented as immutable, God given and absolute. The JW TRUTHS you have to believe, on pain of Armageddon execution today, may be binned by your New York bosses tomorrow. Had you received blood fractions in the 1950s that would have merited an Armageddon zapping (at an Armageddon due before the end of last century incidentally!).
    You are also, Kevin, defying the JW bosses by engaging with apostates. You do not seem to realise that you have elected to belong to an absolute dictatorship of the mind. Loads of cults and sects have come and gone in Christendom. Your little Adventist spinoff’s days are numbered.

    When there is a threat to human happiness, or indeed to human life, those who know of the threat have a duty to fight it. That threat may come from terrorists, disease, malign religious cults or criminals. The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses mean business. The WTBTS has got loads of money, certainly and can buy expensive lawyers. Along with the dark arts of cult mind control have come the techniques for exploiting a gullible unpaid mag. distribution labour force. If the Candace Conti fine is exemplary, then a series of convictions could make a serious dent in JW finances. Recruitment outside Africa has stalled. When the cash dries up the WBTS will go into liquidation. Bring on that happy day!

    It is interesting to note that you, Kevin, have given no evidence for any of the ever changing TRUTHS spouted by your bosses. I have listed a number of absurd pronouncements. You have listed no positive JW achievements or insights whatever. There is a simple reason for that. There are none.

  • October 12, 2013 at 5:39 pm

    Excelsior: I agree! I would like JW’s to be able to express their opinions and speak their minds, like anyone else. They should be allowed to form their own opinions and maybe even their own beliefs! Independent thoughts from a JW, would be most refreshing. I hope that any thinking JW will take the few minutes to complete the anonymous survey, which is the purpose of this site… Giving the JW’s a voice! http://www.jwsurvey.org
    No one has to know you were here… Your thoughts do matter, even if you’re not allowed to doubt out loud.

  • October 13, 2013 at 4:43 am

    We at AAWA, the Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses owe a debt of gratitude to Kevin Kennedy. His posts are a ghastly illustration of the mental damage wrought by the behaviour of the Watchtower Society. He has confirmed, in his comment above, that he looks forward to the Day of Armageddon when his God will murder the greater part of the human race, for the refusal to follow, blindly and absolutely, every diktat issued by the Gov. Bod. of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    These 8 self appointed, controlling, arrogant and money grabbing old men head an outfit which has the following ‘achievements’ to its credit (debit?):

    1. It is responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths, including those of children, for its ban on blood transfusion.

    2. It has a Bible based policy for protecting pedophiles.

    3. It has caused thousands of families to be irrevocably split due to its edicts on shunning.

    4. It is the cause of countless Armageddon filled nightmares.

    5. It has a issued a series of duff prophecies.

    6. It associated with the United Nations, which it had condemned as the Whore of Babylon, before its cover was blown.

    I have asked many JWs to list the positive achievements of their cult. There have been none forthcoming.

    Kevin Kennedy genuinely believes that the majority of humanity deserve the death penalty for not following blindly every pronouncement of the leaders of this obscene and hideous outfit. Like other JWs, he can name no positive achievements of the misery making corporation to which he has sacrificed his life.
    Ultimately, Kevin Kennedy, I wish you well; I wish you freedom from the clutches of the criminal old geezers in New York. Rest assured, however, that your pronouncements in the meantime are of great service to the movement that looks forward to, and is working towards, your cult’s implosion.

  • October 13, 2013 at 10:09 am


    You seem to be under the wrong impression.
    The watchtower was established disseminate Jehovah God’s message mainly in print.

    We don’t obey every opinion emitted by our dear brothers of the governing body,
    ►they have their mouths right under their nose just like everybody else. they are not profits and we all know that, JW don’t believe in modern day prophecies

    Due to this wonderful selfless work, directed by the angels of Jah many people have become literate.

    They have been freed from the fear of the dead, the fear of burning in hell and now are free to worship Jah.

    When the WATCHTOWER PRESSES, Go Bankrupt, and or are destroyed by Rowland’s group of people will the witnesses disappear
    not so fast.

    Picture iT WALKILL 2099, The Watchtower edifice is Gone!
    The printing pressed are silent, a mouse urinating on a cotton ball can be heard. To witnesses meet secretly, one has a copy of the bible, the other ink for the home pressed now being used in local neighborhoods, the work of Jehovah’s witnesses have gone underground.

    But danger lurks all around the people who used to write about a HAPPY DAY without the WITNESSES have actually organized into bands of armed men and women who are busy dragging witnesses family out of their homes and making an example of the in front of the public at large. The meetings are still held and the preaching still goes on, the memorial is still held every year.

    Is this a fantasy? this would never happen in the good old us of a , ah but it has happened, it happened in here in the US OF A-.

    And ROWLAND , my friend here you are proposing to exterminate the JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES once more just like it happened in the past.

    We don’t depend on a governing Body or printing presses
    we depend on Christ.

  • October 13, 2013 at 11:09 am

    Thank you for confirming, Kevin Kennedy, the points I have been making. Your bosses repeat over the years that they and their organisation are the only route to salvation, the only channel to God. You clearly do not believe a fundamental tenet of your cult. You are desperate to imagine you are a free agent. Your bosses tell you the organisation is indispensable; you declare you can do without it.

    Either way, whichever is describing the real situation, you have given no reason why anyone should want anything to do with an outfit whose soul effects have been unnecessary deaths from refusal of blood, a string of duff prophecies, wasted lives through the disapproval of education and split families through shunning. You have, in your many and lengthy posts, not only failed to answer any criticisms, but have failed to offer any reason why anyone should want anything to do with an outfit whose record is disgraceful, negative, misery making and murderous.

    Quite possibly, as you point out, the end of the JW org. may not be the end of the history of Christendom’s apocalyptic lunacy. Adventists, after all, regrouped after the Millerites dispersed, and the JWs and the David Koresh gang broke away from the Adventists. The 5th Monarchy Men were not the last group of English apocalyptic wackoes. We can only hope that, in time, the whole cruel nonsense will go the way of armed crusades, witch and heretic burning and the other monstrosities that litter the history of Christendom.

  • October 13, 2013 at 11:21 am

    Kevin said, “We don’t obey every opinion emitted by our dear brothers of the governing body…”

    Can you provide one example of an “opinion” you have disobeyed, aside from visiting and commenting on this website?

  • October 13, 2013 at 11:52 am


    Life isn’t black or white,
    You want to pigeonhole me into a box to accommodate you and yr distorted view of the witnesses.

    The only way to salvation is doing Gods will and JW’S are doing it.
    so it is best to be with those.

    You are desperate to discredit anything that is true, i declare we had done without the organization as you think as you see. but we are still with you.

    One wants to be with this group specially for the things you point out.

    they adhere to Gods written law of Blood.
    They don’t allow corruption to infiltrate the Cong.
    People who violate God’s law and refuse to correct this after many chances are expelled, again bible based. but we cant discuss that because number one you don’t care about that we do and secondly it’s against the rules of this site.

    The prophecy’s you talk about era imagenery in yr head.
    yr just mindlessly repeating what you read.

    ►ROWLAND Just to let you in on something you probably do not know . They don’t believe in prophets today, and they have stated this in the literature.

    so we got rid of one misunderstanding now, so now you know this that you dis not know before. lets see what else

    I do not have to give reasons why should be with an outfit such as this as you say, the purpose here is to give reasons why you shouldn’t and i will dispel them and tell you the real truth about things.

    Every time you say an untruth I’ll be there to correct you.

  • October 13, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    Faithful Witness says:
    October 13, 2013 at 11:21 am

    Kevin said, “We don’t obey every opinion emitted by our dear brothers of the governing body…”

    Can you provide one example of an “opinion” you have disobeyed, aside from visiting and commenting on this website?


    Sure i dont know the level of knowledge that you have on the jw’s i will elaborate, since 1935 JW’S came to understand more clearly that not all go to heaven, so they thought or put out there in the mags and books that the number was complete and no more anointed were being chosen for heaven.

    One of the GB when on to say in the WATCHTOWER,

    According to what you would have US believe, it would be unthinkable that one of Jehovah’s witnesses would do something the GB has said you dont need to do.

    So now new memorial partakers!!!!
    is that what happened?

    look at the statistics…

  • October 13, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    Thank you, Kevin Kennedy for failing to address a single point I made and thus demonstrating yet again the tragic state of mind of a true believing JW.

    You mentioned Jehovah’s Law of blood. Can you tell me why Jehovah keeps changing his mind on this law?

    Why does a pure congregation take special care, using a verse from Deuteronomy, to protect pedophiles within its ranks?

    I attended the Kingdom Hall regularly in the 1950s and was assured that the 1914 generation would not pass before the advent of Armageddon.

    It is clear, that you not only choose to defy your New York bosses, but you have very little idea about what it is JWdom actually stands for. Presumably you just drift along there out of habit and enjoy the feeling of superiority.

    I do not expect any answers with information or reasoned argument. You have demonstrated that of both you are incapable. Doorstep preaching is pretty ineffectual even when conducted by the articulate. It is some consolation that your rambling drivel is highly unlikely to ensnare anyone into your cult. My thanks to you once again for providing a public demonstration of the tragic state of mind of a JW true (or maybe untrue) believer.

  • October 13, 2013 at 1:27 pm


    My boss is not in ny, they moved to walkill,.. no just kidding, he’s up in the sky above watching you so look out!

    First let me correct you again because yr unbelievably confused. number one, our dear beloved brothers who compose our beloved and respected governing body, as holy as you might think they are, there not JEHOVAH.

    And about pedophiles, let’s clear up one more thing so pay attention, If you were informed of, or if you caught some one in the act of molesting abusing yr child, you would calmly call the elders, have them set up a meeting with you and, are you kidding me? for real!!!

    Hey Guys wake up!! the congregation has little to do with this, this is s legal matter. if later the matter is addressed by the elders i really dont care personally if i was in that case God help me.

    Remember that the elders children are also at risk of molestation, and it’s not just one elder, in many cases there are 8 elders in a congregation, whole families are at risk from this predator so take that into account when you accuse them of protecting such and such.

    If you believed that before any date in time the end wld come, yr mind is week and foolish this is not what you have learned from the boss upstairs in heaven, actually it is just the contrary, so look upon it as a test that you failed miserably.

    I have constantly demonstrated that you are not acting in good faith in these discussions, get ready to be challenged by this humble servant of yours and Christ in the stamens that you make that are false.

    Don’t Get mad because i showed you up- Rowland
    Yr idea of a discussion dis not go yr way because i speak the truth fairly, i recognize the things that have gone wrong as far as dates just like it has been recognized in print.

    I recognize that the disfellowshiping is very heart breaking, any sin breaks families.

    If you don’t agree with the teachings of this group leave it’s that simple, you dont even have to be disfelloowshiped do it yr self, stop doing what they do.

    Go with some dignity that it.

  • October 13, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    Kevin, you are being misled.
    You said, “The only way to salvation is doing Gods will and JW’S are doing it.
    so it is best to be with those.”
    Who told you that?

  • October 13, 2013 at 7:08 pm

    Do all Jehovah Witnesses Blackmale and Threaten young Children .That God will hate them
    My oldest grandson found a toy in Kitimat BC Kingdom Hall .That another parent brought along for their young child to play with .My Grandson found it played with it a bit . My Daughter Boyfriends adopted so called mother .Told my oldest grandson .Who is Autism .That GOD will HATE HIM ..It was my grandson who really wanted to go to Church .Now after this woman said this to him .He has never went back to this Kingdom Hall .Nor does he want anything to do with this woman .
    Please keep in mind I am a Christian Woman .Our Bodies are God’s Temples and Our Hearts should be God’s Church .Jesus tell us all To love one another .God gave us all the same 10 rules to OBEY HIM
    This women I tell you about .Has also tried hard to steel both my Daughters boys .and wants my Daughter to give her child to her adopted Daughter yet tell my Daughters youngest boy ..( quoting my grandson words here .This 1 is only 5 years old – He told his mom .You are not my real mom .Gramma is my real mom .And I only have to list to her and dad .) Yet this woman is Jehovah Witnesses .Claims she has never had SEX with her Husband .So how sick is this ? Huh is these the kicks of sick things you practice on little peoples heads and Brain washing them .GOD”S Wrath will give this woman night mares and others too if this is being done to young ones .For all children belong to God and come from God .For killing them and not helping them when needed .Now you are all warned

  • October 13, 2013 at 7:49 pm

    Kevin Kennedy is a contradiction in terms. He pretends he is a Jehovah’s WItness, but ignores all that they teach him about the Faithful and Discreet Slave being the only route to salvation. He also claims to be unaware that the JW bosses have regularly come out with dates for Armageddon. OK, so this guy, and fellow loonies, may well continue with some self centred Armageddon fantasies in their heads after the WT Establishment goes belly up. Whether any will form a global publishing coy. and mind control cult on a similar scale is, though, open to question. JWs have already been found guilty, in the Candace Conti case, of neglecting their duty to children. Presumably Kevin Kennedy will pretend that this case and the others to follow are as fictional as he wants to imagine JW Armageddon date setting has been. The JW bosses, of course, will wish Kevin an Armageddon death for imagining he can bypass their authority and get straight to the Big Man in the Sky without their exclusive mediation. If the JW bosses knew of Kevin Kennedy’s apostacy he would be disfellowshipped.

  • October 14, 2013 at 7:31 am

    To rowland:

    Wrong one more Mr Ro.
    I have demonstrated time and again that yr accusations are desperate and baseless, you have entered into yr own world. awake!.

    You expect people to act and behave according to that story in yr head, and when that does not happen you get frustrated. too bad for you.

    According to the faithful and discrete slave of our lord Jesus, the only way to salvation is what Jesus said, read IT.

    I am aware of the dates, they were not prophetic words like the evangelicals.

    ►JW dont believe in modern day prophets
    so there is another of yr baseless arguments down

    lets continue:

    The ignorance you display is daunting, Christians dont depend on a printing press to organize and worship God Jehovah. this has been demonstrated all around the world in places where the truth is banned.

    There are many printing presses and witnesses around the worls that do the same as the central office at brooklyn.

    As a matter of fact and just so you know. just a little bit of inside news you might not be aware of–

    The printing of the mags and books, are being transferred to different zones, there is one in mexico to handle Latin America, another in Australia, and so on.

    Decentralization of the org.

    The case you keep referring to the legal case,
    If someone abuses yr child, you go to the police first supposedly, or you go find the pedophile first, but what kind of parents sit around waiting for the elders to do what?–JUST THINK ABOUT IT- this is all a smoke screen, a non existent issue, I’ll tell you why.

    Any parent that finds out that there child has been abused and goes to the elders of the cong instead of calling the police is a, fill in the blank.

    rowland you are so lost, how did you ever get so messed up?
    because of the witnesses .
    that just proves the point .

    • October 14, 2013 at 7:35 am

      Kevin, I have a question for you.

      You say “JW dont believe in modern day prophets”

      Please could you tell me who are the “two prophets” spoken of in Revelation 11:10?

      I look forward to your answer.


  • October 14, 2013 at 7:47 am

    Cedar, this question implies n answer that would violate the rules of the site if i understood them correctly.

    The question you pose, does not pertain to my statement.

    It is repeated time and time again mindlessly, with out reasoning about it that JW are prophets and that whatever they might say in the literature about any future happening is a prophecy from them. nothing can be further from the truth.

    Jw teach that no human today is able to prophesy, reason for this:
    is all written already in the bible.

    very simple one more lie down.

    Now you can say that i am a troll and am trolling around that yr favorite excuse to kick people out just like you have done in the past.

    • October 14, 2013 at 8:17 am

      Don’t be silly. The answer would not violate the rules of the site. I am asking you who Watchtower identifies as being the “two prophets” – not giving you license to indoctrinate people. I discuss Watchtower doctrine all the time but am clearly not indoctrinating anyone.

      If you don’t answer the question you will prove yourself to be a troll.

  • October 14, 2013 at 7:50 am

    Who told you that?

  • October 14, 2013 at 8:07 am

    Faithful Witness says:
    October 13, 2013 at 11:21 am

    Kevin said, “We don’t obey every opinion emitted by our dear brothers of the governing body…”

    Can you provide one example of an “opinion” you have disobeyed, aside from visiting and commenting on this website?

    Sure, I’ll provide you with one big example, i dont know how familiar you are with JW teachings but from the looks of things here, i will elaborate.

    In 1935 JW came to a clearer understanding about heaven, they understood that a small representative group of people wld go to heaven.

    They thought that this calling was more or less coming to an end, closed, a member of the governing body went as far to say

    So according to you guys here, it wld be unfathomable for a JW to go against the GB especially in this occasion especially in front of all when all eyes are upon you at that moment.

    According to what you would have us believe all memorial participation stopped!! on a dime.


  • October 14, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    Kevin: So, are you telling us that you are partaking of the memorial emblems? I think you misunderstood my question.

    You said, “We don’t obey every opinion emitted by our dear brothers of the governing body…”

    Can you provide one example of an “opinion” YOU have disobeyed, aside from visiting and commenting on this website?

    Also still wondering about your statement: “The only way to salvation is doing Gods will and JW’S are doing it. so it is best to be with those.”

    Who told you that was the way? Who said JWs are doing God’s will? Do you know what Jesus actually said about this? (John 14:6)

  • October 14, 2013 at 12:10 pm

    The Watchtower outfit has been convicted and fined in the case of Candace Conti. Its Bible based 2 witness rule is illegal. JWs have made prophecies. That they say they do not believe in modern prophecy is simply another of their crazy contradictions.

    You want to believe, Kevin, that as a JW, you have a direct line to Jesus. You do not. Your bosses demand that you approach JC through his earthly sole agent, the New York (or Warwick County) bosses.

    I presume you have devoted so much of your life, your time and your energy as an unpaid mag. distributor for that corrupt cult that you have to try and convince yourself that JW TRUTH is true.

    You are defying them anyway by interacting on this site with apostates so your bosses for whom you have contributed your time, money and energy, will consider you dead meat anyway. It is tragic, I realise, that you have nowhere else to go.

    I hope that when the Watchtower falls, or you recover from your pathetic delusion, Kevin kennedy, that you find a meaningful and contented way of life. Millions of ex JWs have done just that and there will be plenty of support when you wake up.

    Best wishes.

  • October 14, 2013 at 1:04 pm

    When I was a JW, back in the 1950s, a pre 1914 baptism was the cutoff date for admission to the 144000 and participation in the Memorial. In my Leigh on Sea congregation there were two old ladies and one old gent who qualified. That the ‘heavenly admission’ and Memorial partaking rules have changed is simply par for the crazy JW TRUTH course. Truth, as commonly understood is fixed and immutable. JW TRUTH is of a totally different order. It is anything and everything, no matter how wacky, spouted by the JW bosses. Where this Kevin Kennedy guy has picked up the notion that you can be both a freelance communicant with Jesus and a JW I have not a clue.

    My mad mum was the only baptised JW in my family. I did not thus suffer the agonising traumas of escape suffered by some in the ex JW community. Like Kevin, and his delusion that you can be a JW and bypass the bosses, my mother had a similar delusion. She imagined that being an unwashed and unkempt scruff made her super Holy. She was defiantly blind to the JW dress code even when it cost her the ‘privilege’ of door knocking. She was proud to announce, however, that she was still permitted to distribute magazines to neighbours and acquaintances.

    JWdom attracts a whole hot of the vulneable, biddable, depressed and downright deranged. Kevin Kennedy is simply one more tragic example.

  • October 14, 2013 at 8:55 pm


    Yes that is what i am telling you and i dont think you grasped it, basically they said the number of the anointed was complete.

    At the age of 15 the GB was a big deal to me, they were it. basically they did not know what they were saying on this issue.

    I partook and everybody else who felt they needed to did, so that is a big example of something that cant get more important.

    The JW did not go along with the program on that, people still partook whatever the GB SAID.

  • October 14, 2013 at 9:02 pm

    Cedars commented on About JW Survey.

    in response to KEVIN KENNEDY:

    Cedar, this question implies n answer that would violate the rules of the site if i understood them correctly. The question you pose, does not pertain to my statement. It is repeated time and time again mindlessly, with out reasoning about it that JW are prophets and that whatever they might say in the literature […]

    Don’t be silly. The answer would not violate the rules of the site. I am asking you who Watchtower identifies as being the “two prophets” – not giving you license to indoctrinate people. I discuss Watchtower doctrine all the time but am clearly not indoctrinating anyone.

    If you don’t answer the question you will prove yourself to be a troll.

    I dont do well with threats, you just lost the answer i was prepared to give you, maybe yr just very young and don’t know how to speak with people, but that’s not the way to deal with me.

    i expected no less, you did not disappoint

    • October 14, 2013 at 11:25 pm

      You don’t get it, do you Kevin?

      I have a duty to keep JWsurvey free from trolls so that it can be enjoyed by all.

      I asked you a simple question, and you refused to answer it simply because you know full well the answer contradicts what you have said elsewhere on this page.

      This proves to me that you are not interested in genuine debate but only in pursuing your own agenda.

      Henceforth you are banned from commenting on JWsurvey.

  • October 14, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    Kevin, are you of the anointed class?
    Do you believe that your works (“doing God’s will”) are the only way to get you into heaven?
    We are blessed to have someone of your standing, commenting on this blog! What are your thoughts on Jesus’ words at John 14:6?

  • October 14, 2013 at 10:21 pm

    Kevin, If you were 15 in 1935, then you are now age 93. Is that correct?
    Also, what year was the GB formed?

  • October 15, 2013 at 12:30 am

    Like the founder of JW Survey, I too support free speech. It is a pity that Kevin Kennedy was unable to appreciate this freedom and used this site to try and convince himself that free thought and being a Jehovah’s Witness were compatible. If nothing else, his failure to answer questions and his illogical and twisted state of mind were a useful example to any observers, of the tragic inner turbulence that must possess so many practising and indeed, inactive but believing, JWs.

  • October 18, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    No, Kevin Kennedy, you do not understand TRUTH. Truth is, by definition, unchanging. Scientific ideas about the nature of the universe are not presented as Truth, merely the most likely, bearing in mind current evidence.

    JWdom’s lies have left a whole load of misery in their wake. Advocates for God’s laws, Biblical or otherwise, always claim that they represent the unchanging, immutable and eternal, unaffected by human discovery or fashion. That is the line taken by Christian anti women priest types and Christian gay bashers. It is also the line taken by that most grubby little corner of Christendom, that blight on the world, the Church of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The old geezers who run it, who would wish Kevin Kennedy a divine murder at Armageddon for defying their authority and interacting with apostates, present their bilge as unchanging, immutable God issued TRUTHS. God thus approves and disapproves of Christmas celebrations, approves and disapproves of blood transfusions, will and will not do his Armageddon before the end of the 20th century.

    The old geezers who run the corrupt global publishing and property corporation known as the Watchtower Society, have claimed, with zero evidence, that they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave as mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24. Their entire authority rest upon this ridiculous claim.

    So don’t worry Kevin Kennedy. The fact that a bunch of self righteous, self appointed, self serving and controlling old farts in the US think you deserve the death penalty, means nothing whatever. If you really enjoy going to dreary little meeting halls, listening to boring talks and reading awful mags while wearing a boring suit, there need be no laws to prevent you; feel free and carry on. Rest assured, though, that AAWA will not cease its campaign until JWdom has binned its murderous blood policy, packed up shunning those who disagree with its bosses, stopped protecting pedophiles, and no longer terrifies kids and others with its Armageddon nonsense.

  • October 18, 2013 at 9:54 pm

    Sorry! 2 omissions from the above.

    1. AAWA will continue to highlight, until binned, JW demonisation of higher education.

    2. As well as the JW features mentioned, feel free to continue enjoying the most uninspiring and dull music in Christendom.

  • October 24, 2013 at 12:06 am

    Some of the most wonderful people I have ever met were JWs when I used to go to meetings in the 70s/80s. Rowland Nelken presents some sound arguments and counter-arguments but his vitriol against all Witnesses is grossly unfair. We should remember Psalm 118.8 about ‘putting your trust in mortal man’ when thinking of the GB, for so long as they are alive on this Earth, they are unquestionably ‘mortal men.’ We should remember that one of Christ’s first actions when he went unto his ‘Father’s House’ in Jerusalem, was to throw out the traders and criticise the Scribes and Pharisees: those charged with the spiritual welfare of his ‘flock.’ I am not saying that GB members are of this class but, as a lovely, humble old JW (elder) once said to me: “There could be a few surprises come Judgement Day.” JWs or not, let all of us Christians put our trust in God and Christ. Amen

  • October 25, 2013 at 5:40 am

    Your comments in my opinion come across as rather judgmental.
    I agree with you in that this is the organisation God is using but the way you expressed this to the author of this website was somewhat over the top brother.
    God’s spirit is indeed asked for in directing matters but in some cases the elders with their eyes wide open choose a very unchristian way to express themselves to congregation members even though they are clearly aware of the spirits operation. These men will indeed bring in upon themselves the justice they deserve in treating God’s sheep with disdain and contempt especially when sheep that are stumbled walk away from God.


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