In a bold and self-promoting publicity stunt, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has announced on its public website that Jehovah’s Witnesses have just been awarded two “Telly Awards” statuettes at the 36th Annual Telly Awards.
[edit: by November 2016, Watchtower had deleted the Telly Award post from its website, along with the two videos associated with the Tellys]
As impressive as this sounds, JW Survey has uncovered details revealing that these statuettes are in fact purchased by the Watchtower organization from a marketing company which deceptively promotes itself as a well-recognized awards competition. Both registration and awards are paid for in a sketchy scheme designed to mimic legitimate, notable awards such as the Oscars and the Emmys.
The phrase “the 36th Annual Telly Awards” is designed to imitate reputable televised awards ceremonies which are recognized around the globe. The Telly awards are neither televised nor widely respected, and their certificates and statues amount to a clever way to sell membership and merchandise.
Furthermore, the Watchtower issued a carbon copy statement on its website acquired directly from Telly marketing materials, along with a fake quote from Telly executive director Linda Dey. The same quote is issued to every Telly “winner.”

The Watchtower and Awards
The practice of using donated funds from Jehovah’s Witnesses to purchase a very high probability of “winning” an award is not new for the Watchtower organization. Since at least 2002, Watchtower has amassed a collection of certificates and statues, the result of dozens of submissions to numerous for-profit organizations, bypassing legitimate and critical sources of acclaim.
Located just outside the Brooklyn, New York office of senior Governing Body aide Robert Wallen stands a bookcase featuring a collection of Telly and Aurora certificates and statues, purchased over a 14+ year period. A glass wall is all that separates this display from tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witness tourists who pilgrimage to Brooklyn Heights each year.

During a 2011 tour of Watchtower headquarters, a visiting Witness missionary informed me that the organization had won several awards for broadcasting excellence, including an Emmy award. This was extremely impressive, but it was not until years later upon closer examination of the awards display, I found that this “Emmy” award was not, in fact, an Emmy at all, but was a “Telly” award.
It appears that the Watchtower organization did, however, register one or more of their PSA videos with the Emmys, but failed to win the award. JW Survey contacted David Winn, Senior Vice President for News & Documentaries, and Paul Pillitteri, Chief Administrative and Information Officer, but neither could confirm any nominations for 2002 or other years in which Watchtower submitted entries.
Winn admitted that the Emmys, like most other awards competitions, charges up to $400 to register a single video.
What are the Telly and Aurora Awards?
Out of every successful venture comes the inevitable copycats, the businesses which thrive on packaging a popular idea or item, then sell it for a lesser price than the competition. This is true in the film and television industry, with the Academy Awards (the Oscars) and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (The Emmys) inspiring a number of imitation awards competitions, primarily aimed at smaller, lower budget enterprises, or organizations seeking as much publicity as possible in exchange for a fee.
The next best thing to having actually won an Emmy award is apparently having someone think you won that award. For a few witty entrepreneurs, a golden opportunity emerged.
According to its website, the Telly Awards was founded in 1978 and “is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films.”
[NOTE: – in their press release package, Telly declares 1979 as the date of their founding instead of 1978]
Combining a website with a shopping cart, clever marketing campaigns and a contract with the same manufacturer who produces the Oscar and Emmy statuettes, Telly zeroed in on an untapped market of emerging video creators who would jump at the chance to showcase a trophy which bears a striking resemblance to the Emmy statue.

How does it work? When Watchtower produces a video or online news release, it uploads the video or URL to Telly using a web submission form, paying for this opportunity according to the number of entries and categories chosen. Per the Telly website: “The Telly Awards Final Entry Fee is $105 (U.S dollars) for single entries and $190 (U.S Dollars) for campaign entries.”
After the published “deadline” for entries, Telly contacts the “contestant” and advises them that they have won, in most cases, either a silver or bronze award. Once notified, the organization must cough up $210 U.S. for the trophy, which weighs approximately 4.5 pounds, one half the weight of an Oscar. You would think that a frameable certificate would come with your victory, but sadly, this too is for sale – for $45.00.

While Telly claims to be hosting the “37th Annual” awards contest, messages posted on their Facebook group and website indicate that there are multiple “deadlines” and “extended deadlines,” clearly raising suspicions that the Telly organization is more concerned with collecting entry fees than in maintaining the integrity of their so-called competition.
Further revealing is the fact that this “competition” is in fact not a competition against other entries, but a subjective choice of an unlimited number of “winners” chosen by the “Silver Telly Council.” Their website states:
“entries do not compete against each other. Instead, entries are judged against a high standard of merit.”
“Empowered to uphold the historical standards of the Telly competition, judges may award top honors to more than one entry or no entries in a particular category.”
[Bold added by JW Survey]
This is the equivalent of saying ‘Brie Larson, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan all did a phenomenal job this year, so they will ALL get Oscars for their movies. They will be allowed to purchase their Oscars online, and may order as many Oscars as they wish for anyone remotely connected with their efforts…’

There is no question that awarding multiple “winners” in a category is both beneficial for the Telly award participants as well as the Telly corporation, which stands to profit to the tune of hundreds of dollars for each declared winner. Considering the thousands of submissions and winners claimed by Telly, the award business is an extremely profitable enterprise.
JW Survey contacted the Telly Awards and found that with minimal effort, any person claiming to be associated with the Jehovah’s Witness video production team can easily purchase as many statues and certificates as they desire, with no vetting procedures whatsoever. If you have the money, they will bend over backwards to sell you these awards. Customization of the award takes no longer than the time it takes to enter your credit card number.

And the Telly Awards are far from being the only player in the awards business. The Aurora Awards has cashed in on this scheme, with Watchtower shelling out statue money as far back as 2002.

Based on a nearly identical set of “rules”, the Aurora Film and Video Competition also awards unlimited numbers of winners from any given category. In their FAQ, they ask:
Q – “How many winners are there per category?”
A – “Because entries are judged against an absolute standard of excellence there is no fixed number of winners. Technically all or none could be winners.”
Sound familiar?
And for only $214 U.S. Dollars, you can order your own gold or platinum colored statue, as did the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. The Aurora FAQ reminds entrants of the value of this award:
Besides, winning an Aurora Award, seeing your certificate, and holding your beautiful (and heavy) statue in your hands feels good! The beautiful statue on your desk or in your foyer will speak volumes without having to say anything.”

Watchtower would like members to believe that it has been recognized by well-known media organizations in an attempt to improve its public image and shake off the label of “cult” that has followed it around for over a century.
In an ironic twist, the Watchtower entered multiple pay-to-play competitions in 2002, submitting not one but three videos on the benefits of bloodless surgery. These videos were submitted to multiple “competitions” including the U.S. International Film and Video Festival and the Telly Awards.
The 2002 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses announced:
“That first video was completed in time to qualify for entry in the 34th annual U.S. International Film and Video Festival. In all, there were 1,500 entries from 33 countries… The awards show that experts within the film industry recognize the quality, accuracy, and professionalism of the video, thus contributing to the credibility of its message.”
What the Yearbook failed to mention was the fact that the judges can award as many or as few awards in any category they wish. There is no competition, and there is no festival. In fact the word “festival” is just a catchphrase designed to mimic legitimate, established events, such as the Cannes Film Festival.

By submitting multiple video entries in several categories, Watchtower practically guaranteed itself a victory. The current price to enter just one video over 30 minutes in length is $525.00 U.S. And like the Telly and Aurora awards, winners can purchase as many statuettes and certificates as they like.

In addition to the aforementioned organizations, Watchtower continued writing checks, entering multiple additional competitions in 2002 including the World Media Festival, sponsored by the German company Intermedia, and The Communicator Awards.
Both organizations issued awards to Watchtower.
Of interest is the fact that the Communicator Awards “Frequently Asked Questions” reveals there may be multiple “winners” in each category, using the exact phrases posted on the Telly Awards site, as mentioned in this article.
Q. How many winners are there per category?
A. There may be several winners in a certain category or there may be none. Winners are chosen based on the content of their piece; there are not a set number of winners per category. Judges evaluate entries to recognize distinction in creative work – entries do not compete against each other-rather entries are judged against a high standard of merit.
Is there no honor among these awards corporations? Which is worse: plagiarizing each other’s list of rules, or awarding multiple victors in any given category to drastically boost profits?
Watchtower publishes phony quote
Perhaps equally misleading to readers of the website is the Telly Award quote published on March 7th under Global News. Telly executive director Linda Day is quoted saying:
“The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video,” said Linda Day, executive director of the Telly Awards. “The Witnesses’ accomplishment in the Newsroom illustrates their creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft and serves as a testament to great film and video production.”

This testimonial from Ms. Day implies that as executive director of the Telly Awards, she personally endorses the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ production. However this could not be further from the truth. In a package of marketing materials published on the Telly website, all “winners” are encouraged to insert their name into the same stock quote from Linda Day, and pass this off as an official endorsement.

This bizarre and accidental discovery reveals that the Jehovah’s Witness religious corporation will shamelessly publish a fictitious quote, knowing that in all likelihood, no one would ever audit their news post. They were wrong about that. JW Survey found scores of websites guilty of using the same form-quote. Three of these are seen below:
Examples of other websites using identical quote

This deplorable and phony quotation serves to further diminish the integrity of both the Telly Awards and the Watchtower organization. Already known for quote-mining, photo-plagiarism, and failed prophecies, the JW writing department stands on a paper-thin sheet of ice, a precarious position for anyone whose pants are on fire.

The fact that Watchtower has subscribed to such sketchy advertising tactics comes as no surprise to students of this organization. As far back as 1914, Watchtower founder Charles Taze Russell spent a fortune developing and promoting his famous Photo-Drama of Creation, a video production ultimately aimed at boosting sales of his six volume Studies in the Scriptures books, along with subscriptions to the Watchtower magazine.
Over 100 years later, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses purchased and housed an elaborate high-definition television studio in Brooklyn New York, and maintains extensive audio/video production facilities in Patterson, New York. Like never before, Watchtower is churning out an increasing number of video productions, while decreasing the printing of magazines and books.
The question then remains, if Watchtower is a genuine charitable organization that creates video productions free of charge, why do they find it necessary to spend thousands in donated funds to gain acceptance in the entertainment industry?

The Awake Magazine of May 22nd 2005 provides a clue in an article on Kona coffee. Discussing the coffee cupping competition, it states “Competition is keen, for the coveted awards can mean greatly increased sales for the winners.”
When this article was written, the JW media and public relations department had already entered multiple “competitions” in an effort to promote and legitimize their videos. This is in complete opposition to what they printed in the very next issue of the Awake magazine, June 8th. In an article on the subject of ambition and humility, the Awake stated: “People who are honest and reliable and who work hard often get noticed, find good employment, and earn respect. Surely, following this course is better than resorting to the manipulation of others for personal gain or competing with others for position.”

The article further warns “true” Christians against ambition, telling them to shun it completely. It says that Christians should “simply try hard to do their best in all situations, for God’s glory, and leave the outcome in his hands.” It would appear that the Watchtower leadership follows a different set of rules than individual rank and file Witnesses. If the JW media department applied these principles, they would clearly have no interest or need to promote their videos through questionable (and costly) “worldly” competitions. The Governing Body could choose to humbly let their productions stand on their own merits, rather than entering sketchy competitions, then boastfully declaring their victories.
In the Telly news report, Watchtower name-dropped Richard Polton and Jared Kushner, then concluded their article with a copy-pasted statement from the Telly Awards marketing kit, topping it off with a phony quotation from Telly executive Linda Day. From an ethical and journalistic standpoint, this is inexcusable. But, I suppose they will leave the outcome in God’s hands.
By the Fall of 2016, Jehovah’s Witnesses deleted the Telly Award post from its website, along with the Jared Kushner interview.
Watchtower Office of Public Information declined to comment.
JW Survey contacted the Telly Awards and was permitted to purchase a Telly statuette using Watchtower’s identification code without any identification.
Additional public commentary on the Telly Awards:
Church of Scientology also participates in Telly Awards…
Related video…
Someone should start a crowdfundinging project to buy these and have them drop shipped to various Kingdom Halls. Maybe that would raise a few questions.
I’ll be a donator…
I’m in!
The men would/be kings.
ah ah ah….the WBTS is but an usual US-based business fake explointing American puritanism!
Desperatley sad! To have Letts begging for more funds, innocent children being duped to empty their piggy banks and ‘give to Jehovah’, loyal (if misguided) publishers guilted into greater donations and then these jokers spend the cash on tacky trinkets to pleasure themselves. As if they new HQ isn’t self-indulgent enough. And totally agree with other comments on the so called evil of a competitive spirit, seeking glory from men. Glad to be out :)
While this sort of behavior is shocking to many, it actually is expected behavior that has long gone on in the organization, in much the same way that they misuse some sources and use sources of questionable value, as well as making up names of sources, to “support” their theological predilections for their readers.
For instance, some of the so-called J references they have cited in the past actually are cited using fake names! Usually, those with the fake names are those which clearly and unmistakably say things in Hebrew like “And he said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And Jehovah said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting…’.”
The source? Acts 9:5 in J7. The Watchtower provided a fake reference to that source, hoping that readers won’t actually find the source and just take it on faith. They tell the reader only enough about the source but refer to it as “Greek Scriptures in Hebrew” and mention the name of the author and refer to a Polyglott New Testament published in Nuremburg, and that a copy is in the New York Library. I dare say that most Witnesses have never set eyes on the actual source or even have attempted to look at it, preferring instead to believe what the Watchtower published about the J references in which they claimed that not a single one has a single passage that has Jesus as Jehovah, and so forth.
It’s real title? “Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi.” In English that is: “New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” The name of the author and compiler is given on the title page of the work as Eliae Hutteri. Indeed, the abovementioned reference is one of a number of places where, contrary to Watchtower claims and denials, the Hebrew texts they used to help in the placement of the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures actually do say things like Jesus is Jehovah, and they ignored them all and lied to the public with their claims that such texts in the sources did not actually exist.
So, it is of no surprise that they purchase awards and certificates and show these off to the public to convince them of things not in evidence.
Good job JWSurvey and John Redwood for the excellent investigative journalism.
Found few other Telly Award winners from worldly professions including military, pro-life activist, tourism, universities, financial institutes, other religious organisations and advertising agencies, etc…
1. Museum of American Armor video wins “Telly Awards” competition
2. Pro-Life Television Show “Facing Life Head-On” Wins Telly and Accolade Awards
3. The Center for Suicide Awareness Selected a Winner In The 35th Annual Telly Awards
List of award winners can be seen at Telly Awards website.
To name a few ….Lockheed Martin, BAE systems, US military, etc….
Thank you John. It is an excellent article that I wish I could say I enjoyed immensely. The only reason I can’t is this crap just makes me feel like I was such a fool… a generational fool. However, the exposure is desperately needed and will help others. Thank you.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ive got a spasm of laughter. thankyou thankyou mr writer sir! This is truly funny. What joy!,self praise is no praise. We have bought into some priceless trash in our time but a donkey and a few magic beans. Next they will be casting their crowns at the golden calf of telly awardom. I still think the watchtower should do a lottery ive got the prizes all lined up Third prize a trinket of your choice from the display that YOU can parade at each special assembly day. Second prize dinner with Tony Tightpants special bonus tony cooks hotdogs and you receive a copy of all his ranty scripts. And the winners prize everlasting life with the proviso that you keep your panda on a leash. Yes folks coming to an assembly near you very soon. Ha Ha Ha Ha my laugh wont stop I need help. ruthlee
We are in good company ya’ll. Even the freaks down in Clearwater Florida won this distinguished award!
Average Joe. SOS just a different Cult. Same lies with a different twist.
Talk about double standards. That’s disgusting. The fact sheet clearly states it’s a competition that they have to enter, whilst the website makes out they were awarded them.
It’s not so much the fact that the awards aren’t really worth the materials they are made from but more of how the WTS is getting involved in COMPETITIONS when they always frown on that sort of thing.
EXCELLENT video by Lloyd and very good Father Ted link; my favourite Irish comedy. If anyone has not seen it then I’d recommend you start with the episode entitled “Kicking Bishop Brennan Up The Arse”!
Joe don’t get me started again . I live my life in quotes from Father Ted and Blackadder. ruthlee
“Careful now Ruthlee. Down with that sort of thing! Ah ye will, ye will, ye will. Ah go on Father!”
Actually some of Dougal’s explanations about the Bible make a heck of a lot more sense to me!
You’ve inspired me to change my avatar. Watch this space!
Och faether! go on go on go on cuppa tea? with love and devotion Missus Doyle. Ruthlee
another post script, I cannot help myself.” That would Be an ecumenical matter.” (all of it) ruthlee
Nursie: Out you popped and everyone’s shouting: “It’s a boy, it’s a boy!” And somebody said: “But it hasn’t got a winkle!” And I said: “God be praised, it’s a miracle. A boy without a winkle!” And then Sir Thomas More pointed out that a boy without a winkle is a girl. Everyone was really disappointed.
I just had a brilliant idea! Let’s chip in and pay for one of Cedar’s best documentary films about WT to be submitted for a Telly! I don’t know which one to pick…
@Dodger. I think that is a great Idea for us to chip in and get an award from the same company saying the same things the WT. hen wan a copy to the WT also? Dodger? Does your name indicate you are a “DODGER” baseball fan?
@ Dodger. I had a typo with stuck keys. Meant to say Then we can send a copy to the WT of his award with same quote from the same lady at e telly awards.
I am for it if anyone wants to do that and contribute $$ to it count me in.
In the same 36th Annual awards, the Billy Graham Evangelistic association won two *silver* awards:
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Billy Graham Evang Assoc
Louis Zamperini: Captured by Grace
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Billy Graham Evang Assoc
The site doesn’t list the Bronze winners, I can only assume because there are just too many to list, however there are (at a rough count) 480 Film/Video Silver Winners in 2015.
480 human organisations who are better than Jehovah’s “bronze winning” appointed representatives.
I told my JW family about how this article is misleading and how it ends with an obvious lie (the false quote). This is not a small or honest mistake, its an entire article deliberately misleading the readers. I also explained that up until now, I believed every stories they reported in the publications and conventions; I never thought their conscience would go as far a fabricating stories. Well, with this article, they demonstrated that they very well could if they believed that the “end justified the meaning”.
So, my relative looked at the other website boasting the same quotes, they took a look at the FAQ from the Telly Awards, and they are now shocked as well.
If anyone is serious about buying JWSurvey some awards I would like to contribute.
Maybe John Redwood would like this ‘privelge’?
1 John 2/16, Because everything in the world, the desire
of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the SHOWY
DISPLAY of one’s means of life – Does not originate with
the Father, but originates with the world. NWT
Matt, 23/3. Therefore all the things they tell you, do and
observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they
say but do not perform. NWT
The watchtower is creating their own demise on every level. What a worldly bunch.
I don’t think this organization understands the power of the internet. Do they really think that people are not going to question this? Are they that delusional? I’m sure even “faithful” witnesses will look up what this award is, out of innocence and then start to question. I told my wife that there is one thing the org said a long time ago and I wholeheartedly agree with– “Religion is a snare and a racket”
Too true Will. The fact that the WTS put the name “Telly Awards” on their site will make any curious person look, especially if they’ve never heard of those awards, like me.
Just based on some of their recent actions you can tell that the Watchtower leadership are not the sharpest tools in the shed. However, I think that issues with making statements about the Telly Awards stem from using an outdated playbook. They act as if they still live in the days before the Internet when they could spin any line of BS and no one would question it. They need to step into the 21st century if they want to have any chance of maintaining their control over the R&F.
Well, well, well. Now isn’t this sort of “seeking glory from men” and ostentatious showy display?
Shame! Too bad the WT doesn’t have in their news feed that they lost their charity commission appeal on child abuse.
Of course, like a wicked slave, the truth must be hidden.
Yea that was pretty stupid of WT to do. So just checking this sight out. ~ When it comes down to doctrine… JW’s are closer than anyone out there. I don’t believe in the whole attitude of “as long as your a good person, Jesus will except you”. Or, “whatever makes you happy.” That thought process will lead to nothingness on the person’s part thus accomplishing…nothing. As I read the bible. I see it all lining up with what’s going on in the world. And yes, yes I believe that there is the Illuminati running the world, and I also believe that 9/11 was a complete inside job & that the official story is a big fat lie. I also believe that there is a Satan that does exist. And yes I know that Charles T Russell was in some way connected to a division of the free mason society. And if I were a JW, that wouldn’t bother me. There have been many other men and elite that have distanced themselves from secret societies. So anyway…(I have been fascinated by religion with all it’s corruption and history. I’m 36 years old and have personally investigated religion for over the last 18 years.) I believe that god would indeed use a “organization” throughout history and also today as well. On the other hand, I do not believe that only JW’s will make into the earthly paradise. Many JW’s also say that ‘when it comes down to it…only God knows whom exactly is going to make it in, & no doubt he will show mercy to many’ at Armagedden. (I totally believe in THE END of this world we live in) The thing is, is that JW’s don’t stress this thought to thier sheep and here’s why: if they did then Matt 24:14 would have never been accomplished. Because millions wouldn’t feel the urgency to preach and teach. That’s why it is vital that thier preaching work is organized. That’s the most important role for JW’s. So, then…who the hell cares if they are WAY OFF on certain things like some prophecies! Or if a few heads at the top are a little shady. Or if they do plenty wrong. Who the hell cares if thousands are “shunned”. I for one agree with the “shunning” because JW’s must believe that they are the chosen organization that is working along with the will of God…(if that was true)…then they MUST be strict about who it is that carries the name JW!!!! The only thing I have a problem with is the way they have handled child molestation and rape cases. The policies regarding molestation and rape cases must be totally changed!!!!! But other than that…JWs still are the ONES! JW’s organization has never said of themselves to be a perfect OG. There will be wrongdoing from top to bottom. They are imperfect! These things do not totally exclude them from being used to share the “good news” they always knock on doors about. They are following a commandment from Jesus. The ones who stick around that organization despite these mistakes from the top heads or certain prophecies that they keep getting wrong…are just playing it safe. They are smart for playing it safe and trying to do the right thing in god’s eyes. If I weren’t such a selfish bum who likes to take it easy in life…I would go right along with them. I had a coworker a few years ago that was a shunned witness. He didn’t give a fuck. He was cool with it. So whoever is not cool with it (if they are indeed the organization in bible prophecy) then those ones can’t take the pressure. I would think, if there was a OG in our era that was doing the best job of representing god, then it wouldn’t be easy to do. It would be very difficult.
Question for you: Why would God use an organisation that put the most vulnerable human beings (children) at risk of one of the most awful experiences imaginable (rape) in such a careless and callous way, and then who lied and covered up their actions in courts of law to make sure they didn’t have to change? If you were a loving God, would you use people like that?
On your shunning comment that those who leave “can’t take the pressure” what do you say to those who left, not because they felt that JW life was too hard, but because they feel that the JW’s are simply not the right religion? Should they be shunned simply for exercising their right to choose their religion?
Perhaps you should try it. Study, get baptised and then do something wrong in their eyes. Little social experiment for you eh. Of course it helps if your family are also witnesses and can no longer talk to you or you may not be able to see your grandchildren anymore. Also adds a bit of spice if you have only witness friends. Let us know how you get on.
peterB… I believe you are a JW.
I don’t think he would use the ‘f’ word if he was a JW.
Not a JDub. I was raised Catholic. Then became atheist for a few years in my early 20s. I had a friend in high school who was a JDub. He was more like a two faced JDub Lol. Then a couple of years ago I had a coworker who was a JDub. That’s funny that people on here are saying I’m a JW! Anyway, I now (after EXTENSIVE research of ALL religion. Even research that proves JWs are wrong on all kinds of shit) believe in god. Off of my own research I believe in god. And all I’m saying is that I believe JWs are the closest thing there is to what I read in the bible. I believe in the idea of an Organization. I believe that JDubs will in time (hopefully) clean up their shit with child molestation and rape. They also need to stop asking for donations. And they need to stop giving themselves awards!!! LOL! That was hilarious. I’m not looking to join them anytime soon. But after reading the bible…if you all don’t believe we are living in the “last days”, you all are out of your mind. No doubt the USA is headed for martial law! When that happens, the shits going to hit the fan! In a big-ass way! Then what are you guys going to do? Sit around and complain about JDUBS? There are bigger things to fight for. A spotlight needs to be put on the shadow government that is ruling behind the scenes. Anyway getting back to religion…answer me this: “IF” (please pretend that the ‘IF” really does happen)…IF JWs made all the changes that everyone complains about. Seriously every change, you are going to sit there and tell me that, at that point, you wouldn’t be like…”damn, all those changes WOW. Those changes and that global preaching thing! That sounds about right!” ??? Will you all still say that they are evil?
Not a JDub. I was raised Catholic. Then became atheist for a few years in my early 20s. I had a friend in highschool who was a JDub. He was more like a two faced JDub Lol. Then a couple of years ago I had a coworker who was a JDub. That’s funny that people on here are saying I’m a JW! Anyway, I now (after EXTENSIVE research of ALL religion. Even research that proves JWs are wrong on all kinds of shit) believe in god. Off of my own research I believe in god. And all I’m saying is that I believe JWs are the closest thing there is to what I read in the bible. I believe in the idea of an Organization. I believe that JDubs will in time (hopefully) clean up their shit with child molestation and rape. They also need to stop asking for donations. And they need to stop giving themselves awards!!! LOL! That was hilarious. I’m not looking to join them anytime soon. But after reading the bible…if you all don’t believe we are living in the “last days”, you all are out of your mind. No doubt the USA is headed for martial law! When that happens, the shits going to hit the fan! In a big-ass way! Then what are you guys going to do? Sit around and complain about JDUBS? There are bigger things to fight for. A spotlight needs to be put on the shadow government that is ruling behind the scenes. Anyway getting back to religion…answer me this: “IF” (please pretend that the ‘IF” really does happen)…IF JWs made all the changes that everyone complains about. Seriously every change, you are going to sit there and tell me that, at that point, you wouldn’t be like…”damn, all those changes WOW. Those changes and that global preaching thing! That sounds about right!” ??? Will you all still say that they are evil?
I would like to suggest that you read the following JWsurvey article regarding the JW’s promised Paradise earth doctrine as well as ALL THE COMMENTS accompanying the article, then let us know what you think:
PeterB –
I believe ‘The shadow government’ that you speak of is behind ALL religion, including JWDom. They have manipulated and controlled the masses from time immemorial. If you look to the roots of the Watchtower you will find occultism. Can a bad root produce a good tree? I don’t think so. Whatever changes they may make will never exonerate them from their murky past. The Society is trying to hide its roots from the regular jdubs and it appears they are succeeding.
We all know there are bigger issues at stake in the world but we are on this site specifically to try and encourage those who have left and those who are thinking of leaving Watchtower. It is very hard for most of us to come to terms with the wasted years without some emotional issues. We are supporting each other to carry on.
May I suggest that as you are keen on your own research and have come to your own conclusions about God, that you continue to do so. You don’t need a religion to find truth for you. I spent thirty years finding that out.
Not to patronize you peterb but you are young. Maybe if you had been born in raped silenced gave up all hopes of a promising career and landed in a big pile of doggy doo at aged 50+ you would get a small inkling of How duped us stupid children were who chose the wrong parents. Preaching! My eye God could have got the stones to sing and shout for all the good our pamphleteering did . You are foolish to even think it did any good. ruthless
Amen, I was dragged from door to door with my parents before I entered the first grade. Further education, why? Armageddon is “just around the corner”; forget getting married, having children, getting a well paying career, slave for Jehovah!
Yeah, right. Glad I finally went to college and woke up from this nightmare.
This is hard to hear . My heart goes out to you . Especially losing the best years of one’s life. College , the pursuit of excellence in education and a family . I pray that God is blessing you in return now !
Peter, this website explains how JWs could still be God’s people with these kind of things going on… a whole lot to read, very heavy on prophecy, but worth considering…
In the Telly Award winners you can only see Silver winners (thousands), but nothing is listed under Bronze. I wonder if you have to pay more if you want your name displayed in the Telly Award Silver list.
*would…be very difficult.
There is nothing inherently wrong in receiving awards for the quality of work produced. It is how the publicity for that achievement is used. Does it lull people into thinking that this is an organisation worth joining? Isn’t the art of deception making what is counterfeit look like the real thing?
Poor sad and deluded people. Everything they (the Governing Body) try to enhance their reputation with the world as far as respect, and credibility seems to backfire on them. These awards are just the latest attempt to salvage their already ridiculously horrible brand that they have received over the last decade. U.N. support, child abuse and cover-up, secret payouts to victims rather than going to court, and the admittance that perpetrators go unreported and if disfellowshipped welcomed back into the congregation is unimaginable.
I was once proud to be and enjoy association with Jehovah’s Witnesses for over 55 years but no more. I am ashamed that I was ever affiliated with them and their Amway religion with their weekly sales meetings and conventions are just that, “how to increase sales”. This whole religion is wrapped around “sales”, the selling of a brand of evangelical Adventism which no one is buying. Sad, pitiable people going from door to door cold-calling the masses who are not interested in their inane message for no recompense whatsoever. Most of them don’t realize that all they are doing is finding their replacements. With every death in the congregation comes the certain realization that the recently departed is not part of the Great Crowd to survive Armageddon. Soon they will have to come to the reality that they are not part of the Great Crowd as well. Pathetically mislead duped people.
I agree with you Big B –
Pathetically misled duped people. I was one of them, also proud at the time.
I ran into a couple of sisters today that I hadn’t seen for years. I told them I didn’t go anymore and they asked me why. Well, the 607 date, the Royal Commission on child abuse, the Charity Commission investigation, the list could go on. They just said Satan could get in anywhere and we are all under attack, but we must trust the Governing Body because they are directed by God..
Poor misguided ones. I let them float away in their ‘bubble’, thinking that they had tried to help me!!
I wouldn’t trust the Governing body ….. and I can’t think of a good enough example to write.
Wouldn’t this be considered Idolatry if the rank and file kept a trophy case? Are they really displaying awards “given to them” by worldly people for all the friends to admire? Anyone remember how we were to look down on the teen and his running trophies a few years ago. “If you receive something from Satans system he is going to want something in return” “Consider it all garbage”
When I was in high school I was told how wrong competing is and that I am among bad association and so I withdrew myself from my school’s badminton team and stopped participating in the various other tournaments for which I had won medals. I did all this without consulting my parents who by then were turned off by the religion for various reasons – I was told that my parents’ opposition to my involvement in the religion was persecution and so I became distant from my parents.
I was even told that I shouldn’t worry about the exercise I would miss from playing badminton as I would more than make up for it by preaching from door to door.
We knew a young brother who ditched all his football trophies in the bin after some ‘well meaning’ brother had counselled him. The young man’s father (not a witness) was heartbroken. The lad could have become a professional footballer, he had the world at his feet. He chose to become a window washer.
What hypocrites JW.Org has become. Yet their gold and silver (and bronze) will not save them in the day of God’s fury!
Ive just found my sons chess medal from school. I must have hidden it away when he was told it was wrong to compete in sports/competitions. I feel sick to think how good he was at sports and games. Now they show off their trophies. Shame on them.
I am a casual lurker here, but I find this a bunch of nothing. A lot of organizations enter these contests. And they don’t all win. So the WTBTS won some awards. So what? So did Disney and A&E. I know personally of ones that have entered and received nothing. So, I really don’t see the point.
James – if you don’t see the point, you did not read the article. Let’s summarize
1) Watchtower entered numerous “competitions” which are not by definition actual competitions with only one winner per category. This is deceptive
2) Watchtower public relations issued a completely phony quote which never happened. Linda Day never ever issued that quote to Watchtower. This is deceptive
3) Watchtower spent thousands over the past few years to enter these contests, instead of allowing their work to stand on its own and be recognized. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not informed of the costs involved with these entries. They use donated funds for the purposes of self-promotion
All of these sub-ethical awards competitions make large amounts of money by collecting entry fees. We already know that some who enter these so called contests do not win. However they have a bare minimum of a 1 and 3 chance of winning, as our investigation has found. It does not matter that some do not win, as the entry fees are the primary source of generating revenue. Hence, you are not telling us anything we have not already uncovered.
When you study business models you will find that the practices engaged in here are evident in many other industries such as writing and music. There will always be copycats and less than ethical companies who prey on using very questionable marketing techniques to make money.
We find both Watchtower, Telly, Aurora, US International Film and Video, Communicator Awards, and several others equally complicit in this deception.
Please read the article again
Just noticed old Charles T doing the pyramid shape hand gesture on your post JR. There for all to see!
… And the award for the Whitewash of the Century goes to ….
Just opening the envelope ….. tension mounts ….. Yes, the Watchtower Babble & Crap Society is a runaway winner! At last they have received a Gold Award!
Well written and well researched article. Those JW’s are shady.
“Totally shady” (Red Dwarf) ruthlee
The Eagles have a song that is well suited to WT winning the award and it is called “DESPERADO”
JOHN REDWOOD – Please, please, look at this.
I just found this spooky thing that fits in with your article – Forward video to 17:38. Is this timely or what? Is the guy holding a Telly award? Notice the voiceover comment on this one. Could this be the key to where JW finances are really going??
Part three)
What is sad is that I can’t show this to in-witnesses because they will see it as a apostate… regardless of being fairly neutral and backed up with facts (even using Watchtower’s publications!)…
This is a real piece of investigative work, worth of a real award.
Whoa! Blown away! It’s amazing that all one has to do is Google “Telly Awards” and there are multiple articles about “is it a scam?”, “is it worth it?”, etc.
Thank you for the references from the WT publications; the hypocrisy is unbridled.
I want to buy you a Telly for the REAL information you provided.
As a professional in television I would say this article is very biased. Telly’s are inexpensive to enter, but you can be rejected. The Telly’s are by no means as tough or highly respected to win as Emmy’s and other major broadcasting awards, but they are not a fake “buy your award here” competition.
This article fails to recognize that regional Emmy’s also have non-competitive judging. There have been multiple winners and no winners in several different categories in all chapters of NATAS (A highly respected award in the industry).
And, many of these other “respectable” awards also have shared pre-written/suggested responses to use when winning.
When it comes down to it the organization probably entered the most cost-effective competitions that are actually real (not the greatest or hardest). The other big competitions charge 3 times as much just to enter (1 award will be received free if you win – nothing if you don’t). Just remember you don’t have to buy the statute with the Telly’s (I would be interested if the organization purchased every statute – that could be considered wasteful).
We can all discuss if there is a need for awards, but this article is biased and ignores the similarities with the mentioned national awards. It just wants to point out the negative. You can go down that road if you choose.
Dear Mason
Please provide us some examples of Emmy awards with multiple winners and no winners in several categories. You have cited not a single example.
I have personally spoken with both the Telly Awards management and several Emmy executives in writing this article, and our information is accurate. There is absolutely no comparison between these two award companies. One is a well known and recognized competition with an actual awards ceremony, which is televised, and this other is a glorified marketing company that is respected by no one. With one phone call and absolutely NO identification check, the Telly Awards issue me the password to purchase all the awards I desired which were issued to Watchtower. And in fact I did just that – I purchased for nearly $300.00 US Dollars a Telly Statue and had it engraved with whatever I wanted. There are absolutely no ethics to this company. They are a marketing company, plain and simple, who trades on the ignorance of the public and video makers to sell their product.
I simply can’t believe you are falling for the “pre-written” responses argument. Please read my article again. Watchtower NEVER spoke to Linda Dey. They were provided a piece of paper with a phony quote and passed it off as a legitimate quote on their web site. It is a complete fabrication – and a slimy marketing tool.
Further I accurately pointed out that there are many other fake and misleading awards companies who carry out their business in the same manner as Telly. They are neither respected nor ethical. They are the awards equivalent of the fake Rolex – looks real and everyone is impressed – but it’s just an illusion. I wonder what kind of television professional you are – if you wish to tell us privately then email us at and we will further the discussion. I will be happy to discuss this with the company you work for and see if they are equally impressed with the Telly awards and the other phony marketing companies who make money selling certificates and trophies.
As to your comment about the organization entering cost-effective awards companies – seriously? Several of the companies I investigated had entry fees in excess of the Emmys and other legitimate awards companies. Any why would they need to enter the “competitions” in the first place?? Why? Is this part of their ministry? Or is it a PR stunt. You already know the answer – it’s a stunt, and they would NEVER win an Emmy award, as you well know.
Finally, it always amazes me when people call our articles “biased”. Of course they are biased – what did you expect? They are biased against religious corruption and we have accurately exposed just one of many corruptions of this religion. So please – call them biased all you like – we are very proud of being biased towards truth after so many years of being indoctrinated into the most biased religion imaginable. Please read the article again, and we wish you the best