A month after construction work commenced on the new world headquarters at Warwick, Watchtower is making a plea for all “qualified” Witnesses in the US to join the project on a volunteer basis.
Elders throughout the United States branch territory have been sent a letter, dated August 21, 2013, effectively instructing them to canvas for recruits at a forthcoming meeting. The letter includes a two-page talk outline to be delivered at the service meeting on the week of September 2nd. The theme? “Strengthen Your Hands For The Good Work!”
The purpose of the outline is to “motivate those who qualify to make themselves available for the construction project at Warwick.” The introduction to the talk likens the project to the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah. “Similar to the call that Nehemiah made to his fellow Israelites, there is a need to call upon the ‘strengthened hands’ of skilled volunteers to complete the Warwick project,” the outline says, quoting Nehemiah 2:17,18.
So anxious is the Governing Body to have this two-page outline read out that they are instructing elders to re-organize their service meeting program for the meeting in question, with the Warwick outline to be delivered as an extended local needs item by a brother who is “known to have a positive spirit toward Bethel service.”

The letter to elders also acknowledges that an earlier letter (involving “safety precautions when attending spiritual programs”) was supposed to have been considered during this local needs item. However, elders are being told to scrap this in favour of recruiting for the Warwick project. “We realize that most congregations were likely planning on considering the August 3, 2013, letter during the week of September 2, 2013,” the letter states. “However, in view of the needs at this time, consideration of the attached outline should take precedence.”
Nowhere does the letter or outline mention the recent $375 million windfall from the sale of the remaining Brooklyn factory buildings, or the fact that Watchtower is looking to pocket over a billion dollars once the entire Brooklyn portfolio has been sold. If the brother delivering the outline were to mention this, congregation members would be excused for thinking: “Why can’t you pay a professional company to build the headquarters with all the money you made, and leave the brothers to pursue the preaching work so deep in this time of the end?”
As it is, most brothers will likely be completely in the dark as to the financial motivations behind the Warwick project, and the apparent desire to exploit volunteer labor to maximize on proceeds. Having worked on Watchtower-sponsored construction projects myself, I can’t help but feel pity for the scores of volunteer brothers who will devote so much time and energy for what is essentially a financially motivated scheme. As the outline acknowledges, “Those who volunteer to assist at Warwick may have to make sacrifices in order to help.” But it promises, “Jehovah will richly reward their efforts.”
In its concluding comments the outline declares: “With the help of the ‘strengthened hands’ of skilled volunteers and with Jehovah’s blessing, we are confident that this project will bring glory and praise to our heavenly Father, Jehovah.” Sadly, the only ones who will be glorified in this endeavour will be the Governing Body once they cut the ribbon on their luxurious new lakeside retreat, built deep in these “last days” using free labor and funds donated for the worldwide preaching work.
Further reading…
I think it is finally becoming PAINFULLY aware to all…”Jehovah’s” blessing is not with these people and therefore is not the spirit of the people…
“Giving a voice to the Apostate”
In your article you wrote: “The introduction to the talk likens the project to the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah. ”
This comparison does not even come close to building the temple by Nehemiah. For one thing; the destruction of the temple was accomplished by the hands of Israel’s enemy. The deconstruction of the Watchtower’s headquarters was accomplished by the hands of the Watchtower Org. themselves The selling of their own property, for great gain, was so they could rebuild what they eliminated. Who do they think they are kidding? How much longer are these men in Brooklyn going to continue to skin the lost sheep?
The Watchtower uses a slave labour force that it coerces, under threats of Armageddon execution, to build its publishing empire. It is hardly surprising that it uses the same ‘business model’ with its real estate division.
The things that really strikes me here, is
(1)just how completely in the in the dark the bros and sis are, as to what is really going on.
(2)Just how screwed over the watchtower has got them.
The saddest thing of all, is that I literally had to rub shoulders with the mentaly diseased who are speaking untruth and wicked lies of satan to find this all out. Why??? Because Gods channel of truth chooses to say nothing. How very very sad.
God’s channel of truth my cat’s bum. If they were, they would have nothing to hide. Cults and totalitarian regimes keep information from their people.
Funny, likening the Warwick project to Nehemiah and the wall. The wall was a necessary part of a city in antiquity, to keep out invaders and marauders. They had to have a wall for safety. It’s a poor analogy for a cult headquarters when they already have one and are supposedly about to face Armageddon. Totally different situations, yet JWs will be convinced by the Nehemiah reference.
Thinking of leaving said:
On August 30, 2013 at 5:31 pm
“The things that really strikes me here, is
(1)just how completely in the in the dark the bros and sis are, as to what is really going on.
(2)Just how screwed over the watchtower has got them.
The saddest thing of all, is that I literally had to rub shoulders with the mentaly diseased who are speaking untruth and wicked lies of satan to find this all out. Why??? Because Gods channel of truth chooses to say nothing. How very very sad”
Well, considering that two of the primary components and characteristics of any cult are (1) control-ling the former members or dissenters who would influence the body of members with accurate information once they have left the organization. Hence the shunning and character assassination, stalking and harassing arrangements and processes that are installed and extend now online with the use of well trained operatives. (2) The control of information in general as to what is acceptable or even allowed to be read and viewed in the form of “apostate” material and then selectively published and edited within that very narrow bandwidth of control of “Watchtower approved materials”.
Absolutely none of this is new by a long shot and was practiced by religious cult after cult before but to deadly and climactic results which has been my growing concern!
Human behavior doesn’t change and nether do the results!
http://media.photobucket.com/user/tesla_mw/media/jim_jones.jpg.html?filters%5Bterm%5D=jim jones&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=6
While it’s not as unpleasant as it could have been and it certainly makes a valid point I would still advise caution before clicking the link in KtotheRAD “Konrad”‘s post.
I’m sure it’s already been said on this site but with the “All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not” business in the November 15th Watchtower and this withdrawing out of Brooklyn into the country part of me is worried about the obvious potential for increasingly cultish and isolating instructions from the Governing Body.
It makes me sad for the millions of people unwittingly trapped in this organisation and increasingly worried about my friends and acquaintances yet to see the truth about “The Truth”
Warwick is going to be another paradise-like bethel facility. every bethel facility thats in different countries have the appearance of paradise-like features. NY bethel used to have a gym, tennis court, basketball court, volley ball court and racket ball room – all indoors. I have visited a bethel facility in the Dominican republic with 3 ponds, a big swimming pool (with colored lights) and a gym facility. I have also been to bethel facilities in Colombia and Germany, and they all look very big and paradise-like. You can look for photos and videos on Google. Donations for the world-wide work goes towards the making of paradise-like bethels.
So, while the brothers work very hard to build the city walls of Nehemiah as they think, the WTBTS is getting yet another paradise-like branch. The honor and praise wont go to Jehovah, because Jehovah didnt ask for the WTBTS to build him the Warwick office. In the Watchtower of August 15th, 2012 pages 16-19, there is an article titled “A meeting marked by unity and thrilling plans” under the sub-heading “Construction projects”. In that article, Guy Pierce (one of the governing body members) states “Although we are not yet certain of Jehovah’s will regarding Warwick, we are proceeding to develop the site with the intention of relocating the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses there”.
If this is Jehovah’s organization, shouldn’t you wait to get clear instructions from Jehovah himself as to what he wants to do with HIS organization? If this is Jehovah’s organization, then the headquarters belong to Jehovah. The governing body is moving Jehovah’s headquarters without asking Jehovah himself! And you have it in print!!!
The same article continues…. “Has the Governing Body changed its mind about the closeness of the great tribulation?” asked Brother Pierce. “Not at all,” he answered. “If the great tribulation interrupts our plans, that will be wonderful, absolutely wonderful!”
How can the great tribulation be wonderful if people are going to be dying due to diseases, starvation and lack of water? The governing body is certainly not worried because they have the Patterson farms from which they can feed their entire bethel family. Patterson farms has a cow-slaughter house and supplies the various bethel families in NY with fresh meat, vegetable and fruits. So, if you are a witness and the great tribulation comes, you may starve, but the bethel family will be eating their full plate.
In Bethel, people can eat as much as they want. They eat from the money that their spiritual brother and sister donated after working very hard to earn their money. So, while their brothers and sisters outside the organization maybe jobless and starving, they sit in their paradise-like bethel and eat the best of everything without having worked hard to have earned anything. They never give anything back….. nor to starving people in the world, nor to their own brothers and sisters who are starving and jobless. Instead, they tell their starving brothers and sisters, trust in Jehovah. Did Jesus tell the 5000 hungry followers to trust in Jehovah? No, he took the fish and the bread and fed it to everyone. Clearly then, the WTBTS is not God’s organization like they claim.
what possible reason would there be for the wtbts to order their jws to fill themselves ala Jim Jones?
Erik said:
On August 31, 2013 at 12:03 pm
“what possible reason would there be for the wtbts to order their jws to fill themselves ala Jim Jones?”
Are you aware of the progression of the Jim Jones Church and Ministry?
How he went from having great respectability and influence to the point that he did? And how many would have asked very similar questions at any point along the way? “preposterous!” “Ridiculous” “Absurd”
Yet we are seeing those very same patterns of cult behavior revealed and displayed and have been concealed for decades now so what more do you need other than the many, many examples that came before?
Aum Shinrikyo, Heaven’s gate or several others use no guns or “personal weapons” as did David Koresh or Jim Jones (as we know of or as of yet) but that doesn’t or didn’t mean they were or may yet be any less deadly or dangerous or didn’t all follow the same or similar paths of progression. Desperate people do desperate thing in a quest to maintain power and control or express their message or agenda (which almost always ends up dealing ultimately with an end goal of power and control), even to death!
To illustrate the ‘do as we say, not as we do’ hypocrisy of the WT, I add the following to AAW’s reference to Guy Pierce’s statement “Although we are not yet certain of Jehovah’s will regarding Warwick, we are proceeding to develop the site with the intention of relocating the world HQ of JWs there”:
“The faithful slave is also discreet in that it neither acts immodestly, running ahead of Jehovah, nor lags behind when Jehovah’s direction on a matter is clear”. w09 2/15 p27
How is it that the GB are not ‘running ahead of Jehovah’ when they are ‘not yet certain of Jehovah’s will regarding Warwick’, but proceed anyway?
It amazes me the people caught up in the Watchtower rat race. They clutter their lives doing Watchtower’s bidding at much personal cost. Deceived into believing the Watchtower Corporation = God Organization
“How is it that the GB are not ‘running ahead of Jehovah’ when they are ‘not yet certain of Jehovah’s will regarding Warwick’, but proceed anyway?”
My suspicion? Is that the Warwick project is going to prove to be a public PR nightmare at this point due to the inability to muster manpower and support. Clearly demonstrating that they have neither the spirit nor blessing, support of God or man! That along with all of these other very public issues and the bogus façade of “peace and Brotherhood and volunteer spirit and harmony” that they have been able to tweak, manipulate and exploit in front of the public media and the very congregations for so many years will be once and for all decimated! This will likely culminate in a big public spectacle and who will they blame this time? “apostates?”, Their own crime victims? Evil sinners and wrongdoers who “Had to be disfellowshipped from the congregation?” (according to them)
I personally believe from the overwhelming evidence that the Society fears this as well and actually anticipates it and apparently so do others…
The desperation (once again) is manifest and pulsing from the urgency of these documents as well as from every seam of the organization in it’s program of assemblies and change in attitude of members, propaganda from the platform towards “apostates” etc….as it seems to want to approach a pending rupture.
We will have to wait and see if they pony up cash for professional contractors or at least in part to attempt to save face, Or what transpires from this quandary…
A whole lot of nothing as usual from you Konrad.
John said:
On September 2, 2013 at 1:55 am
“A whole lot of nothing as usual from you Konrad”
Always the same from you…spurious, unsolicited and abusive…sometimes comical!
i remember me and my Dad a former plumber working on several projects while still involved, i wonder if i could bill them for my time spent doing such a great job because of the profits they made on my free labor? mmmmmmm well one thing is for sure and that they got the best plumbing work done for free!! They are users and you know what they say “you use you lose”
If I were the Governing Body (The worst thing I imagine I can be), I would use Zechariah 8:23 to attract more volunteers (slaves). It reads. . .“This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: “We will go with YOU people, for we have heard [that] God is with YOU people.”’”
Tales are very powerful, for sure “faith of JWs” can move mountains, look! It is moving their headquarters!! this is a “Blind Faith”, they cannot even GRASP the meaning of this beautiful article!!
U know when i first looked at the JWs i felt angry at the misquoting, quote-mining and deception they use and i wanted to rage against the GB in the name of TRUTH… BUT really who can blame them? I mean if a load of people just handed over their life (voluntarily) to be used financially and for free labour, then the GB are just doing the human thing (exploiting for their own benefit).. If an army of people wanted to build you a mansion and swimming pool would you say no?
I’m beginning to feel that the JWs themselves are to blame. I don’t mean the born-ins or kids sadly they will have been insulated and need our help to get out.. i mean the adults that are still in this 21st century, willfully handing control of their lives over by joining the cult.. I mean the internet and the truth is all out there! its not like the 1940s anymore.. there is no excuse for the ignorance of these people. Ultimately people want to belong in a group and its a cozy little psudo-family with a nice comforting usVthem mentality.. quite simply some people just like it.. their funeral im afraid! you wanna work for free great for you.
And if your too lazy to look at the context of the “faith without works is dead” then you’re and idiot… It is clearly a reference to actually helping the poor and the sick.. not donating to a hedge fund or even preaching.. it is Jesus telling us to actually get off of our fat butts a DO something about the real suffering of our fellow man.. not build a palace
Sorry Zeebo, but I disagree with your reasoning.
If your argument is correct, then it is indeed survival of the fittest and tough luck if you are scammed!
If one is stupid enough to believe this then you’ve only yourself to blame can be abused to the point of absurdity!
Secular society has many rules to protect the ill informed from exploitation. I agree with these safeguards.
In your argument, people like Bernie Madeoff would be let off the hook. They were stupid, they deserve what they got.
In your argument, all those poor individuals exploited have only themselves to blame. Many poor souls who go to the witnesses have had hard times. They are seldom running on all cylinders and are unlikely to have the ability to research.
I understand your anger and frustration. I really do. But using the “you’re stupid” argument doesn’t help anyone.
Rather, we need to build up people. We need to give them the confidence to challenge their beliefs by first respecting their beliefs.
Of course you’re right.. and even as i wrote i knew.
But i am frustrated that thinking people in their 20’s and 30’s who grew up with ICQ, MSN, yahoo and more recently wikipedia and google and unrestricted access to find out anything.. are still being duped.. OK some amazonian tribe wont know and just see a smart guy with this book and i can see how they are duped.. but the standard US or UK citizen.. it must just be the desire to be in a gang its the only reason. To be ‘different’
To use your Madeoff example.. It would be like you or me going and investing our life savings with the guy KNOWING what he did AND having access to the media where it says in great detail how he performed the biggest scam ever known. Should people sympathize with us when we complain we lost out money? yes of course, regardless of the reason its sad we lost, but cmon!
Its like putting your head in a crocodiles mouth and then being surprised when it bites.. yes people would feel sorry you’re dead but would say that you had it coming.
Again im frustrated and ranting.. but my target isn’t the young, the born-ins, the emotionally or mentally damaged its the ‘normal people’ who join.
But i suppose you just have to look at the growth in the west to see that maybe this very demographic isn’t joining.. so im ranting nothing.. great :-)
And ultimately they are a tiny (if irritating) little cult. There are more world or warcraft players online now than JWs..
I always look forward to your comments Julia and your first sentence made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.
Zeebo said “Again im frustrated and ranting.. but my target isn’t the young, the born-ins, the emotionally or mentally damaged its the ‘normal people’ who join.”
I can understand your frustration Zeebo, but hey what is ‘normal’? All of us JWs or exJWs are emotionally and mentally damaged by the indoctrination, lots of us however have managed to escape in spite of this.
This extravagant build in Warwick may cause some eyebrows to raise and plant some seeds of doubt……so if you have a loved one trapped, this project could be the final straw for them and many more.
My 11 year old made a comment about the fact that there are perfectly good functioning sites in New York already, why are they moving, was it to make money………..and that’s an 11 year old
I firmly believe that the Watchtower Society is in far dire straits than we may know at this point in terms of it’s people and loyalty or motivation and what’s more? I believe the continued outflow is far bigger than we are led to believe!
How they will deal with the Warwick issue as well as the massive Human hemorrhage waits to be seen but we can see already the International Convention program for 2014 which is nothing more than a ,” Razzle Dazzle..Hey! Look over here!” whilst the completely reconfigure (downsize and contract) the whole North American District Assembly Venue allocations and at the same time attempt to put on a ‘meet in the middle (of the world) display of just how “enormous” in appearance at least, this organization really is!
Shops, market stalls and car boot sales are a recognition by the bosses that door knocking in the age when almost everybody is out has had its day. Not that it engaged many recruits; it was simply a means of control. Real JWs defy their bosses and surf the net; they even, equally defiantly form their own Facebook groups. The official ‘growth’ figures must contain a whole load of inactives, disillusioned ones or members who pretend simply to maintain contact with family. A watch must certainly be kept on this Warwick caper. Is it connected with the Nov. appeal to obey the bosses no matter how inhuman or unreasonable? Is a grand mega death scene planned, in the spirit of Satan in Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’, who ‘Rather than be less cared not to be at all’. The JW bosses are so secretive, we cannot begin to read their minds. Do they realise the game is up; that they can no longer enjoy the thrill of mass manipulation in the internet age? For the bosses to acknowledge their next move is seemingly ‘inhuman’ is a big step. Part of their appeal hitherto has been to seem modern and practical, with dreary utilitarian meeting halls and boring suits, rather than fancy robes, incense, hypnotic music, chanting, candlelight and processions indulged in by other branches of Christendom. Are they planning a mega begging mission or even a diktat to decamp and move to Warwick to drink the Kool Aid and bring on their very own Great Tribulation? I know, Cedars, you will continue to be vigilant.
“Are they planning a mega begging mission or even a diktat to decamp and move to Warwick to drink the Kool Aid and bring on their very own Great Tribulation?”
Whatever they are planning?
We have a documented record of all of their crimes and abuses in advance to show to the world as they were reported to the FBI and other authorities who once again…just as they refused to deal with Jim Jones and David Koresh after repeated and detailed advanced reports and intimate knowledge of them and their dealings? We can all testify before congress and whoever else with evidence in hand as to what we reported and when we reported it! That is still another reason why I save everything!
I’m an inactive witness, born and raised in the organization. What you say may be true, but with reasoning coming into play it does make sense to hire a professional company. Many of these “volunteers” work for a living to make ends meet. My father was a painter and till this day still goes to volunteer to paint congregations, it’s sad in my eyes but gives him happiness. I see him struggle at times, we his children always have to help him out financially. I just think if so much is being profited why keep taking away from familys. This organization is so confusing and sets you apart from society. Very unhealthy, physiological, for kids. I’m a parent now and all I see my parents do is invite their grandkids to the meetings, it’s very sad. Not once have they invited them to the zoo,waterpark,etc. Only to religious activities, such as weddings,graduations, the park(only cause “the brothers go every Sunday”). It’s not a grandparent to grandchild relationship. That got a lot off my chest, there’s more but why go on every one makes their own choice.
“…and move to Warwick to drink the Kool Aid and bring on their very own Great Tribulation?”
Well, this would not be the first time if they do such a thing and in fact? that is a very common cult syndrome in that even Charles Manson and David Koresh attempted to bring to reality or be persecuted and die in “martyrdom” (at least in the eyes of their faithful) in the attempt!
I can say in certainty that when something massive and tragic occurs with respect to the Watchtower Society which I truly believe that is the path that they are on…(no cult leaders in history have ever simply relinquished hold of their people or power that I am aware of) I will be one of the first but certainly not the only one to make loud and public statements and to those and regarding those who knew in advance and with all of the documented, tape recorded and criminal evidence that was reported to the Federal and other authorities across the spectrum of my 30 years of contact with this organization…especially in such high volume of late from topix.com and from strange, threatening people at my home followed by follow up threats etc, the last year or two! Because the US authorities have a ZERO record of preemptive intervention and a long history of tragic, violent death and loss of life scenarios!
I just wanted to make note of this above comment in light of recent events:
KtotheRAD “Konrad” aka Kurt Hennig says in part:
On September 12, 2013 at 11:21 pm
“I will be one of the first but certainly not the only one to make loud and public statements and to those and regarding those who knew in advance and with all of the documented, tape recorded and criminal evidence that was reported to the Federal and other authorities across the spectrum of my 30 years of contact with this organization…especially in such high volume of late from topix.com and from strange, threatening people at my home followed by follow up threats etc, the last year or two! Because the US authorities have a ZERO record of preemptive intervention and a long history of tragic, violent death and loss of life scenarios!”
I have several relatives who took their respective trades and skills to Bethel; served as volunteers (making a pittance) for all of their 20’s and some of their early 30’s, only for my aunt to get pregnant and them being asked to leave. Where are all of these unwitting victim’s pensions, RRSP’s, benefits, tax contributions?? As a 48 year old woman, I have had to work harder, for less money, thanks to the ‘divine’ direction to discourage women, in particular, from secondary education. It should be as much a form of abuse, as anything else that the world gets upset over. Hopefully, in time, forums and pages such as this, will open people’s eyes.
I couldnt help but notice your name ” thinking of leaving” LOL I think you have left already :) Get out NOW!
Of those who volunteered time and labor on construction of the NYC Watchtower compound/complex, did any consider writing off the amount as charity on tax form? Not sure how that would be accounted for, since no tracking of time and labor expended, right? Perhaps that has changed with the construction of the Warwick Watchtower compound?